I Went Down Today

Glad you're ok. You can always fix the bike.Sounds like you handled the crash pretty well...could have been a lot worse.
If you can't get the right fairing fixed like you want, I've got one with light paint damage, no cracks, free to your door
Right side cracked at bottom, left side at middle bolt top side.... You owe me a beer..
If you can't get the right fairing fixed like you want, I've got one with light paint damage, no cracks, free to your door
thank you thany you thank you. I'm hoping I can repair this one cause if so than all I have to have repainted on that side is just the very bottom red area. I'm trying to keep the repainting as cheap as possible. If I cant repair it I'll take you up on it. thank you.
Ment ot post up eariler but got side tracked.. Sorry aobut the bike and your tumble man.. Be thankfull its was not as bad as it could have been.. I dont have any parts or I would be happy to send them to you. Chin up man, its only cosmetic damage..If it makes yo feel better I saw a bike today that was painted to look like it was scared and beat up.. Maybe you are setting a trend?
Well I just came in from buffing and waxing all the damage. Ya sounds funny but it made me feel an oz. better. the left fairing has no cracks. Randy was seeing the paint cracked by the middle screw. Now I did see the nose piece has a 1/4" crack right there where the middle screw fastens. That is very irrelevant and is still very strong. I just hope the body shop doesn't rape me on this. I'm gonna go back out there and get the rest of the mud off and get her at least spotless.

Thank you again everyone for the help and all the kindness.
bike injuries:

1.plastic piece under radiator (runeight might be sending my one) new they are pretty cheap.
OK, I replaced mine with the new one so you can have my old one.

Item 14.

Pretty good shape and I autographed for you!

No charge.

PM addy. Will ship tomorrow.


'99 I'm so sorry to hear about this. Now I feel bad giving you sh*t about it being a BAMA bike! I'm SO Glad you are okay. (Those pics of your bike actually made tears come to my eyes... dang you!!)
I hate logging in on Monday mornings to see this

'99, I'm just glad you're OK...that you rode another 150 miles is testament to just how lucky you are...HATE that the new paint and work on the Busa is messed up, but it can all be fixed...just glad you're here to tell us about it...

Feel better

Chris,there's a glimmer of hope I may be able to find out the actual paint colors.It may take a week but I'm working on it.I have a link to the guy that painted the bike[or had it done].Say something to Mark at FASTLANE he may know off the top of his head.
The word I have now is Escalade white[Randy nailed that]we'll find out for sure
Sorry bout the bike U avatar thief. But glad you survived. I know it's a major bummer just getting the bike back and all.........................
Chris,there's a glimmer of hope I may be able to find out the actual paint colors.It may take a week but I'm working on it.I have a link to the guy that painted the bike[or had it done].Say something to Mark at FASTLANE he may know off the top of his head.
 The word I have now is Escalade white[Randy nailed that]we'll find out for sure
wow that would be awesome. I'm only gonna have it looked at today so I have at least an idea if my costs. It I know the color it will maybe be cheaper.
Chris,there's a glimmer of hope I may be able to find out the actual paint colors.It may take a week but I'm working on it.I have a link to the guy that painted the bike[or had it done].Say something to Mark at FASTLANE he may know off the top of his head.
 The word I have now is Escalade white[Randy nailed that]we'll find out for sure
wow that would be awesome. I'm only gonna have it looked at today so I have at least an idea if my costs. It I know the color it will maybe be cheaper.
Got a call already.I have first names only of previous owner and painter.The guy that painted it we believe has a shop in Franklin now,I have someone checking on where.Bad news....that's a candy paint I'm told matching will be hard even for the original painter.

I didn't think I would get a word back this SO quick.People are out there trying

Chris,there's a glimmer of hope I may be able to find out the actual paint colors.It may take a week but I'm working on it.I have a link to the guy that painted the bike[or had it done].Say something to Mark at FASTLANE he may know off the top of his head.
 The word I have now is Escalade white[Randy nailed that]we'll find out for sure
wow that would be awesome. I'm only gonna have it looked at today so I have at least an idea if my costs. It I know the color it will maybe be cheaper.
Got a call already.I have first names only of previous owner and painter.The guy that painted it we believe has a shop in Franklin now,I have someone checking on where.Bad news....that's a candy paint I'm told matching will be hard even for the original painter.

 I didn't think I would get a word back this SO quick.People are out there trying
Thank you Wayne. Luckily with where the damages are I don't think it will have to be a perfect match. The areas either die into a dif. elevation so these areas always look darker or lighter anyway. On the right side it's just the lower red area and is separtated by white from the other red. I just wont be able to touch up nicks on the original red with this red.

I can't believe you where able to find all this out. That is just freaky.
