I was a baaad baaad boy


GM of Haya's in the Hills
Donating Member
just relaxing on a ride home from work...its 1030pm on a sat night...i have never and i repeat...never...seen a state trooper out at night with radar...well...comfortably crusing and i passed him and he immediately turned on his lights and i immediately pulled over...77 in a 55..120 bucks....4 points...i have 0 so i not really too worried about it.... the way i figure it...its a numbers game ya know lol
Get a lawyer,fight the ticket or your insurance is gettin ready to go through the roof!
entertainment tax
that is how i think about it.
i got busted in a small town with a lady magerstrate. she did not let anyone slide eaven with a layer. you had to apel than go to a formal court. than mabe. but with the crack down here in michigan on bikes. no way .a local layer said pay it.
mabe not the best advise.after layer fees and missed work fees. it could cost more to try to beet it.
At night with radar? Did he catch you under a light? Any other cars or trucks around? Or ... did you actually pass him while he was driving?
Let this be a lesson...
Next time make sure you are doing at least 140....
He wont bother to turn on his lights....
entertainment tax
that is how i think about it.
i got busted in a small town with a lady magerstrate. she did not let anyone slide eaven with a layer. you had to apel than go to a formal court. than mabe. but with the crack down here in michigan on bikes. no way .a local layer said pay it.
mabe not the best advise.after layer fees and missed work fees. it could cost more to try to beet it.
It costs more to beat the ticket short term, but when you add up the increased insurance rate over the next 3 years, the extra money spent now is well worth it.
just relaxing on a ride home from work...its 1030pm on a sat night...i have never and i repeat...never...seen a state trooper out at night with radar...well...comfortably crusing and i passed him and he immediately turned on his lights and i immediately pulled over...77 in a 55..120 bucks....4 points...i have 0 so i not really too worried about it.... the way i figure it...its a numbers game ya know lol
I hope you don't have a commercial drivers license. ( if your not worried I'd guess you don't)
Anything 15mph over really scews ya'. Thats why I always ride the speed limit.  
At night with radar??? How did he know it was you? Could have wind through the trees or a car behind you???
i was alone...no cars...lol but is ok...my insurance really dont go up by that much even with tickets...state farm ya know
you can fight this out yourself if its in your home county- go in tho courthouse, enter a NOT GUILTY plea right now-they then send you a court date for hearing before a trial date will be set (unless you are in a lil town, may go to trial rite away) when you show up, if your record is pretty clean, talk to DA before appearing in front of judge and they will most likely know off points if you are willing to pay fine, maybe attend a traffic school class or two. its worth the hassle, believe me......30+ tix n im not even 30 yet. got my lic. @17...do the math
somehow I still have a lic