Was this a Racial Slur?

When you go on the media sites and see how they are exploiting this racial situation, it almost makes one feel sick..

Where was all this before a tragic action took place...?
Where were all the celebrities and their concern before this happened...?

Now they are all "soap boxing" to get their names out there and the plight they are serving...

And to add to this, the media is dredging up each and every race related bi-line they can find.

It's like closing the gate after the cattle all ran away.
The police are not the total problem as they are a slice of society as a whole, the change needs to start with the average citizen who thinks racism is a part of life. Police officers are supposed to be above the average person but in the end are only human beings who revert to their basic form at times I suppose.

There are an astronomical number of arrests in the US every day which don't end in the death of the person being arrested. Being arresting is not a positive experience (and without proper figures), I'd imagine quite a few are resisting this arrest and yet they all don't end up dead-a little worse for wear sometimes though.

Better and more standardized police training along with better oversight might help.
I agree, I've said on this forum (probably in this thread) that police are a reflection of society.
I have no issue, none at all, with combative suspects ending up a little worse for wear. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
But to see 5 or 6 cops jumping on one person, screaming for them to simultaneously not move and get down on the ground (we've all seen this countless times), or one officer hold a restrained man down by kneeling on his neck to the point of unconsciousness while several others stand by doing nothing sickens me. It's clear to me that much like the rest of society, the police cannot be trusted to self regulate. We need non-police oversight and criminal accountability. We give them more power, we need to hold them to a higher standard.
When you go on the media sites and see how they are exploiting this racial situation, it almost makes one feel sick..

Where was all this before a tragic action took place...?
Where were all the celebrities and their concern before this happened...?

Now they are all "soap boxing" to get their names out there and the plight they are serving...

And to add to this, the media is dredging up each and every race related bi-line they can find.

It's like closing the gate after the cattle all ran away.
Agreed 100%
Watched some footage of news teams getting into the fray a few minutes ago...

These news teams need to be set up like combat reporters, they are essentially entering a war zone and have to be aware of their surroundings. The police are in over their heads and anyone getting in their way could be subject to being roughed up.

It's easy to sit back and speculate how it is out there but from someone who's been out there on the enforcement side, it isn't an easy thing. Police are human and their emotions can come into play, if someone throws a brick at anyone, there's sure to be a few emotions breaking through the surface...

I told a violent protester we took into custody in a foreign land once-if you don't want rough treatment, don't start being violent during a protest as it never ends well for someone...
Watched some footage of news teams getting into the fray a few minutes ago...

These news teams need to be set up like combat reporters, they are essentially entering a war zone and have to be aware of their surroundings. The police are in over their heads and anyone getting in their way could be subject to being roughed up.

It's easy to sit back and speculate how it is out there but from someone who's been out there on the enforcement side, it isn't an easy thing. Police are human and their emotions can come into play, if someone throws a brick at anyone, there's sure to be a few emotions breaking through the surface...

I told a violent protester we took into custody in a foreign land once-if you don't want rough treatment, don't start being violent during a protest as it never ends well for someone...
There's a clear difference between police response to violence and every day interaction. Part of the problem is that police are often trained, both formally and informally, to treat the latter as if it were the former. The "us against them" mentality is incredibly harmful to both police and communities, and essentially useless as a crime prevention method.
There's a clear difference between police response to violence and every day interaction. Part of the problem is that police are often trained, both formally and informally, to treat the latter as if it were the former. The "us against them" mentality is incredibly harmful to both police and communities, and essentially useless as a crime prevention method.

The police currently involved in the violent riots is what I am eluding to..

There has always been a standing joke here in Canada that if you travel in the US, be prepared to be taken out of your car at gunpoint for even simple traffic offences....and that standing joke has been told to me even before I got my driver license in the early '80s.

I watch Live PD and see some stellar community policing examples on that show.
No, not jesting. They need to stop these people from destroying cities, killing people. I'm not talking about the peaceful protesters. They need to get them off the streets at curfew and then take care of the violent rioters. Use water cannons, tons of tear gas, rubber bullets, and if needed lethal force. These people are causing billons of dollars in damage. They stop traffic and break car windows trying to get innocent people out. People just coming home from work or whatever.

No one even talks about Covid 19 anymore.

Nope, I didn’t think you were jesting. Someone who wouldn’t watch any ‘late night liberal talk shows if they paid you’ wouldn’t be jesting. Still, had you watched Fallon last night, and really listened we would all have benefitted, including you.
The police currently involved in the violent riots is what I am eluding to..

There has always been a standing joke here in Canada that if you travel in the US, be prepared to be taken out of your car at gunpoint for even simple traffic offences....and that standing joke has been told to me even before I got my driver license in the early '80s.

I watch Live PD and see some stellar community policing examples on that show.

Do you think that Live PD would actually show cops being bad cops?
I’m saddened that my Busa brothers think wonton destruction is ok! The protest started as a good thing but has changed . My opinion of the cops involved has not changed, but the protest is over for me. I’m ready for what ever forces it takes to put them down, if violence is what they want then give it to them, and I’ll back who ever does it. God I hope I’m not becoming a Republican.
I’m saddened that my Busa brothers think wonton destruction is ok! The protest started as a good thing but has changed . My opinion of the cops involved has not changed, but the protest is over for me. I’m ready for what ever forces it takes to put them down, if violence is what they want then give it to them, and I’ll back who ever does it. God I hope I’m not becoming a Republican.
I'm good with continuing to protest, but only peacefully, and when in violation of curfews, they should accept the arrest with dignity. Violence won't solve this, look at which cities haven't had problems, it isn't the ones who responded aggressively.
I'm good with continuing to protest, but only peacefully, and when in violation of curfews, they should accept the arrest with dignity. Violence won't solve this, look at which cities haven't had problems, it isn't the ones who responded aggressively.

So I just saw a commentator for the Sacramento kings got fired...
DeMarcus Cousins asked for him to comment on black lives matter...he responded ALL lives matter.
Apparently that's like a slap in the face. I so dont get it. I mean if anyone said do BLM I'd say yes but so does whites, Mexicans, etc.. meaning ALL lives matter,equally.
I’m saddened that my Busa brothers think wonton destruction is ok! The protest started as a good thing but has changed . My opinion of the cops involved has not changed, but the protest is over for me. I’m ready for what ever forces it takes to put them down, if violence is what they want then give it to them, and I’ll back who ever does it. God I hope I’m not becoming a Republican.

In my experience the vast vast majority of the protestors don’t commit wanton destruction, arson or street assaults. Those I’ve been involved with were organized, planned, timed even, and had leaders, something we haven't seen much of if any. We are experiencing a national emergency. The ones committing crimes need to be identified, that is, recognized as different from the protestors, separated, corralled and taken in. Not an easy task. Although this type of police response may attract some interference, those legitimately protesting shouldn’t interfere as the actions by those idiots reduces any positive impact the protestors are hoping for and they would also want them out of the picture as much as anybody. Fast and sure police response needs to occur in numbers necessary to accomplish the goal. Six riot cops up against a dozen or more criminals is ridiculous. A police presence is ok with me as long as they’re there to protect life and property. People have a right to assemble, not riot. The same goes for the police. “Protestors” are not in the way of progress. They help make progress.