I threw out my CHRISTmas tree...

I just get a little nervous when churches tell people it doesnt matter what sin you commit, you can still be forgiven if you ask.  just seems a little to easy? imagine if Hitler asked for forgiveness and took jesus into his heart just days before he died, millions of jews would turn heaven into hell...

I don't want to hijack a question that was posed to WWJD, but there is a problem with your question: Hitler would never ask for forgiveness - he believed fully that he was right in murdering millions.  So was Stalin (and they were, according to the Atheist world-view).

But more to the point: no sin is so great that it cannot be forgiven by God.  Such is the love of Him for us.  It does seem easy, because it is!  However, accepting Jesus with an honest and repentant heart is beyond capacity for many people (mainly due to their pride).  
And to WWJD: careful, lest someone call you a Christian Apologist.  

M_O (Christian Apologist)
Nice piece and a great reminder of what Christmas is all about WWJD.

The midwinter/december celebrations/ 12 days of Christmas, etc are rooted in various cultures going back over 4000 yrs to the Mesopotamians. TWISTED gave you the rundown from there.

In 98 AD Christians decided they would celbrate the birth of Christ. In 350 AD the Bisop of Rome established the 25 day of December as the day it would be celebrated. One particular interest is that the 25 of December, prior to the rise of Christianity in Rome had been a pagan holiday celebrating another god/incarnation/victory and the seasonal change.

Many believe, and it has often been the case, that the day was picked to supplant pagan celebrations and replace them with Christian celebrations. However, christians are also apart of and operate within a secular construct and as often happens pagan sysmbols and traditions bleedover intoChristian holidays. Why?
Because Christians as well as non-christians celebrate the holiday bring both secular and non-secular aspects into it. And since the secular out number the non-secular typically the HOLY DAY becomes becomes a Holiday and the non-secular aspects diminish

Great piece, whether we agree or not WWJD you have everyone thinking about the issue. Christ would be pleased, because as long as we are thinking and discussing the issue there's hope
Ottor hit it with the "No sin greater" thing - it's not about party till you die and sneak in at the last second...
IF the soul is polarized, do you really think someone asking at the last second to get to heaven REALLY MEANS it deep in their heart enough to open the door?  Saying the words is not meaning it, if you know what I mean.   Oops!  Going deep again.  Anyway, gald to flex some brain cells over CHRISTmas!  I hope for CHRISTmas I get peace and goodwill for all mankind.... and a BB Gun!

Oh and Rev, I wasn't talking about YOUR pointy ears!! What are ya, Vulcan???

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Its called "X"-mas 'cause all us unbelievers e"X"change gifts.
Or because we get to "X" in a day of work and still get paid!!!

So Merry "X"Mas y'all.
If ya believe in Christ...
But don't go to church because of "posers"...

Does that mean ya won't hang out with Busa "riders"...
Who don't ride???

dang rev, yer not holdin on to any WMDs are ya?  

I didnt figure ya for satans side kick WW, I just get a little nervous when churches tell people it doesnt matter what sin you commit, you can still be forgiven if you ask.  just seems a little to easy? imagine if Hitler asked for forgiveness and took jesus into his heart just days before he died, millions of jews would turn heaven into hell...
Ummm... Twisted.... The Busa....If properly used...

IS a WMD !!!

I just know this...my religious background is truly jacked up....gave up on organized religion years back...but....this week my family will all be at my house for the first time in years, and for that I am thankful. Whatever their motive, if the christmas thing encourages them to be nice to each other for a few weeks out of the year, I'm okay with that. Try to look past the commercialism and find your own reasons to celebrate......

Happy Holiday Season to all you fellow 'Busa folks, whatever your beliefs.......Cheers!!
If ya believe in Christ...
But don't go to church because of "posers"...

Does that mean ya won't hang out with Busa "riders"...
Who don't ride???

Hey Wait a minute...yeah...I think that was a jab...

I haven't been doing any the last few weeks, I hae Soooo much to get done by the end of January that it's gotten spooky... I'll be better in a month or so Bro, and I'll be sure to give you a yell OK...

