If you care about the future of the United States - please have a look

That's good..... I think you have to be over 50 to have an idea..... I am 50 and I have experienced and seen many changes over those years...

You had a valid concern regarding my age and maturity, and I absolutely agree with your point.
America is definitely not like it used to be and i feel sorry for the younger generation that has no idea what America used to be like.... I have many ideas where America is headed but i won't say because i don't want to offend anyone..
Things could be said in a non-angry way. I will help you out by starting to paint with rough brush strokes.

Without going into the underlying reasoning, for any democratic society, gradual shift to socialism is inevitable. It is so gradual that most people don't notice, are too busy to notice, or mistakenly attribute the changes to a certain party or a politician. Most younger generation people have no clue about what's going on for obvious reasons - they simply haven't been around long enough to notice. Such shift to socialism brings along an array of negative changes, criticized by many clear thinking and mature individuals, however stopping at this point and not realizing that the issue is more fundamental...
Things could be said in a non-angry way. I will help you out by starting to paint with rough brush strokes.

Without going into the underlying reasoning, for any democratic society, gradual shift to socialism is inevitable. It is so gradual that most people don't notice, are too busy to notice, or mistakenly attribute the changes to a certain party or a politician. Most younger generation people have no clue about what's going on for obvious reasons - they simply haven't been around long enough to notice. Such shift to socialism brings along an array of negative changes, criticized by many clear thinking and mature individuals, however stopping at this point and not realizing that the issue is more fundamental...
Don't instigate me....You don't want to know what i think of America and where its headed....You will hate me after..
If you don't want to bottle it all up inside feel free to PM me. How bad could it be? Maybe you have a lot to say, and your thoughts could be organized... in a book and published - and then your frustration will benefit others while at the same time bringing a great deal of satisfaction and inner peace to you. Just some positive thinking...
I am a bit more optimistic, the Devil will not succeed.

First world countries will surely but slowly start tightening the belt economically, we will get back to repairing TV's and not buying new cars every second year. Credit will not be as easy as today. 36 hour working weeks in Europe with several weeks of vacation will start disappearing.

Asia, mainly China and India will start stimulating their domestic consumption, rather than exporting the majority of their skills and goods to the US and Europe, as the big currency discrepancy will start to narrow. It means manufacturing will return to the US and Europe and the economy will be globally better balanced.

The Middle East with all its troubles will go through rough times, as the new generations will start rebelling against autocratic rule, as already experienced. Africa will remain a mess, once oil energy is no longer prudent, the Middle East will head in the same direction as Africa.

In short it is about banking and the money system, linked with the military strength of a country.

Our kids will not be as spoiled as we were, but they will be OK.

The link below has some interesting insights, about where humanity could end up. Also his views of what happens 30 years from today, Google his videos.

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Interesting videos, and I like the guy and his popular science videos on the Discovery Channel. However, the two videos above are more about nice fantasy and not reality. The Reality is defined by human nature, which is pretty much the same today as it was 100, or a 1000 years ago. He makes a lot of statements not supported by clear logic, although they seem plausible during presentation. Harsh reality is far different, and it is the harsh reality which attracts me... because unlike everything else, it is real.

Countries are not humans. They rarely follow common sense, but instead continue on the wrong path... until a crisis occurs. Just look at our Federal, State, and local governments. Most of the things they do involve politics, corruption, demagoguery, enormous waste of resources, and maybe a little bit of common sense. This will never change all by itself, and as predictable as the Sun going up in the morning and down at night, such circumstances will only deteriorate.

Please keep reading, and you will see my point a lot clearer.
This is a very complex and broad topic, with many views. Difficult to discuss here.

It will not happen in my life, perhaps not in the lives of my grandchildren, but I believe at some point we will no longer have different countries, only different continents.

The underlying thing is to understand how wealth is generated and who is really in control of that. Some politicians are involved a lot are not. It has to do with central banking, currency manipulation, interest, borrowing and what affects currency exchange rates. From this trickles down wealth and jobs to the average person. When this starts falling apart in a democracy, you can have chaos.

