Is my wife hot or not? She doesn't think so!!

Before we get off track here people, this is a board about motorcycles, mostly Busa's

If someone wants their ego stroked, or their wife's ego stroked or girl friends, there are other web sites out there for this.

I would consider this thread one of the threads mentioned before that sometimes does not sit right with the women of this board.

This board should be gender neutral, color neutral etc.

I know from my perspective, if I kept going to a web site where girls kept posting pictures of guys and posting threads like "is my husband hot" I would stop going to that web site.

My vote is lets keep this board about Busa's.

I am still a newbie myself, but all of a sudden we are seeing people like tbone, RSD, Lo deciding they don’t care much to associate with the board anymore.

And in my short time here, I have noticed in the last couple of months more crap topics, and a majority of them being started by people with under 50 posts to their name.

As far as I am concerned, the modersators can delete any thread that is not about motorcycles, and is not genuine. And if anyone tries to post a series of unrelated bike posts, yank their account.

Just my rant, just my point of view
i listed some of them above
Before we get off track here people, this is a board about motorcycles, mostly Busa's

If someone wants their ego stroked, or their wife's ego stroked or girl friends, there are other web sites out there for this.

I would consider this thread one of the threads mentioned before that sometimes does not sit right with the women of this board.

This board should be gender neutral, color neutral etc.

I know from my perspective, if I kept going to a web site where girls kept posting pictures of guys and posting threads like "is my husband hot" I would stop going to that web site.

My vote is lets keep this board about Busa's.

I am still a newbie myself, but all of a sudden we are seeing people like tbone, RSD, Lo deciding they don’t care much to associate with the board anymore.

And in my short time here, I have noticed in the last couple of months more crap topics, and a majority of them being started by people with under 50 posts to their name.

As far as I am concerned, the modersators can delete any thread that is not about motorcycles, and is not genuine. And if anyone tries to post a series of unrelated bike posts, yank their account.

Just my rant, just my point of view
I kinda like posting with all ya bout things other than solely the Busa.
That's supposed to be what this section is for, no??
After a little deliberation, I see the problem with posts that are directed, or pertain to one gender specifically, but most other topics in the Random section are just fine in my books.

Random thoughts, not random bike related thoughts. I must admit the post caught me off guard and I found it in bad taste but not really offensive. I scan over all the post to make sure that nothing has crossed the line. There are soooooo many post out there that have the initial message and no responses that it shows that folks obviously arent interested in the topic, I have even had many of mine unanswered. If you scan a message and you say to yourself that was something I really dont agree with don't go back to it. If you find something that crosses the line let me know and I will remove it. I assure you that there are a ton of post out there that I don't agree with but I don't delete them either I choose to ignore them and allowyou the same opportunity to ignore it too..

This is just plain Dumb... Your going to parade your sister out here and ask if she's hot... Damn, I thought Donny and Marie were dead...

Hey You asked, but I think you two are prolly doomed... Not a good Idea to compete with your wife for the good looks...
Besides... I am pretty sure you two are related, or victims of some sorta cloning gone wrong...

But this thread....

This is just plain Dumb...  Your going to parade your sister out here and ask if she's hot...  Damn, I thought Donny and Marie were dead...

Hey You asked, but I think you two are prolly doomed...  Not a good Idea to compete with your wife for the good looks...  
 Besides... I am pretty sure you two are related, or victims of some sorta cloning gone wrong...

But this thread....    
Hey Rev!! your post reminded me.. How is the caffeine tablets swallowed down with large quantities of espresso helping you with your stop smoking program?

thrasher werent you the one who was posting those pages of rants on the whole iraq abuse thing ?? (i know diff subject but still on the same lines as not related to busa ) anyway it would suck talking about busa's all day and nothing else i mean there is alot of stuff that happens in a day for me and in the world sometimes i like to come on here and share in random thoughts cuz thats what random thoughts is for i know if i dont have an reply's then no one is interested , like ninja eater , and Cap say we have the choice to respond to worthless posts , so dont reply !! just my .02 cant everyone get along
lol j/k btw if you make a post like this again (whoever started it ) be careful cuz you will get honest answers like mine here for instance i think she is un-pretty imo but hey whatever floats your boat
<<<<--------have to do alot of that before i give her a second look whoooooofffff !!!
Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone? How was the couch last night dude?

Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone?  How was the couch last night dude?
I just feel sorry for his wife. No matter how good looking someone is, not everyone is going to find you attractive. So on a scale of 1 to 10, you could be a 9 which is still hot, but there are going to be people who think you ar a 1.

Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone?  How was the couch last night dude?
I just feel sorry for his wife. No matter how good looking someone is, not everyone is going to find you attractive. So on a scale of 1 to 10, you could be a 9 which is still hot, but there are going to be people who think you ar a 1.
Jeez.....for a dude.....that's pissed about this post, you sure reply alot Thrash.
Just an observation bro!!

Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone?  How was the couch last night dude?
I just feel sorry for his wife. No matter how good looking someone is, not everyone is going to find you attractive. So on a scale of 1 to 10, you could be a 9 which is still hot, but there are going to be people who think you ar a 1.
Jeez.....for a dude.....that's pissed about this post, you sure reply alot Thrash.
Just an observation bro!!
So whats your poiunt? lol

I am over it. I guess it was just bad timing. No one else seems to give a rats a$$ so why should I?

Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone?  How was the couch last night dude?
I just feel sorry for his wife. No matter how good looking someone is, not everyone is going to find you attractive. So on a scale of 1 to 10, you could be a 9 which is still hot, but there are going to be people who think you ar a 1.
Jeez.....for a dude.....that's pissed about this post, you sure reply alot Thrash.
Just an observation bro!!
So whats your poiunt? lol

I am over it. I guess it was just bad timing. No one else seems to give a rats a$$ so why should I?
No you are wrong there, I think everyone cares about the quality of posts. I think we all get sucked into let's see what that is about. Weall do it. Then the post changes a little in direction and we all come back. Hang in there Bro.

...I think we all get sucked into let's see what that is about.  We all do it.  Then the post changes a little in direction and we all come back.  Hang in there Bro.
Exactly... even if it's not a thread I would respond to.. or find in bad taste.. or just plain stupid, I tend to come back just to see where it has gone and what type of responses are posted~ Just for chits and giggles if nothing else...  
Anybody notice that bbbsleeper's avatar changed and the pic is gone?  How was the couch last night dude?
I just feel sorry for his wife. No matter how good looking someone is, not everyone is going to find you attractive. So on a scale of 1 to 10, you could be a 9 which is still hot, but there are going to be people who think you ar a 1.
Jeez.....for a dude.....that's pissed about this post, you sure reply alot Thrash.
Just an observation bro!!
So whats your poiunt? lol

I am over it. I guess it was just bad timing. No one else seems to give a rats a$$ so why should I?
Just pokin friendly fun Thrasher.......yer a good disrespect meant whatsoever!!
Have a good one bro