So, back to the regularly scheduled program, I believe it really all comes down to faith. Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, it comes down to true belief. Not going through the motions, not putting on your Sunday best and showing up for image sake, but knowing that your god is out there looking out for you. There to support you in the rough times and give you peace of mind in the good. Real faith, Real Belief, Real Trust... I can respect that regardless of ideology.

I just get a little nervous when churches tell people it doesnt matter what sin you commit, you can still be forgiven if you ask.  just seems a little to easy? imagine if Hitler asked for forgiveness and took jesus into his heart just days before he died, millions of jews would turn heaven into hell...

I don't want to hijack a question that was posed to WWJD, but there is a problem with your question: Hitler would never ask for forgiveness - he believed fully that he was right in murdering millions.  So was Stalin (and they were, according to the Atheist world-view).

But more to the point: no sin is so great that it cannot be forgiven by God.  Such is the love of Him for us.  It does seem easy, because it is!  However, accepting Jesus with an honest and repentant heart is beyond capacity for many people (mainly due to their pride).  
And to WWJD: careful, lest someone call you a Christian Apologist.  

M_O (Christian Apologist)
Otter, are you saying that only the people that know they're committing a sin while they are committing a sin can be forgiven? what if hitler had an epiphany as everything around him was crumbling to the ground and he saw the light?

are you implying that only the people that realize and believe they are committing a sin at the time they are committing one can be forgivin? or are you saying people that realize and beleive they are not committing a sin at the time they commit one will never realize they committed one? or are not capable of realizing or believeing they committed one so they will never ask for forgiveness?

if that is true, the whole forgiveness thing is even scarier, using that rational, only the people that realize and believe they were committing a sin at the time they commited one are the ones that are forgiven?

seems more logical to forgive those that didnt realize or believe they were sinning at the time, as opposed to those that did, maybe thats just a grey area? I guess the christians have it all worked out?
This is by far one of the best topics (by the way each one replied and had respect for others beliefs in spite of having others) that I have had the pleasure of reading on the internet. I happen to be a born again believer in Christ and some of the things I have read here in this post have reminded me of my obligation to at all times to be an example to everyone arround me - even on this board. I am not always that person, as you can tell from some of my posts, but hope no one looks to me to be perfect, because I'll only let you down. Sorry to those of you who were at one time or another looking for Christ and seen or found one or some who call or claim themselves Christians to have soured your experience or beliefs in Him. My hope is that those people (including myself)who claim to be a Christian will do so, and be the example that they are called to be - without being a hypocrit.
May God bless each & everyone of you this season and the New Year to come.

Pit Bull
I am Jewish so forgive my ignorance with this topic.

But why is there a Santa Clause and a Easter Bunny? Most Christians put up a Christmas tree and take their kids to see Santa Clause. But the first commandment clearly states that "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an IDOL IN THE FORM OF ANYTHING in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

On that same note, why do Christians pray to Saints (For example St Christopher for traveling). Wouldn't this be against the first commandment also? I know Christianity was founded on the basis of pagan religions but I don't understand how they can have 1 God and still worship Saints and the like.

Just curious, not trying to start a holy war. Happy Holidays.

And here I figured I'd only get like 3 replys.
The RESPECT thing is the best part of all!!!
Pit, I'm no example either, but being human we'll never be "perfect". Trouble is, some people think Christian = No Longer Human? If a preacher has an affair it's absolutley horrible and he should know better.... when you neighbor has one, it's just cool gossip. We are ALL human and not perfect. To ME, Jesus is a great example that it CAN be done.

Many thanks to all the opened minded people here at HAYABUSA.ORG, for responding, sharing thier thoughts, and listening to each other. This could have really gotten ugly, quickly, especially since you are all wrong and going to hell. bahahahahhaaha joke!!! ROFL
cbriggs - that's what I'm saying...  it's distraction tactic by the evil one cloaked so cleverly and slowly over time no one notices these things....  like a frog who boils to death in a pan of water as you turn the temp up.  Beware:  MATRIX metaphor coming up....   ;)  Many people worship TV and pop stars too. Don;t get me started down THAT path!

Presents to wrap, carols to sing, dinner to guttonize....
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!