In my next life, I want to be a banker, close to Wall Street. :-)

BTW, Putin is very fortunate Europe is heavily invested in Russia. Otherwise the average person in Russia would have paid a big price for what he is doing.
From the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Killing America Slowly


Evil driving principles of government's behavior

Your governments, and I mean the federal government as well as state and local governments, have enormous degree of control over their people, who are mostly ignorant and do not recognize this simple fact, and therefore I took advantage of it. Governments consist of humans. By creating flaws in human behavior I forced governments to make irrational and damaging decisions gradually destroying the very people they govern. I am proud to introduce my achievements. Even based on your own experience, you cannot dispute that the following evil principles greatly influence behavior of your governments.

It is not their money – so they will spend with ease.

It is not their problem – so they will never care about it as if it was theirs.

It is never their fault – so they will always find someone or something to blame.

They think they know better what is good for people – so they will be deaf to people's demands.

They always want more power – so they can promote their agendas as well as live a good life.

They are better than you – so they deserve better salaries and benefits, longer vacations, easy workload, less responsibility, and answer to no one.

They always want your vote – to preserve their way of life.

They always want your money – because they don't make any.

They always want more of your money – therefore, your taxes will keep going up.

They will abuse their power – because they are humans, and you have little control over them.

They will get corrupt – again, because they are humans, and you have little control over them.

They will not hesitate to lie and deceive – because there is no way for you to verify.

They will stop at nothing in order to preserve their power and their way of life.

No government official will ever admit to any of that. But have you ever seen a government official admitting anything negative about themselves unless they are pressed against the wall?

My puppet governments along with your ignorance are the foundation of my future success. Now you know it, but there is nothing you can do about it.
On top of that, I will challenge you with another evil twist. Later in the book, I will introduce to you a way how you could defeat my evil plan. But I am so sure that you and other people are so ignorant and shortsighted that you will not fight back against evil, even when presented with a clear, logical, and practical way of doing so.
From the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Killing America Slowly


Your nightmare

It is Saturday morning. My eyes are still closed. I feel the warmth of the Sun peeking through the window, and realize that I am no longer asleep. I smile to myself. It's not really a smile – my lips don't move. A vague image of myself gently smiling floats through my mind filling my body with warmth and comfort. It would be nice to stay in bed. Maybe fall asleep again.

I am about to turn and go back to sleep. Years ago I could do just that. But I can't. I have to get up and get ready to go to work. Saturday is no longer part of weekend. As a matter of fact, no one is using this expression any longer because there are no weekends. Government Department of Compliance mandated that everyone should work on Saturdays. It was announced that government scientists conducted an extensive research which proved that having just Sundays off was enough for most people to get rest and replenish their energy.

It made no sense to me. I work for a software company. There isn't much work there to begin with since the government took over all private enterprises because they were plague of our society and only benefited rich people. Working on a Saturday I would be sitting doing nothing. But I had no choice. I had to sit in front of the computer screen with both of my hands on the keyboard and with my eyes opened. My supervisor didn't care if I didn't press a single key during the day. But if he saw me doing anything else he would report me to the Department of Compliance. To kill time I often fantasized. Inevitably I would start dosing off and had to force myself to stay up.

No time to fantasize now. I have to get up rather quickly if I don't want to miss the bus, then another bus I have to transfer to, and finally a long walk. An hour of standing with other people like a pack of sardines in a can and then an unpleasant walk in the dark. No one is allowed to drive to work. Government scientists said this was the only way to save the planet. It didn't make sense to me. The planet was doing fine. Global warming has stopped years ago – it turned out to be one of seventy year cycles. Global cooling descended. No one believed anything any more. But I have no choice. If I drive and I am stopped by one of CDO (Compliance Department Officer), my license would be suspended. Only government officials are allowed to drive every day. Government economists conducted an extensive research and concluded that by allowing government officials driving every day the government is working more efficiently for the benefit of the people.

