hayabuser is not a racist. This thread is full of "what if's",conjecture,hypothosis,internet "seen it here" type krap. It's like when you were in school and on the debating team and being asked to be pro-abortion or non. You are handed something you do or don't believe in but have to present a reasonable argument.That's all. Their are plenty of racists around to hate,hayabuser is NOT one of them.Some of the greatest minds on earth have been accused of "thinking outside the box."
hayabuser is NOT one of the greatest minds on earth however,the guy is border-line fuggin' stoopid.
Kiddin'...he chose to present an' idea...
NOT his beliefs.Thats it.
I believe the world is flat,I'm pro abortion and I know cigarettes won't hurt me.
The man is a friend of mine,not here to back him up,just point out what could have been picked up on.
Hate me,not him....I don't mind at all.
hayabuser is NOT one of the greatest minds on earth however,the guy is border-line fuggin' stoopid.

NOT his beliefs.Thats it.
I believe the world is flat,I'm pro abortion and I know cigarettes won't hurt me.

The man is a friend of mine,not here to back him up,just point out what could have been picked up on.
Hate me,not him....I don't mind at all.