Was this a Racial Slur?

Protesters have had their say , they have said it over and over. It’s time to act on their concerns. But if you keep telling me , I quit listening. Just like a dog, back me in a corner and keep hitting me I’ll fight back. I would rather talk and find common ground then get my teeth kicked in but force me and I’ll bite as long as I have teeth.
As was said, many of the protestors have been bussed into the hot spots to stir up trouble.

These people don't care that the store they just destroyed has been in a family for 150 years and have donated products to families in need, or if that police officer just saved the lives of a family who were home invaded. They just want to spread anarchy and destruction....the root cause is lost to them.

Once mob mentality starts, it's a challenge to stop it. When protests like this go violent and destructive, even people who were sympathetic to the cause are now getting tired of it and lose interest. This is a sad thing because the aim won't be achieved-that aim is equality for all races, color not withstanding.

I'm a firm believer of all lives matter, which includes all colors, races, ethnic groups, sex, religions and sexual orientations. There are groups of people within all these which are oppressed in some manner.
At this point for me , protesters are in the way of progress, and are changing my opinions and not in their favor. If it comes to a test of will , try me see just how stupid and violent I can become.
I think you're confusing protesting with looting. Peaceful protest is not in the way of progress, it's in the way of things remaining the same. You're old enough to remember the Watts riots, they were about the same damn thing. The status quo remains...
I don't doubt your capacity to do violence, unlike many other folks you've proven that by surviving combat. I just hope such ability would not be focused on people who are peacefully protesting to bring about meaningful change.
Protesters have had their say , they have said it over and over. It’s time to act on their concerns. But if you keep telling me , I quit listening. Just like a dog, back me in a corner and keep hitting me I’ll fight back. I would rather talk and find common ground then get my teeth kicked in but force me and I’ll bite as long as I have teeth.
Talking and talking has done nothing, for 50+ years black folk have been talking to white folks about the issue of police brutality. So much as you will bite when backed into a corner, so will many others.
So I just saw a commentator for the Sacramento kings got fired...
DeMarcus Cousins asked for him to comment on black lives matter...he responded ALL lives matter.
Apparently that's like a slap in the face. I so dont get it. I mean if anyone said do BLM I'd say yes but so does whites, Mexicans, etc.. meaning ALL lives matter,equally.
In this country we calculate what a life, any life, is worth in monetary value. At the bottom of that scale are the lives of black folk. When people say "black lives matter" it's a way of saying that there is a difference in value of life in this country. Saying "all lives matter" implies a level of racial equality which doesn't exist in the US. It's an extension of the argument that racism "on both sides" is equally as damaging, which is a great example of a formal false equivalency logical fallacy. Making the argument that all lives matter should replace black lives matter isn't a slap in the face, it's a teaching moment.
That being said, firing a commentator for saying that isn't surprising, but it could well be wrong. We live in times where earnest mistakes are conflated with insult and bigotry all the time. If Cousins wants to be considered a source for social commentary then he should prepare himself for the lack of understanding that's bound to come along with it. If we're gonna fire everyone who's ignorant about something nobody will be showing up for work tomorrow.

This video sums it up for me. But I do believe any lives can help out communities of other races.
Yeah, the fact that the video sums it up for you sums you up for me.
That video content is measurably untrue, but it fits with your opinion, so you roll with it.
I'm done trying to use reason and logic to explain this situation to you, it clearly does no good. You and a few others here are hell bent on ignoring science and evidence in your search for validation of your views.
I tried, but as one of my mentors is fond of saying, you can lead a horse to info but ya can't make it think.
Have a good one.
Yeah, the fact that the video sums it up for you sums you up for me.
That video content is measurably untrue, but it fits with your opinion, so you roll with it.
I'm done trying to use reason and logic to explain this situation to you, it clearly does no good. You and a few others here are hell bent on ignoring science and evidence in your search for validation of your views.
I tried, but as one of my mentors is fond of saying, you can lead a horse to info but ya can't make it think.
Have a good one.
What about it is untrue? He used statistics.

I used quite a few scientific articles in a different thread and you discredited them just because you thought they weren’t true or applicable. So screw science right?
What about it is untrue? He used statistics.

I used quite a few scientific articles in a different thread and you discredited them just because you thought they weren’t true or applicable. So screw science right?
Are you interested in learning, or just arguments? Because I can teach you, but not unless you're willing to learn.
Talking and talking has done nothing, for 50+ years black folk have been talking to white folks about the issue of police brutality. So much as you will bite when backed into a corner, so will many others.
. If talking does nothing I wonder how all those white protesters got there, gun point? They out number the blacks from what I’ve seen. If you don’t want to talk what does that leave , WAR. Why are all these leader on tv talking? If might is right none of us will like the outcome.
. If talking does nothing I wonder how all those white protesters got there, gun point? They out number the blacks from what I’ve seen. If you don’t want to talk what does that leave , WAR. Why are all these leader on tv talking? If might is right none of us will like the outcome.
I'm in favor of talking, you're the one who said you'd had enough of it. Perhaps I misunderstood you. By saying it has done nothing I'm pointing out that we are still talking about the same thing we've been talking about for decades. Maybe having white folks showing up will help, certainly won't hurt.
Are you interested in learning, or just arguments? Because I can teach you, but not unless you're willing to learn.
Oh if you know better than actual statistics and scientifically proven articles/research than feel free.
But you probably won’t like it when I respond with a laughing emoji.
Mr Brown , I never said I was done talking. I said I was done with the protesting, it’s a smoke screen for the filth that is hurting good people. I can’t tell a protester from a thug by looking . Let’s get in a controlled environment and get answers and make changes. I value your input and point of view, I may not always agree but it’s food for thought, and may temper my perspective. That’s constructive dialogue. Sorry for any miss understanding.
Oh if you know better than actual statistics and scientifically proven articles/research than feel free.
But you probably won’t like it when I respond with a laughing emoji.
So that's a no then. It's cool, you'll realize what I'm saying eventually. As far as a laughing emoji, why wouldn't I like that? I take nothing on the internet too seriously, it's not real life homie.....
Oh and one other thing, if you'd ever even started taking a stats or research methods class, you'd know you have "proven" precisely nothing by reposting an Instagram post. Smh. Kids.....
They have, both. This is nothing new. There are countless examples across the globe and throughout history of societies erupting like this.

Well, since Americans have been rioting about this particular issue since the 1960's, I'd suggest changing the police. This will eventually settle down, and can be prevented from happening again by enacting meaningful change in police oversight.

They'll continue for a few days yet. Then people will move on to whatever the next level of this game we're calling 2020 is.
Hi. Yes we must change the police! I would say fire all of them. Then we could bring in the UN Peace Keepers. That will take care of ever thing. We could also do away with the crazy 1st and 2nd amendments.
So that's a no then. It's cool, you'll realize what I'm saying eventually. As far as a laughing emoji, why wouldn't I like that? I take nothing on the internet too seriously, it's not real life homie.....
Oh and one other thing, if you'd ever even started taking a stats or research methods class, you'd know you have "proven" precisely nothing by reposting an Instagram post. Smh. Kids.....

Uh he posted his sources.....
Wonder how many of these type of agitators (weren’t) caught beforehand.
