I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

hayabuser is not a racist. This thread is full of "what if's",conjecture,hypothosis,internet "seen it here" type krap. It's like when you were in school and on the debating team and being asked to be pro-abortion or non. You are handed something you do or don't believe in but have to present a reasonable argument.That's all. Their are plenty of racists around to hate,hayabuser is NOT one of them.Some of the greatest minds on earth have been accused of "thinking outside the box."
hayabuser is NOT one of the greatest minds on earth however,the guy is border-line fuggin' stoopid. :laugh: Kiddin'...he chose to present an' idea...
NOT his beliefs.Thats it.
I believe the world is flat,I'm pro abortion and I know cigarettes won't hurt me.:thumbsup:
The man is a friend of mine,not here to back him up,just point out what could have been picked up on.
Hate me,not him....I don't mind at all.
I wonder that if slavery had never been a thing in the USA, if the USA would have much of a black population at all today.

Could it be that slavery, and then the freeing of the slaves set the descendants of a lot of displaced Africans up for a better life as Americans than if they'd never been taken from Africa? I mean, could protests like these exist in a country like Congo, Nigeria or Somalia where your life is valueless to the dictatorship government and no one would blink seeing you gunned down in the street? Life isn't very pleasant in much of Africa, after all.

Just talking out of my arse, not meaning to offend, etc.

I watch a lot of "alternate history" videos on YouTube and many interesting theories like this are discussed. Food for thought kind of stuff.

As a Canadian watching from the sidelines, I think that every American has much to be thankful for and despite some of the issues that are being brought to light, life could be considerably worse in many, many other places. Lemons, lemonade. Or something.

Preparing for my stoning now.....
You and I both know they aren't flocking back to their homelands.
I wonder that if slavery had never been a thing in the USA, if the USA would have much of a black population at all today.

Could it be that slavery, and then the freeing of the slaves set the descendants of a lot of displaced Africans up for a better life as Americans than if they'd never been taken from Africa? I mean, could protests like these exist in a country like Congo, Nigeria or Somalia where your life is valueless to the dictatorship government and no one would blink seeing you gunned down in the street? Life isn't very pleasant in much of Africa, after all.

Just talking out of my arse, not meaning to offend, etc.

I watch a lot of "alternate history" videos on YouTube and many interesting theories like this are discussed. Food for thought kind of stuff.

As a Canadian watching from the sidelines, I think that every American has much to be thankful for and despite some of the issues that are being brought to light, life could be considerably worse in many, many other places. Lemons, lemonade. Or something.

Preparing for my stoning now.....
The thing is if there was no slavery the AA people here would not have been born because they would not have the same parents/ancestors that were brought here to be slaves.

Also others that are mixed would not be here because slave owners sometime took black women. So you can't really say their life would be better.

I ran across this video if John Wayne that I had never seen yesterday and never heard him speak outside of movies but he kind of said the same thing...

Hi. I know there are to many people with guns that do not know how to use them. It be harder to get a one than it is. I train at least 3 times a week. I have my range in my back yard. I have taken a 36 hr course over 4 days. I fired 2500 rounds in that course. I fire about 5000 rounds a year. I also take lesions in shoot do not shoot. I have been shot at over 100 times. Hit 1 time. It is hard to know what your reaction will be. Unless you have been shot at. We got back from a hot LZ and we counted 90 holes going in to our bird. So I know what I will do. [ I will return fire]
We all can't have your experience or a range in our back yard. Thanks for your service! I would love to have a range in my backyard.
The thing is if there was no slavery the AA people here would not have been born because they would not have the same parents/ancestors that were brought here to be slaves.

Also others that are mixed would not be here because slave owners sometime took black women. So you can't really say their life would be better.

I ran across this video if John Wayne that I had never seen yesterday and never heard him speak outside of movies but he kind of said the same thing...

I like his movies but not necessarily his views on this subject...

If this was an actor of today saying this sort of thing, they'd be ostracised and drummed out of the business.

I know if my ancestors were ripped out of their lives, chained in the bottom of a ship, sold into slavery, raped and beaten, I'd not relish in the idea their lives were improved...

Anyone who thinks the opposite needs to seriously reflect on this for a while..

People are saying "yes but it's been years and years since they (slaves) were freed so why are colored people today protesting?" Black people might have been freed from slavery but they have never really been freed, even now there are stigmas surrounding black people for no good reason. It wasn't that long ago that there were white only places (restaurants, drinking fountains, areas at parks), just by having these means the black people weren't totally freed.

Black people aren't alone in this struggle, women and most people of color are lumped in there too.

The days of the "old boys club" are slowly dying off but not quickly enough.
I like his movies but not necessarily his views on this subject...

If this was an actor of today saying this sort of thing, they'd be ostracised and drummed out of the business.

I know if my ancestors were ripped out of their lives, chained in the bottom of a ship, sold into slavery, raped and beaten, I'd not relish in the idea their lives were improved...

Anyone who thinks the opposite needs to seriously reflect on this for a while..

People are saying "yes but it's been years and years since they (slaves) were freed so why are colored people today protesting?" Black people might have been freed from slavery but they have never really been freed, even now there are stigmas surrounding black people for no good reason. It wasn't that long ago that there were white only places (restaurants, drinking fountains, areas at parks), just by having these means the black people weren't totally freed.

Black people aren't alone in this struggle, women and most people of color are lumped in there too.

The days of the "old boys club" are slowly dying off but not quickly enough.
Is this Yellow09 did you change your name?

Yes I was surprised to hear what the Duke had to say. I don't think he liked the womens lib thing either.
Is this Yellow09 did you change your name?

Yes I was surprised to hear what the Duke had to say. I don't think he liked the womens lib thing either.

