Want your opinions

I agree.
If a child on their own has made a decision and taken action then the child has to understand that they're responsible for the results of said decision/action.

I like this line of thinking. I believe every person (whether it is a student or an adult) has the right to believe as they want. But this is one thing I also try to teach my students. You must have the conviction to stand behind your beliefs and be aware of the possible repercussions.

Life is not always fair... and if you want to swim against the current, you are going to have to expect to struggle.
Dam all this makes me realise that our kids are screwed cause from the sounds of it eveyone is ready to deport the kid for not doing what they expect, and as far as those other countries that realy doesn't hold water unless your ignorant to current developments or your thinking of countries where there is no education for either gender
Posted via Mobile Device

Great. - I'm being called ignorant by a guy who can't spell "really", and doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

FYI, there are plenty of places where girls are treated that way.
Well, I think you should kick your daughter's ass, but that's just my opinion.
Tell her she's damn lucky to even have the ability to say the Pledge of Allegiance, nevermind a school in which to say it! She could be living in one of those countries where at her age she'd already be married to a man 40 years older than her, have to wear a veil in public, and not educated beyond the ability to count to ten.
But that's just my opinion.

I also think that you'll find your daughter isn't telling you the whole story. - I've never known a teenage girl who didn't lie when they got into trouble.

+100000000 :thumbsup: everything i couldve wanted to say. If you are an atheists what is so hard about skipping the uner God part? Our nation was founded by christian men. People misunderstand how the religious freedom and separation of church and state was originally intended by our founders.

Have respect for our nation and the men who founded it.

If that is truely what happened the teacher is wrong but i would do more digging before going off the deep end.

Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using Tapatalk.
Our nation was founded by christian men. People misunderstand how the religious freedom and separation of church and state was originally intended by our founders.

Have respect for our nation and the men who founded it.

Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using Tapatalk.

"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries."

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."

-James Madison, also known as the 'father of the constitution'
"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries."

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."

-James Madison, also known as the 'father of the constitution'

+100000000 :thumbsup: everything i couldve wanted to say. If you are an atheists what is so hard about skipping the uner God part? Our nation was founded by christian men. People misunderstand how the religious freedom and separation of church and state was originally intended by our founders.

Have respect for our nation and the men who founded it.

If that is truely what happened the teacher is wrong but i would do more digging before going off the deep end.

Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using Tapatalk.

Agreed. I'm a Christian, and I don't impose my belifes on anyone, free will is just that. I do think that if you don't pledge your alliegiance to GOD, that's your business. I also think that if you don't pledge your alliegiance to this nation(regardless how you feel about what direction it's going in now), that your disgust in the government can be misinterpreted as being against the U.S. The fact that in this situation supposedly a teacher and students called her a terrorist is ridiculous. A childish attempt to try and prove a point, the wrong way, on both sides. Of course there are two sides to every story, but there is entirely too much polictical correctness, and countless other BS everywhere these days.
It sounds like a rebelious and ignorant(completely normal and not meant offensively) teenage girl was fightin' the power, and it freaked out the teacher who had no clue how to conduct themselves proffesionally. I would definately politely speak with the school. If the story holds true and the teacher did act this way, it supports mainstream America...with the death of common sense.
I hope it's resolved accordingly.
If in your shoes:

To my Daughter:
1. NEVER EVER leave school unless you are in physical danger and the school will not or can not protect you ("Columbine"). Anything less, you go and report to the Principles office. Once you leave the school grounds, you are open game to anybody that might want to hurt you.

2. CALL ME. No matter what I'm doing, I'll come (and you had better mean it and come immediately because that's VERY important.) Little girl's psyche is SOO fragile compared to a boy's, and their interacton with their Dad effect the rest of their life.

3. Some discussion about what the Pledge means to a lot of people, and that people that fought and died for this country might be inorder. But those same people fought and died for her right to leave out the "Under God" part, and if she wants to leave that out, still be respectful of others and at least have the decency to stand (as otherwise she's just looking for trouble) - there ARE consequences for the decisions she makes and she needs to learn that now - take drugs/get addicted; fool around/get pregnant, etc....

