Facts and evidence. Look at the video and pics. 4 cops all neatly dressed.No dirt on their clothes(knees,elbows,backs)they did not touch the ground.Look at their hair-do's. Not one hair out of place.Shirts un-tucked...nope. Walkie microphones pulled from their shirts...uuuu,nope. Any sign of even the slightest tussle.Not that you can see. Were these 4 involved in a fight for their lives...it would not
appear so. So even if floyd got out of hand off camera....maybe spit on them...tried to kick...tried to bite...used harsh language...he did not need to be killed.
Did the officer wake up that day and say to himself "I'm gonna kill me a black man today." I don't think he did. Is he a closet KKK or maybe just an' over zealous a55hole...maybe. I just don't think he wanted to trade his life for a life behind bars all to kill george floyd.Things got carried away.He knew he was being filmed.Was his goal to go down as the mighty killer of a defenceless black man? Maybe,but I doubt it.
Here's my unpopular stance. I don't feel for floyd.Not because he's a black man or any of that. Floyd was not a great person. I think "The Cause" has made a horrible choice in selecting their "poster boy." Obviously it was not a choice they actually made,it was events that were thrust upon them.
Should all acts of all men be unconditionally forgiven? Not in my world.
As written earlier by me I have a problem with a man that did the things that floyd did. I'm no angel...but have never felt THE NEED to do a home invasion on a defenceless WOMAN.
"Justice is mine sayeth the Lord."
The Bible in many forms Karma...maybe so.
Take up the cause...yes for sure.Change needs to occur. Take it up in the name of floyd? I'm going to have to pass. It's my right as a free thinker.
I will take up protest when all of this bull5hit has passed.
It's between him and his God's or Demon's now. He does NOT have my sympathy. I'm sure I will cry out for God,for my Mother at my passing...
I won't be upset if either chooses to not grant forgiveness.