This indeed is I,

I decided to change my user name as my bike is actually black and is referred to as the "Bumblebee" both by the previous owner and just about anyone who encounters it so I went with it.

The Duke was from another time and era....many people of his time thought similarly but since those years, as you know full well, peoples opinions and views have changed...(thank goodness for that).
This indeed is I,

I decided to change my user name as my bike is actually black and is referred to as the "Bumblebee" both by the previous owner and just about anyone who encounters it so I went with it.

The Duke was from another time and era....many people of his time thought similarly but since those years, as you know full well, peoples opinions and views have changed...(thank goodness for that).
Got ya, I should change mine since I haven't had an 08 Busa for years.
That was in the 70's he died in 79. Lots of changes since then.
Got ya, I should change mine since I haven't had an 08 Busa for years.
That was in the 70's he died in 79. Lots of changes since then.

The Duke had lots of views...he hated communists, respected women but was dismayed they still wanted doors opened for them and seated in chairs yet wanted to be treated the same as men...he would speak on this sometimes. He would say if they wanted to be equals, they could open their own doors...

On his sets he would go mingle with the extras who were either native, black or Mexicans after hours and a couple of his wives were of Spanish decent. He wasn't a racist, just had strong views.

I read his autobiography and he was a seriously patriotic American.
I like his movies but not necessarily his views on this subject...

If this was an actor of today saying this sort of thing, they'd be ostracised and drummed out of the business.

I know if my ancestors were ripped out of their lives, chained in the bottom of a ship, sold into slavery, raped and beaten, I'd not relish in the idea their lives were improved...

Anyone who thinks the opposite needs to seriously reflect on this for a while..

People are saying "yes but it's been years and years since they (slaves) were freed so why are colored people today protesting?" Black people might have been freed from slavery but they have never really been freed, even now there are stigmas surrounding black people for no good reason. It wasn't that long ago that there were white only places (restaurants, drinking fountains, areas at parks), just by having these means the black people weren't totally freed.

Black people aren't alone in this struggle, women and most people of color are lumped in there too.

The days of the "old boys club" are slowly dying off but not quickly enough.
I have ancestors that were Jews in Germany. We must be over it because I wasn't raised being told that. It was discovered by a relative doing geneology research.

Man them Germans owe me now.
I have ancestors that were Jews in Germany. We must be over it because I wasn't raised being told that. It was discovered by a relative doing geneology research.

Man them Germans owe me now.

Technically they do, yes, at least the party who was in power at the time...hard to launch a lawsuit now.

The eradication of the Jewish (and many others) by the government of wartime Germany was conducted in a time where there was an oversight committee established post war to sort this out.

The kidnapping and brutal treatment of the black peoples destined for the slave trade within the US was never really put to bed (so to speak) the civil war was fought and when the confederacy surrendered, the black people went from being slaves to being oppressed. They were free but not really free as they never had the same rights as everyone else and often times much less.

Black people went to war for their country, fought hard and well only to come home and be shunned..When white units were disembarking the troop ships, they came down the main gangplank and bands were playing, people were cheering, the black units came down a second (different) gangplank and no bands were playing and only a few people greeted them.

As a former long serving soldier, I know how that must have felt to these men who gave their all to a country who just didn't give a crap about them....not much has changed over the years.

An uprising was inevitable and long over-due for peoples of all colors to stand up together and eliminate any and all racial discrimination. This is different from the "race wars" of years ago, in this new version, all people are standing up for each other.

The destruction and mayhem is not being done by the people who want change-these are professional anarchists who are conducting these actions.
I have ancestors that were Jews in Germany. We must be over it because I wasn't raised being told that. It was discovered by a relative doing geneology research.

Man them Germans owe me now.

Some may have missed it but I see what you’re doing. Very obvious.:mad:
Like how a good portion of America is going. He made more not working than he did if he did work. Man he scored like 80M. This is a glorious pathetic nation.

Time for me to cash out and find a country that never had slaves. I think there is like 3 if my history classes are still in my cortex somewhere.
People like you got played. If you had just said "whatever, it's a free country and while I don't agree with what he is saying I would die for his right to say it" this would have all disappeared like so many other protests. Oops
I have ancestors that were Jews in Germany. We must be over it because I wasn't raised being told that. It was discovered by a relative doing geneology research.

Man them Germans owe me now.

Dude are you serious? The Germans paid a fortune to the Jewish as part of the peace settlement. We gave them a country and we basically paid to support them, even do to this day. We gave them a military in many ways equal to ours and we still shield them from their enemies. Like I said are you awake?
Dude are you serious? The Germans paid a fortune to the Jewish as part of the peace settlement. We gave them a country and we basically paid to support them, even do to this day. We gave them a military in many ways equal to ours and we still shield them from their enemies. Like I said are you awake?
Ever hear of Liberia? So for those that went there, they are squared away then from the slavery issue. For those that didn't take that deal are wanting more.

My oppressed Jewish relatives that didn't go to Israel and ended up here are still oppressed by the Germans. My Jewish ancestors were killed and enslaved those years ago and the Germans are doing better than me. I want them to pay.me. And all my descendants.
John "The Puke" Wayne used to make his way thru our little town here on his way up the island to fish our then world famous salmon fishing spot. On more than one occasion he mistreated the locals.He didn't get roles because he was a great actor,he got roles because he was the only game in town. Back in the day actors were contracted to studio's for x number of films. Directors,writers,and casting services had to choose from that pool.
Example: Rock Hudson,Burt Lancaster and Chuck Connors all played American Indians.Charles Bronson as an' Indian, with that iconic moustash,very believable.:D Chuck with those flaming blue eyes...IDK.
Who was responsible for casting back then. :laugh:
James Stewart as a tuff guy...