Trying to escape unpleasant thoughts I start thinking about food. I love mashed potatoes. I also like to have a crunchy apple at the end of the day. Fuji apples are my favorite. We only have a few potatoes and a few apples left, and need to wait another week for our designated date to buy fruits and vegetables. Government scientists determined that market economy was a really bad thing, and that rationing of food based on age, gender and weight was the best solution for the people. Never mind that potatoes are always covered in dirt and many of them are rotten. Never mind that I haven't eaten a Fuji apple for a long time – any apple is better than no apples.

Pain in my knee suddenly reminded me that it's been bothering me for a while. Years ago I could go to a private doctor. I could get an appointment within a few days. But now, I would be lucky to get one in three months. There are no private doctors any more. As the government explained, private doctors only wanted to make more money, and didn't work efficiently. There was ACA – Affordable Care Act. Then, there was something else. And then, there was ECA – Equal Care Act, supposedly giving the same quality medical care to everyone, managed by the government. My only choices were a hospital or a MeTreFac, Medical Treatment Facility. I call them sicko conveyers – sick and frustrated people are coming in, they are forced to hop from one room to another to see tired and unconcerned doctors for thirty seconds, and even sicker and angrier people are coming out.

Random thoughts keep flying through my head. They are unpleasant and annoying, but I can't stop them. I keep searching for the way out, but there isn't one. I know this is an exercise in futility. The feeling of smiling is long gone. I want to close my eyes even tighter and go back to sleep. I don't want to wake up. There is nothing to look forward to. I don't want to die, but I don't want to live like this either...

I barely opened my eyes, but closed them right away giving them a chance to adapt to the bright light. I am guessing this will be a nice sunny day. Something was different and in a good way. I felt a bit disoriented and confused when I heard familiar voice: “Bad dream again, Honey?â€￾ I closed my eyes and barely nodded with a sigh of relief. An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face while I was stretching for a few seconds. I wiggled to find more comfortable position. With my eyes closed and still smiling, I replied lazily: “It's so nice to sleep late on Saturday morningâ€￾.

I was falling back asleep, calmly drifting away, and still smiling. That's when I heard loud and angry voice from a distance calling my name. It took me a few moments to realize that my neck was hurting because my head tilted to the side, the coldness on my chin was saliva dripping from my mouth, and the bright light in front of me was not the Sun peaking through the window, but a computer screen glowing in the dark. As the loud voice I just heard was still reverberating in my head, a shadow appeared behind me. I knew who that was even before I heard the words “Please come to my officeâ€￾.
Things like this post bother me. We are the government, still. All the bad government people can’t do anything we don’t let them do. I hear people talking about what’s wrong with the country and I think to myself:

  1. Lazy people who don’t vote.
  2. Stupid people who think there is a left and right “version” of the truth.
  3. Idiots who think that it’s about race, it’s about economics.
  4. Fools who think the next 70 years will be like the last 70 years where we were the only industrial superpower left in the world that wasn’t bombed into the previous century.
  5. Lame brains who don’t know there are 2 types of people in government. One type is working for themselves and/or the corporations they represent and the other truly want to help people. We need to get rid of the first type.
  6. Thoughtless people who insist that politicians lie to them, and who would never vote for someone who tells them the truth. That’s why politicians lie BTW.
  7. Morons who allow groups to think for them, political party, race, sex, religion, etc.
  8. Irresponsible people who let race, religion, sex, guns, government take overs, the coming Armageddon and abortion distract them while corporations steal them blind both economically and politically.

You see we are the problem. Being a citizen is a responsibility. It’s like being a stockholder in a company – it only works if you participate. Our founding Fathers left this great experiment in Democracy in our hands and we are dropping the ball. It’s not a conspiracy, or the devil. It’s us being stupid.
fallenarh, this is not a post, but the book - one chapter at a time.

I am sorry, but you are wrong. Voting for a candidate who you dislike less does not equate to being in control. Writing letters to government officials begging for something is not being in control - a writer is still a beggar. Going out on the street to protest government actions is an act of desperation, being unable to come up with anything more productive.

People sense they are helpless, and this is the source of their lack of participation. People try to escape into their own private world.

Devil is a metaphor, although at times net results of government actions are worse than the Devil would've done.

Please be patient, read on, and at the end let's have a calm discussion. Remember, you can only beat the system... with another system...

