I let him violate me ...

Good deal, Powers. Now slow down you maniac
Hmm, here in TN you're supposed to already be under arrest before a test is offered. All they're trying to do with the test is determine a level of impairment. With a horizontal gaze nystagmus test, most already know just how high you'll blow beforehand. You'll get that in the field sobriety testing which is done during the investigation.
(bitabur @ Aug. 19 2007,03:08) So you were caught doing 2x the limit, took a breathalyzer, got no ticket, and you're mad???

If he honestly thought you could have been drinking (which, if he did a double take at your 0.0, he probably did) than he was doing the right thing to test you...
Actually, the surprised look on his face might be from it being 0.0 period... Why? Cause from what I've heard, even if you haven't drank anything, you'll blow about a .02 naturally. Again, just what I've been told. Heard it from a few people.
in FL your DL signature is your agreement to a breathalyser, Of course I'll take the test any day if I walk away without a ticket doing double the limit.
In FL anyway, they can arrest you for suspicion of a DUI if they just feel like it...probable cause (red glassy eyes) is good enough reason. Granted that won't hold up in court, but you'll still have to spend $500 to get bailed out, $150-$200 to get your car back, $2000-4000 for a lawyer and court fees to simply get it dismissed. Don't ask me how I know. Also, if you do decide to blow you don't even have to blow a .08 or a higher, a .05 is enough to close the roadside case.

They are not "required" to offer a field sobriety test or breathalyzer...of course you are not required to take them either or answer any questions whatsoever. Of course you'll be sent straight to jail. It is an abused privilege.
(06BUSA @ Aug. 19 2007,22:06) Like that BMW. It looks tuff.
I have not looked at the BMW's statistics, but I think it's suposed to put out something like 150hp are the rear wheel. That's what the owner says, but I have not verified it. I haven't had the time or desire to research it.

The bike seems to be pretty long. The cheapest thing on a BMW?

Any one?

The cheapest thing on a BMW is the driver...
