I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

Except for the fact that she can't decide what she believes....
I have been following here for well
Now, this is the first ever time I have heard about her or seen anything she has made, but to the uninitiated such as myself, she sounds pretty sorted out...

Was any of her info factual?
You can find her on Facebook and other sites. She was also running Blexit which is trying to make other black people see that the democrats have got them nowhere in the last 50 years and suggesting they leave the democrat party.
I have been following here for well

You can find her on Facebook and other sites. She was also running Blexit which is trying to make other black people see that the democrats have got them nowhere in the last 50 years and suggesting they leave the democrat party.
I don't do the Facebook thing...

Is she someone legit or some sort of activist?
I have been following here for well

You can find her on Facebook and other sites. She was also running Blexit which is trying to make other black people see that the democrats have got them nowhere in the last 50 years and suggesting they leave the democrat party.
She said she wasn't aware of racism in her childhood, but sued her school for racism. Those cannot simultaneously be true.
Owens said she didn't have "any problems at all with the word 'nationalism,'" a word she characterized as too often associated with Hitler. Whenever we say 'nationalism,' the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine.

She continued, "The problem is that he wanted — he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. That's not, to me, that's not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don't really have an issue with nationalism. I really don't. I think that it's OK. Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."

Plus you don't want to watch the Tucker clip. What about the black cop killed on FB Live? What is your opinion on that? Many cops were killed and wounded not to mention innocent people.
I agree what the police did to Floyd was murder but the response was no warranted. Now that all four cops were arrested why was there more riots yesterday and another cop show and more wounded. More looting?
Also the ones below.

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Owens did not make the comments about Hitler being homicidal etc during that same interview, she said that later, after having been called on it.

You, and many others are lumping good protestors in with bad, while telling us to not lump good cops in with bad. Surely you can see the irony?
Don’t rush to judgement, get all the facts, then make a decision. Some here won’t be happy even if they were hung by the heels , bled out , and left to rot in the town square, with no court proceedings. The court of public opinion is not always right, and you or someone you know could be held to the same standards.
I don't do the Facebook thing...

Is she someone legit or some sort of activist?
I would say she is. She has close to 3 million followers on FB.


1,972,817 people like this

2,767,365 people follow this

She also has a website.
Owens did not make the comments about Hitler being homicidal etc during that same interview, she said that later, after having been called on it.

You, and many others are lumping good protestors in with bad, while telling us to not lump good cops in with bad. Surely you can see the irony?
She said this at the same time " He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. That's not, to me, that's not nationalism".

What protesters did I bring up?
Also you did not address my other questions.
Don’t rush to judgement, get all the facts, then make a decision. Some here won’t be happy even if they were hung by the heels , bled out , and left to rot in the town square, with no court proceedings. The court of public opinion is not always right, and you or someone you know could be held to the same standards.
If only everyone followed that advice.
She said this at the same time " He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. That's not, to me, that's not nationalism".

What protesters did I bring up?
Also you did not address my other questions.
The pictures at the bottom of your post are captioned as people having been killed by "protestors"...

Sorry, which questions did I fail to address?
I would say that you only want to talk about good protesters and leave the bad ones out.
Not at all. I have repeatedly condemned the actions of looters and those who attack innocents, in fact you and I have discussed the issue. It's completely unacceptable. My point here is that bringing up other wrongdoing, even if it's related, doesn't take away from the wrongdoing of Chauvin and the other cops. I'm not suggesting Floyd was an angel, or even a decent person, but that doesn't mean that he can be killed unlawfully.
Not at all. I have repeatedly condemned the actions of looters and those who attack innocents, in fact you and I have discussed the issue. It's completely unacceptable. My point here is that bringing up other wrongdoing, even if it's related, doesn't take away from the wrongdoing of Chauvin and the other cops. I'm not suggesting Floyd was an angel, or even a decent person, but that doesn't mean that he can be killed unlawfully.
OK. I also said that I believe Chauvin deserves what he gets based off the video. I did find it odd that he worked with Floyd. Anyways I am out of here for today. Have a good night.
Not all killing is wrong, I'm not making that argument, I don't believe it to be true. This killing is wrong without question. Premeditated? Highly unlikely. But with great power comes great responsibility. Was Floyd a perfect poster child as some would have us believe? Not at all. But nobody deserves to die in that manner.
Nowhere did I suggest that there shouldn't be a trial, not sure where that idea came from. In fact, chauvin will indeed be provided the benefit of the system which he personally denied to Floyd. You keep saying that you want more evidence, that what you've seen is insufficient, like you're waiting for mitigating factors. An innocent man died at the hands of the police, no mitigation necessary. Minnesota doesn't have the death penalty, so even if convicted, the only practical difference in degree is length of possible sentence.
Being a police officer is a big responsibility and it gets huge when you are dealing with peoples' lives.