I would also be curios to find out later on what you personally have tried to improve things, and whether it worked. If you ask me, I thought long and hard, I spent years thinking about it until I came to definitive conclusions, which I could express in writing so that I could clearly articulate my points and gradually lead readers to the only logical conclusion. So, please be patient, and try to avoid anger. The angrier we are, the less productive we will be, and the less of a chance we have to figure it out.
IG I am sure that more than a few people on here said oh you shouldn't have said that when you stated "clear and articulate comments". :laugh:

Do you think we face a greater nemesis than our founding father's faced in the British? To think our country is in it's worse place is to not understand our history. There are currently several very obvious examples of how to build power. One example is the Tea party, which came from nowhere and now controls the republican party. Another is Obama, who just walked up and destroyed Hilary & Bill, supposedly the 2 greatest political minds around. He did it with the internet. Whether you like either of these groups they beat the installed political elites even with their corporate backing.

But both of these people showed us the way. We must hurry though, because as soon as they can the corporations will control access to the internet.

I think it is easier to start a revolution than to dedicate yourself to the patient, hard work necessary to change a government. While revolution is more satisfying in the beginning, one finds themselves battling the same issues eventually but without the "rules" of law and order. Our founders stand as a very rare group of revolutionaries that knew how to resolve things with more than just blood shed. So I ask you, why do you think you can come up with something better than the Constitution, one of the 4 or 5 greatest documents known to man?

Anytime some one says things like "lead readers" or "only logical conclusion" I immediately know they cannot be trusted. This is because democracy is at it's very foundation a compromise. When 51% win, 49% lose. A society can only survive if the 49% accepts the decision. There is rarely an "only."

This is your thread and your book so I will not debate this further. However I believe that you are leading to an "only logical" conclusion because your premise is both flawed and limited.
Do you think we face a greater nemesis than our founding father's faced in the British?

I will take that question for $800 Alex! :laugh:

Yes, much greater. We are under attack on many fronts. The formation and activity of the NSA alone shows us what our government is doing that directly violates our 4th Ammendment.
If a countries government cannot follow its own laws then we will eventually find our country in a situation that is tough to retake control of.

Once a society fears and or feels violated by its government people start acting in ways that undermine our purpose and productivity.

Once you understand the effect of fractional reserve banking and the minimal transparency that exist in this global banking system you realize its all a house of cards.
Look what happened to the price of gold when Germany asked for 700 tons of its own gold on deposit here in the US. Germany's gold has been fractionalized just like the money supply in this country.

It is up to the people of this country to retake control of the government... in fact, it is our responcibility. Unfortunatly, the globalist are 30 years ahead of the people whom now are starting to wake up to the fact that ( as Obama said ) "change has come to America".

I don't want to say much more at this time though I have plenty.
fallenarch, you engage too much of emotion, and so many assumptions that I don't know where to begin. Your entire line of logic is too focused on political parties, politicians, corporations, and other people in power. When you mention the Clinton's next to an expression "the two greatest minds", this gives me pause. You already assumed that the book is about the revolution. You are also very naïve thinking that any hard work is going to change our governments for the better - unless the direction of such hard work is very particular, and effective. You also discount a simple fact - hard work is not in human nature: if not for the need to survive, 99.9% of people would not work at all, never mind working hard. Welcome to reality.

You already assumed that my premise is flawed and limited without knowing what it is. Did it cross your mind that maybe I already thought about all of that?

Logic and common sense is the only way to analyze anything. As soon as you involve emotions and illogical statements, it's a dead end or the path off the cliff. If you are willing to work hard for the future of the country, how about starting with calmly reading a book, one chapter at a time? What you've read so far are introductory chapters meant to engage readers, and yes playing on their emotions, and resonating with their fears. Is there anything wrong with that? Very soon it will become more specific, and you will have a chance to critique. As was mentioned earlier, the book goes deeper than politics, corporations, political parties, and other entities. And that's what makes it unique, and more powerful.
From the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Killing America Slowly


Tribute to Democracy

As evil as I am, I've always been honest and sincere about my evil intentions, and I've always respected my opponents when they truly deserved it.

