I want to know your opinion

DUDE RUN FAST!!! Next thing you know there will be a rabbit boiling in your kitchen.

You were in a wedding party, period! The bride and groom want memorable pics, the photog arranges that and unless you were groping or otherwise molesting the bridesmaid in question your date was throwing a "I'm a diva and need your 100% undivided attention temper tantrum."

Sorry if that was harsh. I had a bad day at work and hormones are afoul so people and pastries in my way beware!!
hahhahah...do you know her..lol.

its a shame, she is a good girl....but just not right for me.

I just see it all the time with the guys I ride with. As a matter of fact it has happened to me once already and I have only been riding 2 months. Oh well. I will take the Busa over a boy anyday...
So long as the photog was staging everyone the same then there's no issue. She could only have had something to say if you suggested it.

Make a decision about her and sleep on it. If you feel the same in the morning then carry it out.

+1... If the photog was staging it that way there is no big deal. If you two took it upon yourselves to have her sit in your lap i could see it being an issue. it also depends on how long your guys have been together. Perception is reality. Same thing i have been through with women before. if you want to be sitting on guys laps go ahead...but you will be doing it single :laugh:
I would be dne with her. I had this happen to a 22 year old friend who stood up at my wedding. His wife throw a fit that he stood up with my wifes cousin who was still in her teens. Bottom line is he kept her for a while and they were both misserable. 30 years later and divorced they are both doing well.
Oh well. I will take the Busa over a boy anyday...
^^^ Wisdom...

This girl has been telling you all the warnings. If I want to know how a female works, listen to one that is.

I would not put up witdatsht is take a bike over a babe. That's why I never married. Dealing with one is enough.

Sex does not work out either. That stops too. Only way a bike stops is if it runs out of gas.

I like women, butt day are a pain; once they stop moaning and being to complete sentences.
dump her and date the girl who sat on your lap, good lord almighty she would sit on santas lap for a picture right? tell her djsin said to stop being so jealous:laugh:
DUDE RUN FAST!!! Next thing you know there will be a rabbit boiling in your kitchen.

You were in a wedding party, period! The bride and groom want memorable pics, the photog arranges that and unless you were groping or otherwise molesting the bridesmaid in question your date was throwing a "I'm a diva and need your 100% undivided attention temper tantrum."

Sounds like a high maintenance BEEOTCCHHH to me...

I'm jus saying.... if ya dig that type go right ahead...
last Saturday I was in a wedding.....

a long time friend, one of the only guys i still talk to from high school....

anyway, as we are taking pictures the photographer sitting on a rock next to this waterfall, with one of the bridesmaids(my buddies little sister, that i have known for 20 years) sitting on my lap.

there were 8 of us, we all took the same pictures...

well my date gets all pissy about it, so we have a little blow up. i eventually tell her to get over it or call herself a cab, because i am done talking about it.

she told me i should have told the photog. no, that was dis-respectful to my date....i told her it was harmless and she should deal with it.

what do you think?

Harmless gesture; tell her to deal with it....