4. I'd take her back to the school right away and talk to the principal and the teacher. IF (and that remains a big IF until you've heard the other side) the teacher did this, then she was out of line, and it doesn't need to go any further than the teacher's apology (don't go sueing the school system over it).

This is the perfect opportunity to show your Daughter how a real man acts (the kind of real man you hope someday she falls in love with and marries).

Disclamer: Since my daughter is still only 9, I may not know what the heck I'm talking about. :thumbsup:
If in your shoes:

To my Daughter:
1. NEVER EVER leave school unless you are in physical danger and the school will not or can not protect you ("Columbine"). Anything less, you go and report to the Principles office. Once you leave the school grounds, you are open game to anybody that might want to hurt you.

2. CALL ME. No matter what I'm doing, I'll come (and you had better mean it and come immediately because that's VERY important.) Little girl's psyche is SOO fragile compared to a boy's, and their interacton with their Dad effect the rest of their life.

3. Some discussion about what the Pledge means to a lot of people, and that people that fought and died for this country might be inorder. But those same people fought and died for her right to leave out the "Under God" part, and if she wants to leave that out, still be respectful of others and at least have the decency to stand (as otherwise she's just looking for trouble) - there ARE consequences for the decisions she makes and she needs to learn that now - take drugs/get addicted; fool around/get pregnant, etc....

4. I'd take her back to the school right away and talk to the principal and the teacher. IF (and that remains a big IF until you've heard the other side) the teacher did this, then she was out of line, and it doesn't need to go any further than the teacher's apology (don't go sueing the school system over it).

This is the perfect opportunity to show your Daughter how a real man acts (the kind of real man you hope someday she falls in love with and marries).

Disclamer: Since my daughter is still only 9, I may not know what the heck I'm talking about. :thumbsup:

you hit that right on the head of the nail:thumbsup:

What are you going to do??:whistle:

If the principal doesn't get back to me or the wife by the end of the week, or if an apology isn't issued........ you might see me on the news haha. Idk what exactly we plan on doing but once every thing is said and done and if the teacher is to blame, i will raise a large amount of hell and i will make sure that teacher is fired. There is no excuse, no matter what, to call a child a terrorist.
what is a pledge?

how can a pledge be forced?

if you are forced to pledge allegiance.....aren't you just repeating words that don't mean anything to you?

we know my feelings about adding the words "under god" to the pledge, when it originally did not have them.....

but to take this another step. reciting the Pledge is just a mandatory thing that is done, they do not understand what they are saying, what it means and why it is important. would you let a 5 year old sign a contract.....would you let a 14 year old enter into a verbal contract?

Q: is the answer to non-christians is to simply not say the words "under god"....why have them there at all.
Well, I think you should kick your daughter's ass, but that's just my opinion.
Tell her she's damn lucky to even have the ability to say the Pledge of Allegiance, nevermind a school in which to say it! She could be living in one of those countries where at her age she'd already be married to a man 40 years older than her, have to wear a veil in public, and not educated beyond the ability to count to ten.
But that's just my opinion.

I also think that you'll find your daughter isn't telling you the whole story. - I've never known a teenage girl who didn't lie when they got into trouble.

Why don't you just come out and say folks in Muslim countries are stupid and uneducated, oppressed and enslaved ? When was the last time you were in one of those countries ? Truth be told kids there are most likely more literate than ours !
That being said I think your daughter was wrong for leaving and wrong for not saying the pledge . The Pledge has one religious word in it and other than that it is our allegiance to our flag.

Teacher was wrong for calling her a terrorist in front of others which will have long lasting effects on her mentally as well as cause continued stress on her from others .
If things don't work out you should contact an atty and slap that teacher and school with a trillion dollar lawsuit :)
That teacher turned a rare opportunity to TEACH into a time to criticize and ridicule . . . the teacher was wrong, period. You, your family and your daughter deserve an apology, nothing less.

No child should be singled out, ESPECIALLY in front of the whole class. That teacher is an a**hole. And whether or not your daughter was wrong (in the teacher's opinion) is not the issue. What is the issue is that instead of turning it into a relevant discussion about different beliefs and freedoms we share because of all the men and women who died fighting for those rights, the teacher turned it into an opportunity to ridicule and demonstrate his (or her) ignorance of what teaching is about.

