In 52 secs why barack obama won't win the general election

I think CTA's point was, Obama was in a position to make real "Change" at the state level but made no effort to do so. If that's the case, why should we believe him now when he decribes himself as the vehicle for "Change"?

:clap::clap: good to see that at least one person understood. Let's face it, if his ideas are so great and he is so good and he is the answer to all our problems why couldn't he implement his strategy for change here in IL. Everything in the state is controlled by democrats, he would have had no opposition, yet it didn't happen.
Oh my goodness, it seems the pressure is taking it's toll on Senator Obama.

He should have known better than to associate the lipstick thing to a pig whether he intentionally directed it towards Sarah or not. It appears from the crowds response they took it as a personal hit on Sarah? You can bet your bootie he will pay dearly for that blunder at the voting booth!
Claim was it was made by Sir Charles Barkley. "poor people have been voting for democrats for 50 years and they are still poor"

I think this is the most truthful statement posted up on this thread!
Oh my goodness, it seems the pressure is taking it's toll on Senator Obama.

He should have known better than to associate the lipstick thing to a pig whether he intentionally directed it towards Sarah or not. It appears from the crowds response they took it as a personal hit on Sarah? You can bet your bootie he will pay dearly for that blunder at the voting booth!

Although the media is saying it was not directed to her the general public (voters) will see it differently.

The attacks on the opposition have bolted Palin in the polls. People are just tired of the constant attacks and never a plan or answer from the Liberals.

Will see.

This is twice today I have seen the "race card" played on this forum. Obama is not my choice for several reasons. Skin color is not one of them. Lets make that perfectly clear.

Now, why is it that Oprah Winfrey pushed Obama with free air time and will not even consider having Sarah Palin on her show.

Who is the racist now?


we know you don't like black people,you pick on me every chance you get.

Hmmm, A pink president, now there's a thought.:lol:

Notice I said "Pink", not "Pinko"; some of our more liberal 'friends' (i.e., skirt the socialism/communism fine line :moon: and this is what they can kiss!
I like pie...and cake.....oh and cobbler is good too.

Guys I respect everyones opinion about everything. But politics and religion are the two things that drive a wedge between people. I'd like to think that within this online family we are all friends. So with that being said can we keep the name calling and political opinions to a minimum so that other peoples opinions are not criticized to the point of friends bickering back and forth and driving that wedge between each other.

Why can't we all just get along??

Please dont flame on me for this post. I just dont want to hear people criticize others opinions like their opinion is the only right one. We're friends!!!
To be honest, I don't think america is ready for a black president.

Maybe I am living with blinders on or something but I still dont see colors.

an example, if Colin Powell were to run for President I would vote for him above everyone else, before McCain, before Obama and I wouldn’t care of Powell was democrat, republican, independent, it wouldn’t matter.

Yes, I have no doubt there are still narrow minded people all around us, and some who still hold on to racial prejudice, but I honestly think it is not as much that some people make it out to be. I honestly do not in anyway feel 99,9% of Obama’s problem is he is black.

I don’t know what the current population stats are for the United States but I don’t think there are enough people in the United States that are prejudice enough against blacks to cause that big of a problem.

And again I repeat what I said earlier, why is Obama considered black? Can someone please explain this to me?

How does having a white mom and a black father make someone black?
No matter what the outcome, we are on the same ship, in the same sea, with the same sail, in the same forum, with different people.
Are you fricken kidding me?

Let me guess? you are black?

The ONLY people I ever hear bring up racial prejudice are black people.

Honestly, his skin color has never once been an issue for me. and anyone and everyone I have ever discussed this has NEVER made an racial comments towards the man, the issues have allways been lack of experiance and sometimes the possible Muslim ties (which I know are disputed and I dont believe them either) but I have NEVER personally hear anyone make any racially derogatory comments towards him.

And why is everyone saying he is black!! WTH!! he had a black father and a white mother!! how does that make him black?

All of the people making these racial excuses really need to give it a rest. I honestly from my experiance do not think skin color has anything to do with this.

I have allways said if Condolesa Rice was running for office I would vote for her!! she is a black woman so how does that play out in the racist arena?

Are you retarded man? You are one of the few, not the norm that is not worried about the color of his skin. History has shown us what the norm is so pick up a book or three. I do not like many of Obamas policies, but I do see that McCain has similar views that line him up with Bush. Bush!!! A man who has single-handedly(kinda) brought this country to its knees. The only reason I plan to vote for Obama is because, he represents a positive change, and along the way, he can tailor his style (as ALL presidents have done). In the mean time we can reflect on the fact that Bush, 7 years ago made a BS pitch and we bought it. Then we reelected him :puke: or so the story goes and are suffering more than ever. I am not a racist, barely even an opportunist, but I know crap, when I see it and smell it. Obama makes people uncomfortable, and forces many to rethink just where there beliefs really are. He has no legacy to feed into like Bush or McCain; to reap the benefits of lucrative oil subsidies and fantastic overseas U.S. funded contracts, ie. Haliburton. I served in the military, and I deployed, for the things I believed in. I will not stand by and see the same thing that happened 7 years ago, happen again and then EXPECT change!!! :stoopid:

I see you on the streets, we are cool when the Busas hit the tarmac...this is just a sensitive topic :beerchug:
You can say what you want, and no I'm not saying that the board members here are racist, not at all, but there's no way in he!! that you can tell me that Obama being Black isn't an issue. And yes, I'm Black, it's funny how people who aren't Black always say Black people are using the race card all the time. If you were Black and still had to deal with some of the crap that goes on even in these days and times, I think your opinion would differ.