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pit, its not just some of the christians, I like the idea of god, jesus and being good and all, but when a religion that doesnt recongnize the fact dinasours existed wants to tell you you can do anything you like and be forgiven as long as you ask. I find that a little more than curious? the way I see it, they prolly have some of it right and some of it wrong, kind of like interpreting federal laws I guess?

things evolve, like christmas evolved, and it will prolly continue to evolve. I have always wondered why christians have such a hard time understanding the fact things evolve?
Of COURSE dinosaurs existed... they just didn't write anything memorable.
La Biblia doesn't detail everything, just enough.

But ya know what torques me the most is RELIGIOUS WOMEN in POLITICS!!!! hahahahahahahahohohohohohohoho [cough cough] Thanks, I'll be here all week, please tip your waitress.
ww, my cousin is a devout christian he also attended some classes to give sermons or something of the sort, between adam and eve and noahs ark he and his church have come to the conclusion that the earth has not evovled in the manner in which they teach in schools, he apparently thinks the earth is around 25,000 yrs old? he also feels christmas is a holiday for the birth of christ and corporate america is trying to steal christmas from them? I have heard many comments like these from several christians. I have seen discussion boards where some christians were trying to dispell "radio carbon dating", trying to convince others man did not live before adam and eve? I hear christians say the earth didnt evolve at all like historians, archiologists, linguists and scientists suggest it has?

apparently when the bible was written there was a completly different world that existed for millions of years and the people of that time had not discovered its existence, and thats why it was left out, and ever since this book was written biblists have tried to dispell every scientific find that is contrary to the bible, I have even heard them go as far as claiming the apallo trips to the moon were staged at area 51?
Pretty cool topic & I agree with alot of the items mentioned, especially the stuff about "the church" adopting an ancient pagan holiday. If I missed it did anyone mention Jesus was born ( most scholars agree ) in the fall maybe even as early as Oct 1-2. I am a christian and choose not to celebrate the holidays due to the history steeped in many non christian traditions. I do however appreciate the fact that many come together and enjoy goodwill toward all men. So for that I wish all to enjoy this time of year and lookin forward to a great 2004! Cheers!
Otter, are you saying that only the people that know they're committing a sin while they are committing a sin can be forgiven? what if hitler had an epiphany as everything around him was crumbling to the ground and he saw the light?

are you implying that only the people that realize and believe they are committing a sin at the time they are committing one can be forgivin? or are you saying people that realize and beleive they are not committing a sin at the time they commit one will never realize they committed one? or are not capable of realizing or believeing they committed one so they will never ask for forgiveness?

if that is true, the whole forgiveness thing is even scarier, using that rational, only the people that realize and believe they were committing a sin at the time they commited one are the ones that are forgiven?

seems more logical to forgive those that didnt realize or believe they were sinning at the time, as opposed to those that did, maybe thats just a grey area?  I guess the christians have it all worked out?

You're begging the question!  Many people go throughout life not knowing or understanding what "sin" is.  They are apatheists (don't know, don't care).  But we're not talking about apatheists, we're talking about Hilter - a devout Atheist. An Atheist fully understands the concept of sin, but denies that it exists.  The Atheist world view actively and consciously denies any such thing as a universal moral law (despite proofs) and attributes it to "genetic predisposition", "will to power". or other such nonsense.

The answer to your question then is: everybody can can be forgiven of sin, provided that they are sincere in the asking.  Hitler's heart was hardened by hatred (10+ Million can attest), it would take nothing short of a miracle to change that.

To your second question: I am indeed implying that only when people realize what they are doing is wrong (an act contrary to the Word of God) can they ask for forgiveness - why would they otherwise?  Better put - how COULD they otherwise?  Certainly, someone who honestly thought they did no wrong couldn't honestly ask for forgiveness for the same act.  

For extreme crimes, this is what the courts call "temporary insanity" - the person at the time was unable to discern right and wrong, and therefore should be acquited (or subject to a lesser punishment).  In our courts, it works for murder, but doesn't do much for stealing a candy bar. However, all sin in equal in the eyes of the Lord.  

Perhaps this is a better topic to take off-line.  If you'd like to discuss the issue via email, I'd be more than happy to hear your views, provided you extend me the same courtesy.  I honestly feel that, given full intellectual honesty, you will understand what the Christian world view is (even if you might not agree).

I look forward to hearing from you.  