Want your opinions

Since the person who wrote the Pledge of Alegience was a socialist(Francis Bellamy)...

Therefore anyone who says it is a socialist....

Now how do you right wing god fearin' people feel mwhahaha :)

Point is, the words are not what makes the pledge important.... It was originally supposed to be a quick short n sweet statement..

The idea and the feeling behind it is what was important..

Heck, "under god" was added in the mid 1950's

Since when do 14 year olds say the PoA anyhow... i never said it again after 6th grade...
Why don't you just come out and say folks in Muslim countries are stupid and uneducated, oppressed and enslaved ?

Easy now, Blanca, I wasn't saying that. Being refused education does not make one "stupid". Some of them are certainly oppressed and enslaved, though.
In any case, there are plenty of clever people in Muslim countries. - Iran, Lebanon and Egypt have tons of doctors/scientists/physicists/etc. In Australia, quite a number of the people who work in the communications field are from the Middle East. I know a few, and they are very smart guys.
Anyway the teacher then proceeds to ask her if she is a TERRORIST in front of the whole class and the class then started to call her a terrorist.

How is it that so many have twisted the OPs words into the teacher called the teen a terrorist?
The teacher simply "asked if she is", but it was the class that "started to call her a terrorist".
So what to do now, have a teacher fired for asking a question? Really?
Demand the names of the students that actually called her a terrorist and request they be expelled for bullying? Impracticable?
What's next, targeting the employment of anyone that may ask the teen if she is crazy, if she is stupid, if she is ignorant, if she is ______ (fill in the blank)? The 'ol off with their heads mentality, yeah that'll fix 'em.

JMO - If the child doesn't have the mental stability to deal with a little ribbing from her peers, it's not the principal or teacher you should be talking to.
How is it that so many have twisted the OPs words into the teacher called the teen a terrorist?
The teacher simply "asked if she is", but it was the class that "started to call her a terrorist".
So what to do now, have a teacher fired for asking a question? Really?
Demand the names of the students that actually called her a terrorist and request they be expelled for bullying? Impracticable?
What's next, targeting the employment of anyone that may ask the teen if she is crazy, if she is stupid, if she is ignorant, if she is ______ (fill in the blank)? The 'ol off with their heads mentality, yeah that'll fix 'em.

JMO - If the child doesn't have the mental stability to deal with a little ribbing from her peers, it's not the principal or teacher you should be talking to.

And when my child kills herself because of the constant bullying that was brought about by that teacher, is your stupid, ignorant, a** gonna pay for my families grief? You just don't do that to children nowadays. Kids are not like they use to be in the past. Funny if this is just a ribbing from her peers, how come so many states have passed anti-bullying laws holding even schools responsible? Maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself, and watch the news a lil more often and see whats happening in the real world.
And when my child kills herself because of the constant bullying that was brought about by that teacher, is your stupid, ignorant, a** gonna pay for my families grief? You just don't do that to children nowadays. Kids are not like they use to be in the past. Funny if this is just a ribbing from her peers, how come so many states have passed anti-bullying laws holding even schools responsible? Maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself, and watch the news a lil more often and see whats happening in the real world.

1.) Wow dude, if you really think your child is going to kill herself over ONE embarassing episode in class. YOU and YOUR DAUGHTER need some counseling. People DO NOT kill themselves over one slightly embarassing episode in life. I could throw statistics out, but this board doesn't seem to understand that methodology completely. Sheesh... Wow...

2.) Moloko I applaud you.

3.) A kid skipping one day of school, wow, not that bigga deal. Talk to your kid, do not alienate your kid - This is the most important step here. Depending on her attitude, she may fight you and rebel more = bad. A kid that is 14 skipping school and you guys are all bent out of shape? As they pound in medical classes, TREAT THE UNDERLYING CAUSE.

4.) There is nothing that inhibits an atheist from stating his or her allegiance to the FLAG and what it represents.