Plus you don't want to watch the Tucker clip. What about the black cop killed on FB Live? What is your opinion on that? Many cops were killed and wounded not to mention innocent people.
I agree what the police did to Floyd was murder but the response was no warranted. Now that all four cops were arrested why was there more riots yesterday and another cop show and more wounded. More looting?
Also the ones below.
Protestors should certainly be protesting for the black cops who lost their lives. Cops lives matter.

At this point (if I haven't already said this) I totally separate civil rights, civil disobedience, racism, George Floyd and police brutality. They're all important issues but I can't handle it all at once. There are even conflicts arising like the protestors are protesting against police brutality but some of the protestors end up really being rioters which requires aggressive policing. Floyd is the object of the demonstrations but Floyd had an incident including some pretty severe violence and violations of another's human rights in the past. Cops are on trial for police brutality while cops are being brutalized by citizens. This is a GD whirlwind!

Don’t rush to judgement, get all the facts, then make a decision. Some here won’t be happy even if they were hung by the heels , bled out , and left to rot in the town square, with no court proceedings. The court of public opinion is not always right, and you or someone you know could be held to the same standards.
You said it, bro.

If only everyone followed that advice.
[of Ahmaud Arbery shooting] You said it too, bro!

The pictures at the bottom of your post are captioned as people having been killed by "protestors"...
Very good point. There are those that protest and those that riot. protestors should not be confused with rioters although at this point, it IS frequently difficult to determine if a protestor isn't also a rioter. Riots are hapening in broad daylight now. That is the point of the caption in the photo. "the protest has been highjacked."

I'm not suggesting Floyd was an angel, or even a decent person, but that doesn't mean that he can be killed unlawfully.
Absolutely agree on that. In my heart, I feel he was a decent person but he was also a desperate addict. However, I am trying to think with my head on this now and not my heart.

I did find it odd that he worked with Floyd.
Floyd only lived on Minneapolis for 6 years. I don't know how many of those he worked security at the same nightclub as Chauvin but the manager says she thinks it's likely they never met each other. ONe worked outside and one in. That is a weird coincidence still.
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The officers where wrong, and that officer has been charged for Murder. However, I'm not sure Mr. Floyd with his extensive record including drugs and violence towards women, black women, should be held up as the poster child as some martyr that justifies burning all our own poop up.

Take a look at Candice Owen's response if you dare. This goes hand in hand to my previous post(s) about black people using the N word.

Not only that, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that SOMEONE is inciting this violence to create political turmoil; who puts out strategically placed PALLETS of NEW BRICKS for people to throw at the police? "Hey Home depot, drop me off a pallet of bricks here in the street at this location and this location"? That's who EVERYBODY ought to be pissed at...

And all the videos of WHITE PEOPLE dressed in black and hiding their cowardly faces tearing poop up and black people trying to stop them because they know THEY will get blamed?

WAKE UP BLACK COMMUNITY, YOU ARE BEING USED BY ANTIFA and worse to try and change a Presidential election. Some of this stuff is straight out of the insurgency manual. Create division, support the one you can manipulate, and if necessary, give it the push yourself to get it to explode.


@Mythos I'm not going to quote your entire post, you make some good points, but the whole point of understanding this correctly is to look at all the things you're trying to separate as an interconnected web. Yes, it's a whirlwind, yes it's confusing and messy, yes the fact that there are no clear answers to why this happened is frustrating, yes advantage is being taken by individual actors within a larger framework. Such is the nature of race relations in this country.
WAKE UP BLACK COMMUNITY, YOU ARE BEING USED BY ANTIFA and worse to try and change a Presidential election. Some of this stuff is straight out of the insurgency manual. Create division, support the one you can manipulate, and if necessary, give it the push yourself to get it to explode.

Got any evidence?

On the other hand....

Boogaloo arrested

Has Fox news mentioned the Boogaloo?

If I were gay, I would dislike those who are anti-gay. I'm black, so I dislike those who are anti-black. I'm a man, so I dislike those who are anti-man. People tend to dislike groups that are anti the things which they identify with. If a person dislikes anti-facists to the point of declaring them a terrorist group but doesn't say anything about white nationalist organizations, what conclusion should logically be drawn?
Karma is a pleasant thought for some.......I suppose.

This speaks more to the truth of life.........."the rain falls on the just and the unjust"
I watched a bit of the memorial for Mr Floyd, you'd have thought he won the Nobel Peace Prize for curing cancer the way the people were acting...

I've seen much less flamboyant memorials for soldiers fallen in battle than this one...

Incredible is the word to be used.