Want your opinions

I took the statement in bold to be that the child just bolted from school after the teacher asked her if she was a terrorist. It doesn't say that she explained herself to the teacher which is how I came to my conclusion. I didn't mean for that to sound like an attack on you so no hard feelings?

I'm fine and didn't take offense .
I read the statement above in bold to mean she told the teacher she didn't want to say because she's an atheist and that's when teacher asked her the question ?
fast, sounds like a meeting is in order. Like I said earlier you and your wife need to sit down with the teacher, principle and your daughter and have a very long talk about whats going on. If this has been going on for 2 weeks then that is inexcusable and needs to be brought to the attention of the school board.

Don't let this drag on for weeks while the principal is "looking into it". Get answers and get them now.

You guys need to remember this girl is only 14, she may not have the mental capacity or know how to deal with a situation like this. Sometime they look more mature than they really are.
Was leaving school wrong....yes. Should she have called her parents....yes, but she didn't and this would be a great opportunity to teacher her those skills if she was ever to be put in this situation again.

There is no need for anyone replying to this thread to resort to name calling or implying someone is stupid for their beliefs.

Being a parent is one of the toughest job in my opinion and I'm sure we each do the best we can with what we know and do better when we know better.
I'm not asking for the teacher to get fired over this but i guarantee this would be a completely different matter if my daughter was muslim, but she's not. I do appreciate everyones opinions and apologize if i got a lil defensive. This is a serious situation for my daughter and not until last night did we find out that the teacher has been calling her a terrorist everyday for two weeks. Im sorry but in my book that's wrong.

That completely changes everything in my opinion. I would be up at the school NOW until this is resolved. If it has been happening for week I can see why you were calling for the teachers job.

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If the teacher is repeating her mistake that would start to tick me off. I'd seek an immediate meeting with the teacher and the principal (go to the school and ask to see the principal), and if they fail to respond, call my school board member. If they don't respond, I'll bet a newspaper reporter would be interested.
So we had the meeting with the school today, they kept trying to tell us that it was all my daughters fault and that she was overreacting. Let me tell you about my kid, she has been on the honor roll so long i can't even remember, she was one of 4 kids in her entire 8th grade class to receive a scholastic achievement award from the president, has had NO record of being a troublesome kid, and currently holds a 3.9 gpa. The principal told us that he is going to believe a teacher over a new student anyday and that these allegations were going to be looked into.

Basically it comes down to this, is it right for a teacher, even once, to call a student out on their "religious beliefs" in front of that students peers?

I have a feeling this is going to get real deep, quick.
no the teacher should never call a student out. Can a mistake happen, yes. But when it's repeated then there's an issue to address. Notice I left out the religion topic since this should never happen in any scenario.
And when my child kills herself because of the constant bullying that was brought about by that teacher, is your stupid, ignorant, a** gonna pay for my families grief? You just don't do that to children nowadays. Kids are not like they use to be in the past. Funny if this is just a ribbing from her peers, how come so many states have passed anti-bullying laws holding even schools responsible? Maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself, and watch the news a lil more often and see whats happening in the real world.

Wow, talk about perpetuating the pussification of America! This "real world" you speak of is what we're creating. Kids are the same as they were in the past, it's what their parents raise them to be that has changed. The disheartenning part is that they'll be raising the next generation. So many think they live in Lollipop Land, a world free of self blame, where if anything goes wrong it's someone else's fault and are entitled to sue or take that someone's job. Truth is that in a world of individuals who've been raised to think they can do or say anything they feel, someone is going to be offended. You can't go around doing or saying whatever you want, but then again you can't go around walking on egg shells, making consessions for everyone that gets their feelings hurt.

As harsh as this sounds, I mean no ill will; Nature has it's own way of thinning the herd and if a kid can't take a couple of hacks without committing sideways then so be it. And no, I'm not gonna pay for a family's (or families :lol:) grief because the kid couldn't deal with the "real world".

calling her a terrorist everyday for two weeks
and this is the first that it's been brought to your attention ??? If it were my kid I'd have to wonder what the child was up to to merit such undue attention from an educator. I'm not saying the teacher is without fault and (from what you've presented) that it isn't wrong, but there has to be more to the story.
k- check this out- in school i was taught that the teacher:
is always right,
has the final say,
and shouldn't be questioned by a mere child...
assuming that the daughters school is teaching similar practices, i can understand why it took 2 weeks to hear about this issue.
as i stated earlier, i was a "troublemaker" in school in part because i didn't buy into this line of thought- i would call a teacher out in a heartbeat, and make them justify themselves on every issue i had with them...
i've also been witness to a teacher using another student as the class whipping boy...
i dont think i would be too far off in giving the child the benefit of the doubt in this case, especially given her scholastic record..
again- i think i might havta teach that teacher a little sumthin-sumthin...
I keep thinking about the scene from the movie 'Goodfellas' when he was young and the mailman kept delivering the absentee notices to his house .
Next thing you see is the mailman having his head shoved in the pizza oven while one of the goombas was yelling 'anymore Fn mail from this school comes to his house and your Fd !'
Maybe something similar is in order for the teacher ?
Should have their head shoved on an oven !
Let him call my kid a terrroist once and it would not be nice :)
So we had the meeting with the school today, they kept trying to tell us that it was all my daughters fault and that she was overreacting. Let me tell you about my kid, she has been on the honor roll so long i can't even remember, she was one of 4 kids in her entire 8th grade class to receive a scholastic achievement award from the president, has had NO record of being a troublesome kid, and currently holds a 3.9 gpa. The principal told us that he is going to believe a teacher over a new student anyday and that these allegations were going to be looked into.