I feel like I'm watching an episode of south park unfold..
This is why you cannot allow church and religion into schools.....because there will always be those that are to ignorant, close minded or even shallow to accept that not everybody believes in the same things.....

this young girl was humiliated, because she used her constitutional right....her freedom from religion. A gov. employee used this to insult,humiliate and cause her to be ostricized by the other "good, christian, american.....non-terrorists".

the Constitution is clear, and even if you want to play word games about the actual text the meaning is clearified for us all to read in black and white. Some of you are simply wrong..... Separation of Church and State means that not only can the gov. not endorse or further any religion.....it also means it cannot force religion upon any citizen.

By forcing this girl to say "One nation under god", the teacher.....and agent of the gov. was forcing christianity on her.
Thank you afterhours. And no, my kid wont kill herself over this but what i was trying to point out is that stuff like this is the UNDERLYING cause of why some kids do take their own lives over being ridiculed. Especially in this day and age with kids being able to communicate so quickly over social media outlets and cyber bullying, its hard to be a kid nowadays. I just think some people on this board are over analyzing the situation. The teacher called her a terrorist because she wasn't saying the pledge of allegiance, and it was wrong. I guarantee the teacher wouldn't say that if my daughter were muslim.......
And when my child kills herself because of the constant bullying that was brought about by that teacher, is your stupid, ignorant, a** gonna pay for my families grief? You just don't do that to children nowadays. Kids are not like they use to be in the past. Funny if this is just a ribbing from her peers, how come so many states have passed anti-bullying laws holding even schools responsible? Maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself, and watch the news a lil more often and see whats happening in the real world.

I don't know why, but you did title the thread "Want Your Opinions". You got them, but now you don't want them?
For the teacher to ask her if she's a terrorist is the same as calling her one if you ask me.
That's about as stupid as you can be !
I would seriously like to sit and chat with said teacher because for him/her to come up with that term because a kid refused to say the Pledge due to 'under God' being in it is downright scary because he/she is a teacher.
What kind of repressed ignorant attitude is that and why is this person even allowed to influence children ?
Sorry but the teacher needs a good ass whooping from the parent of said terrorist child by her terrorist father :)

Other poster was right on saying the teacher blew a perfectly good opp to show how what your daughter did expresses the diversity in this country and is what makes us the greatest nation on earth ! Could have turned it into a very nice discussion but instead was a butthead !

I'm curious how your daugter took it ?
Did she run home crying cuz 'daddy everyone is teasing me'
Or is she simply a bit miffed at the whole thing and thus time next week she will be ok ?
I have an 11 yr old daughter who a couple weeks ago came home crying because another kid accused her of stealing his textbook (didn't happen , later found) but when Kathy told the teacher the kid was bothering her everybody called her a snitch. She came home crying and insisted we immediately change her school for her cuz she wasn't going back. I sat her down and had a nice long talk with her and explained it's all part of growing up and in time it will pass.
That was two weeks ago and now she's talking about Lucas the boy who smiled at her and omg he's so cute :laugh:

Hopefully same with your daughter will happen.
In time it will pass so try to not make too big of a deal out of it in front of her because she will either remember the time her dad handled himself professionally or the time her dad beat the crap out of a knucklehead teacher for the rest of her life :laugh:
And as far as the bullying goes I don't really think it's much different from when we were in school .
Sure you have 'Facebook' and kids can get embarrassed worldwide quick but they need to be taught how to be mentally tough enough to take it and brush it off.
I think it's us adults, politicians and slow news orgs that are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is .
Kids are kids and some tease/bully while others get teased/bullied , all part of growing up.
Not saying it's ok just that it's an age old occurrence when it comes to kids and school .
For the teacher to ask her if she's a terrorist is the same as calling her one if you ask me.
That's about as stupid as you can be !
I would seriously like to sit and chat with said teacher because for him/her to come up with that term because a kid refused to say the Pledge due to 'under God' being in it is downright scary because he/she is a teacher.

Do you know if the teacher knew that WAS the reason that his daughter wasn't saying the PoA?

IMO, yes the teacher was wrong and should be reprimanded for his or her actions. They SHOULD NOT be fired this time but if something similar happens later hen take their job. Your daughter should also be punished for being truant from school.

To the folks saying you should sue the school district, this is what is wrong with the world today!!!!

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Do you know if the teacher knew that WAS the reason that his daughter wasn't saying the PoA?