Just remember, the people who are voting for Obama just because he is black are just as ignorant as those who won't.
Politics is completely and utterly useless. Absolutely removed from the actual economic condition of our country.
For the last 35 years, the largest creditor nation in the world (USA) has now become the largest debtor nation in history. Net Imports exceed Net exports. Container ships arrive from China and developing countries and leave...empty. American consumption and outward posturing with gizmos and fly rides is assumed by our culture to be the path to financial prosperity due to the misinformation campaign from the 4th branch of government (Cable News) and the endless barrage of advertisements that con us into a consumption coma. It minimalizes our national debt and avoids major facts that our manufacturing base has vanished and our new creditors (China, India, Dubai) are realizing that our debt is no longer serviceable.
They claim our national debt is 9.5 trillion because the government uses Cash accounting and not Accrued accounting. Our government is unable to produce a Balance sheet as a normal business would be required to do because they actually have NO MONEY! Our actual unfunded obligatory debt which includes, VA benefits, Postal retirement, social security...etc., is closer to 55 trillion. WE ARE NOT ONLY BROKE, WE ARE UNABLE TO SERVICE THE INTEREST ON THE DEBTS!!! What happens when your creditors turn off the faucet?

I truly believe 2009 will be the start of a very deep recession as inflation continues to rise, foreign countries realize our obligations are basically fraud and they start to cash in their bonds. Un-employment rates are growing steadily. The last of the sub-prime contracts end in 2011 which means we're only 1/3 through the bubble. The vast majority of Economics professionals not allowed on National TV, believe our outlook is far worse than the great depression and the books prove their cases.
For people with assets and capital in US dollars, there will be no remorse as actual inflation rates of 10%+ eats flat to slim profits from 401K's, Mutual Funds and IRA's.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! We can't AFFORD either candidate. The real issues are not being addressed due to pure ignorance of the American people. We'd prefer to feel good about ourselves than face reality.
We are on the eve of Depression without a doubt. This isn't a hand or a foot of our economy. Financials are the head.

If you haven't seen the movie, 'Idiocracy', I suggest you rent it this weekend.
I get what your saying, I would be interested in some sources for your assertions.
Daniel, you know better.

I'll take this as a :poke:



I love ya know I don't take nothing to heart and you shouldn't either...we always :beerchug:

I don't do Politics,as regardless who takes the seat,they not gonna pave my path,I have to do it.
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Just remember, the people who are voting for Obama just because he is black are just as ignorant as those who won't.
You're right anybody that votes for a person based on the color of thier skin is ignorant, I never said I'm voting for him based on skin color. I don't believe McCain is going to be any different than Bush, he's for the rich, and could care less for anybody who isn't.
Are you fricken kidding me?

Let me guess? you are black?

The ONLY people I ever hear bring up racial prejudice are black people.

Honestly, his skin color has never once been an issue for me. and anyone and everyone I have ever discussed this has NEVER made an racial comments towards the man, the issues have allways been lack of experiance and sometimes the possible Muslim ties (which I know are disputed and I dont believe them either) but I have NEVER personally hear anyone make any racially derogatory comments towards him.

And why is everyone saying he is black!! WTH!! he had a black father and a white mother!! how does that make him black?

All of the people making these racial excuses really need to give it a rest. I honestly from my experiance do not think skin color has anything to do with this.

I have allways said if Condolesa Rice was running for office I would vote for her!! she is a black woman so how does that play out in the racist arena?
If you don't think he's black then what is he? Have you heard the saying, "If you have one drop of black blood then your Black?" And I'm not making excuses, it is what it is. And no not everybody is making thier decision based on skin color, but if you yhink for one minute there are some that aren't, you better get out more often.
Are you retarded man? You are one of the few, not the norm that is not worried about the color of his skin. History has shown us what the norm is so pick up a book or three. I do not like many of Obamas policies, but I do see that McCain has similar views that line him up with Bush. Bush!!! A man who has single-handedly(kinda) brought this country to its knees. The only reason I plan to vote for Obama is because, he represents a positive change, and along the way, he can tailor his style (as ALL presidents have done). In the mean time we can reflect on the fact that Bush, 7 years ago made a BS pitch and we bought it. Then we reelected him :puke: or so the story goes and are suffering more than ever. I am not a racist, barely even an opportunist, but I know crap, when I see it and smell it. Obama makes people uncomfortable, and forces many to rethink just where there beliefs really are. He has no legacy to feed into like Bush or McCain; to reap the benefits of lucrative oil subsidies and fantastic overseas U.S. funded contracts, ie. Haliburton. I served in the military, and I deployed, for the things I believed in. I will not stand by and see the same thing that happened 7 years ago, happen again and then EXPECT change!!! :stoopid:

I see you on the streets, we are cool when the Busas hit the tarmac...this is just a sensitive topic :beerchug:
Politics always are very touchy subjects, but anybody that can't see that race is going to have something to do with the way some people are going to vote obviously don't have a clue.
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