I devote this book to you the people of the greatest country in the world – the United States of America. As imperfect as every individual is, and as imperfect as people of an entire country could be, you managed to get organized into a society driven and operated by the people and for the people – a Democracy. A society where personal freedom is the cornerstone of your foundation, something you all are aware of, something you treasure the most, something you continuously discuss and analyze to make sure it is not threatened by any new developments within your country and from abroad.

It is the freedom to have an opinion and not being afraid to voice it, the freedom to chose a product or a service of your liking, the entrepreneurial freedom – being able to create a business or a company. It is also the freedom to create products and services of your choice – the same products and services that others are free to chose from. All of those things create a great circle of freedom which treads throughout the fabric of your society. Truth be told, you often take those freedoms for granted. Many countries do not have some of those freedoms. Some countries have none of them. You should treasure and appreciate those freedoms. But most of all, you need to make sure you don’t ever lose them. And this is my sincere evil advice to you.

It is easy to notice quick changes occurring in society, and then either accept or reject them. However, it is hard to notice gradual changes which take many years, the changes which span across generations. These types of changes go mostly unnoticed. However, it is these types of changes that cause inevitable collapse of societies. When such collapse occurs, many fundamental achievements the society worked on for generations would perish, and turn into dust.

This book focuses on such gradual evil changes in your governments, shows how your society is being affected by those changes, analyzes why they happen, predicts the inevitable crisis of unimaginable magnitude as well as offers the only possible solution which could reverse the downfall of your society while at the same time benefiting each of you individually – a solution which addresses the root causes of such societal decay, a solution all of you could agree on, a solution which is effective, practical, incremental, achievable, and permanent.

Despite knowing all of that, you will not take action, but will continue fighting with each other, slowly destroying your own country, witnessing your own demise, while being unable to stop it.

Know that every time you think you figured out my evil plan, you simply stepped on a psychological mine I laid out for you. Why am I sharing with you such fine point of my evil workings? Because this will create constant doubt in your mind. You will doubt everything, unable to tell the difference between right and wrong, and as a result continue fighting with each other. And that's how I will slowly destroy your country.
Not going to debate you, I can but it's a silliy thing to discuss with the points you have already made. One thing I will say is that well over 90% of the serious threats in this country come from Americans (I actually have this on very good authority, which I won't discuss. If you don't believe it don't), not the middle east or anywhere else. The government take-over nuts are a self fulfilling prophacy. The more subversive people become the more oppressive the government will be need to be. This is the simple physics of controlling a society and our country has been at war with itself since Oklahoma.

I will read the read of your book but will not comment until it is done, as you have asked.
I appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you.

I do agree that we are our own worst enemy, and I do agree that there is no secret government agenda to take over its own people. It is rather a natural and inevitable process.

I do welcome yours or anyone else's comments challenging my writing, and at any time - no need to wait until the end of the book. The book itself and this entire thread are meant to challenge other people with undeniable logic, put them against the wall, and force them to act. The only thing I ask is to avoid assumptions and emotions, try to be logical no matter what conclusions one comes to, and try avoiding indirect argumentation (referring to other work instead of giving a direct argument).

My objective is to offer a real life solution to our problem with our governments, a solution which is well thought through on many levels. However, it is NOT my objective to prove that I am right, and someone else is wrong. If someone else has a better solution, and provides a valid argument I will gladly accept it, as I am a strong believer that a single person no matter how smart and knowledgeable is bound to miss something, misjudge, or make a mistake. However, if the entire world is arguing with me without providing a valid and logical argument, I will not accept it.
you would have like my friend Sputnik. he was a smart human. wrote a book or two. he believed that our government could be taken back 1 vote at a time. they (the bikers) still have a great power in the state of texas because of the format he set up. gimmie jimmy has taken it to a national level with the U.S. Defenders program.

letters, e-mails, phone calls, and caucas rushing is changing the way laws are passed and who is voted in.

if you click around, his books are free. you might dig it. :beerchug:
Democracy: The Missing Link

p.s. as soon as I have a penny to my name, i'll pick up a hard copy of your book. :thumbsup: