Is Olive Garden Anti-American?

Who would really be upset or disrupted by an American flag inside. What they are expressing is that not everyone supports the presence of the flag and they are Okay with that...
yea, I probably could care less if any flag was hanging in the restraunt or not while eating. it is the American flag after all. I think its more of setting a precedent and simply abiding by rules set fourth by their corporate office.

I guess one could make the argument of picking battles here but the restraunt manager may have appeased the customer yet pissed off the district manager. bottom line, its their restraunt and their rules. if one doesnt like them they are free to eat elsewhere.

but being unAmerican is a little rediculous imo.
I don't have any requirements or a constant need to see an American flag when I am dining or doing anything at all. The point is not what the flag represents and what sacrifices were made for it to be what it is today. The point is that even if I did have a constant need to see an american flag to feel patriotic or to prove that the host is "american" enough, i wouldn't force that view on a private business and the inhabitants of that business at the time.

That's the difference between expressing your needs/viewpoints and trying to ram it down everyone's throat (pun intended). If you need to have the flag in view at all times to feel patriotic and/or to prove that a business is "american", then by all means, open your own "patriots" chain of restaurants. That's what's great about capitalism and free enterprise. With some imagination and food coloring you could have red burgers with blue fries and white drinks (milk, pina colada,etc..).
I don't have any requirements or a constant need to see an American flag when I am dining or doing anything at all. The point is not what the flag represents and what sacrifices were made for it to be what it is today. The point is that even if I did have a constant need to see an american flag to feel patriotic or to prove that the host is "american" enough, i wouldn't force that view on a private business and the inhabitants of that business at the time.

That's the difference between expressing your needs/viewpoints and trying to ram it down everyone's throat (pun intended). If you need to have the flag in view at all times to feel patriotic and/or to prove that a business is "american", then by all means, open your own "patriots" chain of restaurants. That's what's great about capitalism and free enterprise. With some imagination and food coloring you could have red burgers with blue fries and white drinks (milk, pina colada,etc..).

Your method of communicating is not helping you communicate your point.

But fortunately we have freedom here so based on all your posts all I gotta say is YAY ignore.
Does it worry anyone else that when it comes to American Pride & Tradition that we seem to be loosing sight of things? Children not being required to sing the Pledge of Allegiance, "Holiday Trees" with no religious ornaments instead of Christmas Trees.., The Presidents eloquent "We are no longer a Christian Nation quote." The list goes on and on.

Pride and Camaraderie are the things that hold a nation together, these are the things that people stand for and refuse to step down in the face of evil.

If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything. That's just my two cents.
Does it worry anyone else that when it comes to American Pride & Tradition that we seem to be loosing sight of things? Children not being required to sing the Pledge of Allegiance, "Holiday Trees" with no religious ornaments instead of Christmas Trees.., The Presidents eloquent "We are no longer a Christian Nation quote." The list goes on and on.

Pride and Camaraderie are the things that hold a nation together, these are the things that people stand for and refuse to step down in the face of evil.

If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything. That's just my two cents.
Worry anyone? Not at all. America Was Founded by Immigrants. Nearly half of the population of the United States can trace their roots back to Ellis Island which was the point of entry to the land of the free and home of the brave as they say. A melting pot for all races and religious beliefs.

40% of fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children and they dont all have the same religoius beliefs so that hardly makes them have less American pride. Many have their own traditions.

if you want to get technical then we should all be adhearing to what the indians believed in. they were here long before you or any of your ancestors were. being an American has more to do with how one acts and contributes to their country then what religious beliefs they subscribe to.
I don't have any requirements or a constant need to see an American flag when I am dining or doing anything at all. The point is not what the flag represents and what sacrifices were made for it to be what it is today. The point is that even if I did have a constant need to see an american flag to feel patriotic or to prove that the host is "american" enough, i wouldn't force that view on a private business and the inhabitants of that business at the time.

That's the difference between expressing your needs/viewpoints and trying to ram it down everyone's throat (pun intended). If you need to have the flag in view at all times to feel patriotic and/or to prove that a business is "american", then by all means, open your own "patriots" chain of restaurants. That's what's great about capitalism and free enterprise. With some imagination and food coloring you could have red burgers with blue fries and white drinks (milk, pina colada,etc..).
Great point. Guess I'll have less time to wait for a table. Love those biscuits. mmmm
while technically they are being just as political as congress they are still hypocritical.

"refused to allow her to bring an American flag inside the restaurant." Do they realize they are on american soil and umm that flag represents their dumb asses too.. Yeah um no more olive garden for me

To be fair to everyone and avoid disrupting the dining experience for all other guests, they’re unable to accommodate flags or banners of any type in the dining room.” to be fair to who. If you live in the United States and can't handle the site of the American Flag get F*** out you dumb F***! that's all I have to say bout that
Your method of communicating is not helping you communicate your point.

But fortunately we have freedom here so based on all your posts all I gotta say is YAY ignore.

Is that so? That's why my post right above you has 3 likes. Hmmm... BTW, NICE job ignoring me...
interesting for i think corporate america is severely f'd up....YOU BET. have we as a society in the efforts to not offend anyone lost everything??? YOU BET. what happened to live and let live...huh? you can be any religion as long as you dont try to force it down my throat...freedom means ...freedom to be who you want to be ... believe in what you want to long as it don't hurt anyone and violate any laws..this concept of politically constitutionally incorrect and goes against all our founding fathers built this country on!!! bill of rights includes "life...liberty and pursuit of happiness"
Ignorance is bliss...

The policy that olive gardens goes by is no banners and such. The flag regardless of its pattern or symbol it represents is fall under this part of the policy. let the American flag be brought in and then you open it up to letting such things as...

Olive Garden? Seriously? That place sucks. Who in their right mind would eat at that place, let alone hold a meeting?

Old article, but this sums it up well: Don't eat at the Olive Garden.

Haven't been to one in many years, but I doubt they've changed.
Well, OG was a great place to eat until I read this. I will eat there no more until something is resolved with this issue.
Anyone remember 9/11? I'd bet like EVERY place there was an American flag hanging there then!
The symbol of our country along with Golden Eagle statues should be displayed EVERYWHERE proudly and voluntarily.
I will not eat there again.

I hear the otherside. Devils advocate if you will. I respect the rules, principals,and choices they make. I have my PRINCIPALS and choices to make. I Boycott Olive Garden. :-)

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I happen to agree with Strife on this one.

I suspect a polite talk with the manager could have resolved this without issue. Maybe a private room or something. They are a private business and have a right to set the rules, just as much as the patrons had a right to eat elsewhere if they were offended. As much as I'd like an American flag in EVERY dining room, I would NOT like to have to fly (or eat under) everyone else's flag of choice in the name of equality. Wait for OG's corporate response as they try to do damage control.

I eat at the OG in Clarksville TN, right down the street from Fort Campell. Many of the serving staff are spouses of soldiers, and the resturaunt has always been very welcoming to soldiers and their families. This may have been an isolated incident or a particular location, not necessary to find the entire chain guilty.