Killing America Slowly, Chapter 45
From the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Killing America Slowly
One of the objectives of this book is to show that currently we the people are NOT in full control of our federal, state, and local governments. In fact, we have so little control that we are more like beggars asking and hoping for the governments to do their job right. As we discussed, governments are not evil. There are fundamental reasons the governments behave the way they do. On the one hand, governments consist of humans whose behavior is flawed in many ways. On the other hand, we the people have very little control over them.
Another objective of this book is to show that without any changes in how we control our governments, the shift to socialism is inevitable, in turn leading to gradual loss of freedoms, degradation of quality of life, and to a crisis of unimaginable magnitude which will affect everyone – the middle class, and especially poor people who were duped by the governments into believing, trusting, and supporting them.
The main objective of this book is to show that there is a practical and achievable way for us to regain full and continuous control over our governments by implementing Continuous Approval Process – CAP, which in turn would prevent the aforementioned crisis, will reverse our path off the cliff, and ultimately will benefit our entire nation and all of us individually. As was pointed out, there is a lot of work to be done. Despite being challenging and time consuming, it is a worthwhile effort in the long run.
The more subtle but important benefit of CAP is providing continuous two way communication between people and their governments so that the governments are able to adjust their actions based on continuous feedback from the people, while at the same time communicating with the people and explaining the government's decisions in a clear and understandable language. In all the likelihood, it will rarely come to a point when an elected official needs to be removed. However, the fear of being removed for non-compliance with the will of the people would assure that governments truly serve our interests.
Many of us are frustrated with our governments. The overall perception is that there isn’t much we can do to really change things for the better. This makes us feel helpless as well as creates a sense of hopelessness. As a result, our participation in political process is sparse, or at best boils down to voting for a candidate we dislike less. Is that what we deserve? The proposed incremental change will give people real power and real control over elected public officials – at any time and with ease. As a result, the previous sense of hopelessness and frustration will be replaced with true hope because practically every eligible voter will participate in Continuous Approval Process, CAP. It will be easy and fun, so why not? A general sense of satisfaction with the governments will promote a more positive and stable attitudes in people. Our society will be a happier place.
People, having new power and control over the governments, will start paying attention to things which they were not noticing in the past. Through the new mechanism – CAP – people will demand meaningful changes, and the governments would have no choice but to adapt and follow the will of the people. Governments will become more efficient, and our taxes will go down across the board. Our nation will become richer.
The many ridiculous things the governments do now which we notice on a daily basis will become the things of the past. Everyone knows that a government does a sloppy job at whatever job needs to be done. This will change for the better.
Note that CAP does not transform our political system to allow the majority to govern and possibly ignore the needs of minorities. CAP simply creates an amazing virtual oversight agency consisting of millions of people who are continuously scrutinizing government actions.
There are many talented and hard working individuals who truly want to serve other people. Currently, such individuals shy away from the political process because it is corrupt and dirty. More often than not, politicians care more about themselves and their careers, and not about people. This will change. A new breed of politicians will emerge – the politicians we would be proud of. They will be the kind of people who will not hesitate to put their careers and lives on the line for other people.
Creating and maintaining CAP on the national scale – an electronic system which would be secure, reliable, and safe for voters – is a challenging, but achievable task as was explained above.
Incremental nature of the proposed changes will allow us to gradually switch to the new process, and easily fall back onto the existing processes if something unpredictable happens. CAP can be implemented using dry run approach. This means that the system gets implemented, but we do not remove elected public officials. Over a period of a few years, we can see how the system works, and as a result of such experience we can fine tune the system as needed. Once we all feel comfortable, CAP system goes live.
CAP has to be implemented on all levels of government – for the federal government as well as for state and local governments. This is because we want all governments to follow the will of the people.
We should always keep in mind a long term perspective, and strive for gradual changes. While there are so many things which we will need to fix, it is impossible to do everything within a short period of time. It is also important to realize that the new changes may negatively affect some people, especially those who work for the governments. When reducing the governmental apparatus, it is important to have a long term plan on how to re-train, educate, and re-employ those people who will no longer be needed in the government.
Gradual changes is key to our success. The mere fact of moving onto this new path will have an enormous positive effect on our society.
If you personally believe that implementing CAP is the right thing to do, then don't let anyone telling you otherwise. Don't even bother arguing with those who oppose CAP – smile at them, and walk away. Talk is cheap. Act! Spread the word among those you know. Call, write, demand, and vote for those candidates who support CAP. This includes your US Senators, your US Representatives as well as your state legislators – because the new Constitutional Amendment needs the votes of two thirds of the Senate, two thirds of the House, and then it needs to be approved by at least 38 states. US Senators, US Representatives, and state legislators who will vote for the Constitutional Amendment to implement CAP – are the politicians of the future! They are the people who will bring new positive meaning to the word 'Politician', and to the expression 'elected public official'.
I appeal to the people of our great country – Act Now! No one will do it for you. Your destiny is truly in your hands.
Good luck to all of us, and God bless America!
About the author
Igor Tohnini is an alias. The author feels that the subject of the book deserves all the attention while he is the one whose name is not important. Igor is a passionate writer, creator, and inventor. He devoted a number of years writing this book, on and off. Igor possesses a unique ability to analyze surrounding world and information on a deep level while at the same time distancing himself from preconceived notions. Sometimes, this leads to discoveries and unpredictable findings. This book is one of them. Igor is not affiliated with any political party or a movement. He is an independent thinker, a common sense guy, and the one who appreciates simple things in life. He has great respect for people in general as well as for nature and for all creatures of this world.