Stick to your guns!:poke:
if you hold the pledge to be important.....

then you cannot simply say "ignore" the parts you don't like. the pledge was written in the 1890's, without the words "under god". If you do not believe this is a nation "under god" how can you pledge allegiance to it?
Fired?!?!? I agree the teacher was wrong but fired over this seems a little extreme. The flip side would be your daughter is not patriotic so lets toss her over a border fence with a jug of water and say enjoy yourself??? She did leave the school too maybe expulsion is needed??? I think these are all way over the line of reason. An apology and perhaps switching your daughter into another class sounds more appropriate to me.
if you hold the pledge to be important.....

then you cannot simply say "ignore" the parts you don't like. the pledge was written in the 1890's, without the words "under god". If you do not believe this is a nation "under god" how can you pledge allegiance to it?

A great argument, are you a lawyer?:laugh: It seems that this has been tip toed around to try not to cause any further problems. I'm Christian and I belive we are under GOD. You do not and belive we are not. That is fine, to each their own. Seperation of church and state, I know. This topic has no end.
As far as everything else the flag represents, if anyone opposes it they need to have some things explained to them. For instance, supporting your country and all who died and sacraficed to give us our freedom. No matter how our country is being mismanaged.
She's a teenage girl who is too nieve and busy with other things to really understand this at the current time apparently.
I'm sure you know this too, but you make a great point none the less.
A great argument, are you a lawyer?:laugh: It seems that this has been tip toed around to try not to cause any further problems. I'm Christian and I belive we are under GOD. You do not and belive we are not. That is fine, to each their own. Seperation of church and state, I know. This topic has no end.
As far as everything else the flag represents, if anyone opposes it they need to have some things explained to them. For instance, supporting your country and all who died and sacraficed to give us our freedom. No matter how our country is being mismanaged.
She's a teenage girl who is too nieve and busy with other things to really understand this at the current time apparently.
I'm sure you know this too, but you make a great point none the less.

We have had several "Seperation of CHurch and State" discussions that basically go nowhere. SO understand that I do not want to go there,again.

My main problem with asking children to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" is they sometimes do not even know what the individual words mean...and they have even less understanding of the "bigger meaning" of saying the POA.

The fact is kindergarten kids are learning a cute little song...that the teacher makes them say before class. While it may make us feel good, the pledge of an ignorant(not meant to offend) child has little value because they are just going thru the motions as they were taught to do.

PS: to dismiss her feelings because of her age is unfair. If she was trying to start a prayer group, she would be applauded. If she was riding to school with a flag on her bike, the patriot guard would be riding with her. However, because she is aethiest, she is dismissed as a silly teenaged drama queen.
We have had several "Seperation of CHurch and State" discussions that basically go nowhere. SO understand that I do not want to go there,again.

My main problem with asking children to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" is they sometimes do not even know what the individual words mean...and they have even less understanding of the "bigger meaning" of saying the POA.

The fact is kindergarten kids are learning a cute little song...that the teacher makes them say before class. While it may make us feel good, the pledge of an ignorant(not meant to offend) child has little value because they are just going thru the motions as they were taught to do.

PS: to dismiss her feelings because of her age is unfair. If she was trying to start a prayer group, she would be applauded. If she was riding to school with a flag on her bike, the patriot guard would be riding with her. However, because she is aethiest, she is dismissed as a silly teenaged drama queen.

Well said
If the principal doesn't get back to me or the wife by the end of the week, or if an apology isn't issued........ you might see me on the news haha. Idk what exactly we plan on doing but once every thing is said and done and if the teacher is to blame, i will raise a large amount of hell and i will make sure that teacher is fired. There is no excuse, no matter what, to call a child a terrorist.

What part of : This is the perfect opportunity to show your Daughter how a real man acts (the kind of real man you hope someday she falls in love with and marries) did you not understand?

Chill out....if no apology is issued, then I would look the teacher in the face and tell her that calling my daughter a terrorist, with all the impact that word implies in front of the other children was wrong, immature and childish on her part and she needs to grow up and act like an adult (because you are also acting like an adult by calmly confronting her) and after that, LET IT GO.

Why do we have to live in a society that seems to require so much umbrage?