Basically it comes down to this, is it right for a teacher, even once, to call a student out on their "religious beliefs" in front of that students peers?

I have a feeling this is going to get real deep, quick.

Did the teacher denied asking your daughter if she was a terrorist?
seems that this topic only has two sides either you completely believe the teacher(position of athority) for what ever they have to say.

or you suspect that the child might have a vaild opposition to their treatment.

Nature has it's own way of thinning the herd and if a kid can't take a couple of hacks without committing sideways then so be it

not to pick any thing up

1) but i have to agree nature has it's own way of thinning the herd is 100% and kids these days take this to an extreme

2)as far as taking a couple hacks, the committing sideways isn't the problem it's when they use all the information they have access to and/or knowlege they've gained to this point in their life to get even.

3) If anyone has kids these days that are about the same age as the child in question they can all agree children these days have access to more information and generaly are very resourceful and intelligent people.

4) Comparing you days in school are comparable to schools today is the same as comparing a 50cc scooter to a stage 3 turbo busa; they can be compared and said they are the same because they both have kids in a learning enviroment but they were taught to stand their ground and defend their beliefs regardless of who opposes them. Simply put kids today are what the past generations strived for but they apply these traits to everything.
Contact the School Board or the local news if you want to start a s storm. That will get it looked into for sure. Just better make certain you have the facts straight first.
if i was you i would get a good attorney and see to it that your 3.9 gpa daughter has her college paid for by this teacher. it is wrong period no questions asked. I dont give 2 sh1ts wether your muslim or jew. You do not call a child a terrist and you do not call a child out in front of their peers on something serious like this ever. Though i will say at the age of 14 her skin should be a little tougher then this as she has been in school long enough to see what it is like. Still that in no way excuses the teacher or the fellow students for doing what they did. On the flip side if you do make a big stink on this be prepared for the kids to make her life a living hell. She will get the label of narc, goodie 2 shoes, etc, etc.

All the comments on kids now days have it rougher then we did is a bunch of bull by the way. They dont have it harder. They just havwent been trained and raised by their parent to handle it properly. It wall starts in the home and the upbringing. We woyuldnt have the bullies so much if parents took responsibility for the kids they made. That one of the hugest problems now days. Then the few who do try to take a responsible role have the 'authorities' sticking their noses in here and there when they shouldnt.

I dont know about you guys but i know what the wood shed was all about. I learned some very valuable lessons back there. I also learned a lot of respect for my elders and peers. My dad taught me that being a bully was not acceptable behaviour. Try that now days.
get an attorney....

call the ACLU.....

the teacher, and the principal are wrong. you have tried to handle this in a responsible manner, but the teacher and principal have thier heads up thier asses.

I had a teacher like this....when I was young. during a parent/teacher confrence, he went Sgt. Hartman on me,got in my face.....when i looked at my dad, not knowing what to do....he grabbed my face, and ynked my head and said "LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM TALIKING TO YOU"...my old man came over the table, with a big right hand.....and chased this guy across the attendance office, down a hall where my "teacher" had locked himself inside the asst. Principals office

PS: In a perfect world, one could simply opt out of the pledge.....or not say the words "under god". however this an example of why that does not work. Because in the real world you have to deal with ignorance, and those that only want to hate.
So, after speaking with the superintendent of the district, the teacher has admitted to the super that he did call her a "terrorist" on more than one occasion. The teacher is willing to make a formal apology to my daughter, which if he's sincere and realizes he made a mistake she will accept and so will I. We have a meeting on monday with the superintendent, the principal, and the teacher so we will see how it goes. I want to thank everyone for their opinions (some i didn't agree with but hey it was your opinion). I really respect everyone for their honesty.....dont find that much nowadays:thumbsup:
An apology in the superintendent's office is nice . . . make sure this idiot apologizes directly to your daughter in front of her class . . . insist on it.:rulez:
So, after speaking with the superintendent of the district, the teacher has admitted to the super that he did call her a "terrorist" on more than one occasion. The teacher is willing to make a formal apology to my daughter, which if he's sincere and realizes he made a mistake she will accept and so will I. We have a meeting on monday with the superintendent, the principal, and the teacher so we will see how it goes. I want to thank everyone for their opinions (some i didn't agree with but hey it was your opinion). I really respect everyone for their honesty.....dont find that much nowadays:thumbsup:

There ya go, problem solved. Teacher does need to say same in front of class, in a way that conveys it as a mistake, yet does not undermine their authority. You and your daughter need to show how to graciously accept without going overboard about it, and you can show her as a teaching point how to calmly solve what is obviously an injustice towards your daughter. After that let it go.