IMO, yes the teacher was wrong and should be reprimanded for his or her actions. They SHOULD NOT be fired this time but if something similar happens later hen take their job. Your daughter should also be punished for being truant from school.

To the folks saying you should sue the school district, this is what is wrong with the world today!!!!

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Well Fiend if you read the op's opening statement he says she told the teacher she didn't want to say the Pledge because she's an atheist I kinda figured that was the reason?
Fast - I only through those examples out as over extreme reactions. To me, getting the teacher fired over this is extreme. If it were my child I wouldn't be as pissed as you over this situation. I would expect an apology from the teacher and I think a long discussion is needed with both the child and the teacher so everyone has a clear understanding of the entire situation.

If I was so concerned that my child would take her life or someone else’s life because of name calling then I would have to teach my child a few more life lessons. There's always people who don't like you and may even say something derogatory to you. You have to learn the appropriate level of reaction to things like this. You control how much a word or statement impacts and/or influence you in life.
So the other day my 14 year old step daughter left school without permission. At first i was super Pi**ed but then she told me what happened. So first class in the morning they say the pledge of allegiance which is totally acceptable to me and believe it is a good thing. Well the 14 year old is going thru that phase of finding herself and all that other great crap, and she didn't want to say it because she says she's atheist or some crap like that. Anyway the teacher then proceeds to ask her if she is a TERRORIST in front of the whole class and the class then started to call her a terrorist. Is it me or is this completely uncalled for? I'm very upset and want to go down to the school and raise some hell but the wife told me to give them a few days and if we get an apology it blow over. I'm really considering blowing this up and making this school and the teacher responsible. I mean with all the stuff you hear in the news about kids committing suicide because they have been bullied you would think this wouldn't happen especially from a teacher. Am i wrong to be this mad?

Well Fiend if you read the op's opening statement he says she told the teacher she didn't want to say the Pledge because she's an atheist I kinda figured that was the reason?

I took the statement in bold to be that the child just bolted from school after the teacher asked her if she was a terrorist. It doesn't say that she explained herself to the teacher which is how I came to my conclusion. I didn't mean for that to sound like an attack on you so no hard feelings?
ok- lots of good stuff on this thread...
now my turn:

1) they were both in the wrong- undisputed fact, so how to deal with it?
2) the teacher needs to be made aware of her failing in this instance... and perhaps a class discussion on what happened and why she said what she said, and most likely an apology issued in front of the class- where the statement was made...
3) the daughter needs to be spoken with- i like the part that was suggested (by skydivr?) that she CALL you if there is sufficient need- a little direction from a parent could have stopped all this before it got this far- but she needs to ASK for that guidance.

now i feel that i should note that i dont have any children- but i was a big troublemaker in school. i think i turned out okay thanks to guidance like this.
I'm not asking for the teacher to get fired over this but i guarantee this would be a completely different matter if my daughter was muslim, but she's not. I do appreciate everyones opinions and apologize if i got a lil defensive. This is a serious situation for my daughter and not until last night did we find out that the teacher has been calling her a terrorist everyday for two weeks. Im sorry but in my book that's wrong.
I'm not asking for the teacher to get fired over this but i guarantee this would be a completely different matter if my daughter was muslim, but she's not. I do appreciate everyones opinions and apologize if i got a lil defensive. This is a serious situation for my daughter and not until last night did we find out that the teacher has been calling her a terrorist everyday for two weeks. Im sorry but in my book that's wrong.

the TEACHER has been calling her what?!?
for HOW LONG??!!??
dude- forget what i said earlier- she needs to be fired and drug around behind a schoolbus!!
think i might havta put my boot in someones a**...
I'm not asking for the teacher to get fired over this but i guarantee this would be a completely different matter if my daughter was muslim, but she's not. I do appreciate everyones opinions and apologize if i got a lil defensive. This is a serious situation for my daughter and not until last night did we find out that the teacher has been calling her a terrorist everyday for two weeks. Im sorry but in my book that's wrong.

Wow if a teacher of mine at that age talked to me like that i wouldve let her have it...

Are you of any foreign descent? Not like it matters, your daughter should never be treated like that. Im just curious if it is a racial thing. I agree with what busabeast said. A good boot and possibly charges IF the teacher is seriously being that way with your daughter and for that long...

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