Is the ZX-12 Showing It\'s Face...finally???


Well, before you Busa guys get your panties in a ruffle... this is just rumor. Although, rumored from a reputable source.

From this week's MCN :

"Kawasaki's close-to-ready ZX-12R covered a 1/4 mile from a standing start in
just 9.52 seconds, according to leaked figures from a secret test session. If
they are correct it means that the bike is more than a quarter-of-a-second faster
than it's main rival, Suzuki's Hayabusa, which can cover the same distance in
9.8 seconds"

Other claims include 182 bhp at the crank and a wet weight of 215 kg... if true this should equate to roughly 165 hp at the wheel and a wet weight of 474 pounds. Wow!

Don't kill the messenger....... late.
The horsepower and weight would seem to be about right. The zx12 is closely related to the zx9r in chassis dimensions and engine configuration.
The zx9r is a well known platform, and if the zx12 is basically a 1275cc zx9r then its performance should certainly meet the more reasonable performance speculations posted here and elsewhere.
The zx12 will probably be lighter and slightly more powerful than the BUSA. It will definately have more ground and cornering clearance, possibly 2" more.
Kawasaki has spent two extra years perfecting this puppy. They are well aware of the performance of the BUSA, and they know exactly what standards the BUSA has set for them to meet.
Both of these machines are truly fantastic,their equivalent was literally not possible for under $15,000+ and/or many hours of performance parts work.
I look forward to the zx12, as I believe it will afford people a choice between the BUSA as a more open road machine, and the zx12 as a more twisty-curvy canyon carver.
If you really get down to pushing the BUSA hard in the corners, it is easy to scrape the left side engine cover without any warning. This no problem for most people, but for those of us who do such things, it is very exiting when it happens, especially the first time. The BUSA handles so well that the weight and power can overwhelm the cornering clearance, and without some indication such as footpeg feelers touching down first the chassis and engine parts hit abruptly.
Each of these bikes will be something for their riders to enjoy.
We live in interesting times.
Ride safe and enjoy.
The ZX 12 is a nice bike, and if I had the money, I would have every nice bike made including a Honda Goldwing. For me, the 36 year old soldier who looks forward to a long cruise on Sunday afternoons, the busa will deliver. For a night at the drag strip, the busa will again deliver. I have the best of both worlds. With the ZX 12, I can't see myself cruising anywhere. I see myself moving at the speed of light and looking pretty green, but I will leave that one for the young and the restless. Great bike, but not for me.

Hey fast9r are you going to get a zx-12? I will be. I hope you guys won't mind if I change sides. I think most of you are cool enough that you appreciate fast bikes whatever they are. Anyway like someone said in one of my posts, the Busa made the zx-12 a better bike than it would have been if it had been released in 99. I wish things had worked out better with my bus, but I think a lighter bike with even the same amount of HP is a great idea. Either way, when either of these bad boys is out on the street, theres not going to be any other bike that you even need to worry about. The bar has been raised by suzuki and if the kaw can play, its going to be sweet. GOD I just hope they dont make it in some ugly ass color like they usually do. Please do something new. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Rumors, Rumors...for all there worth!

It seems that the ZX12 performance is too close to the Busa, according to Kawa insiders and there might be another year before we see the beast. They keep pushing back the release date because they want a machine that will be ahead of the competition by a good margin. Yes, they get slightly better numbers than the Suzuki but not as much as they would like for comfort.

So don't be surprised if there is another dealy...
Just caught a glimpse of the 2001 Hayabusa GSX1500R 212RWHP and a wet weight of 438lbs. Suzuki sources tell me the handling will be similar to that of the GSX750 at a price tag of around 16,500.
Just kidding, isn't it easy to talk about a bike that's not in production yet?
And that's all it has been - talk talk talk.
Too bad the others can't learn to do what Suzuki does which is to just PUT UP AND SHUT UP! By the time the 12 is finally released these guys will have it doing 7's and 300mph :)
Team Hayabusa, I have to side with you, what about the Norton Nemasis, That bike is going to Kick every thing on paper. I am enjoying what is available now. Hope to enjoy what is available in the future.
There are some pretty cool people posting to this thread! I agree that setting records with "paper" motorcycles is a waste of paper and hot air. Like Shanaya Whatsherface says, that don't impress me much.

Fastzx9 and Gixerfreak, I agree with you guys that the main thing here is that we all love big-bore superbikes, not whether the company that makes it is headquartered in Hammamatsu or Osaka. Competition breeds excellence. I love the Hayabusa, so I say, "Bring on the ZX12!!" For those of us who hunger for these machines, this is like a Thanksgiving feast. Next course, please.

But as with gun owners, this is a special freedom, to own powerful machinery like this. We have to treat it with respect, or they will try to take it away for sure. Busa and ZX-12 riders have to be the best.

The AMA and our political representatives must be able to point to numbers that show our machines are actually safer than smaller, slower machines. If we are a better cut of rider than average, not splattering ourselves and getting thrown in jail, they can. If they can, the safetycrats will have to just shut up and like it.

We live in a great time. 200-mph bikes from the showroom floor, for three months salary for the average guy? Who would've dreamed of it? Those of us who ride these machines have to be the best of the best. If we are, then this party is just starting to rock.
Three months salary for the average guy?? Hell, try 6 to 9 months! Had to live in a tent for a while to afford the bike of my dreams. Fighting the urge to do modifications, however. Later
I'll use a little of the Busa-guys-mentality against you.... how can a bike that hasn't even be released yet be judged for aero's, top speed, or failing to meet or exceed the hype? I posted this message to create a little talk and opinion...maybe even a little, healthy brand loyalty and bashing. But I have to go with the masses.... nothing can be determined until Kawi lays their cards on the table.
zx9, very easily, the busa came out when it was supposed to. The zx12 has not, why? cause it cant out do the busa. The busa does everything it was supposed to and then some. If your recall, when the blackbird came out it was supposed to do 180. It couldnt do it. They brought the bird to Las Vegas and ran it. Try as they might it couldnt perform as promised. Obviously somewhere, somehow Honda thought the bird could do it. As we all know it just couldnt. The black bird never really outran the zx11. Well the busa came along and kicked everyone's ass. Kawasaki cant let this happen to them. I think the whole problem is performance for the money. suzuki kept the price the same as the blackbird and the zx11 and the busa is a better value. Can they do that with the zx12? Not yet...........Maybe it will never come out. I hope it does. It had better deliver as promised, however.................we will see. IN the mean time my busa is the fastest production bike in the world, bar none. ZX9, frankly i expected a more heated reply from you. I guess you want a busa too. You sure like these boards.......................hehe. What bike has cause this much excitemnt? What bike has jump started the motorcycle industry. What bike has ever got the attention of all those motorcycle writers, NoNe like the busa. The busa is to motorcycles what McGuire is to baseball. Every body is watching. poop, i cant wait to get on this board everyday to read sopmething else about it and I own one.............I also cant wait to drive the bike. Fastzx9, just go out and buy one and change your name to fasterbusa. It will cure what ever is ailing you........... : )
MOtorcycle of the year first year out. It even has its own porn site. LOL. The motorcycle writers all loved it. What else can i say. I know you want this bike. Its here, Its now.
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[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 18 July 1999).]
I find it interesting that mere mortals can outguess and decifer all the little details that billion dollar corperations with unlimited funds and world class engineers can or can not do.
Hey Fitch, its the same stuff when a company comes out with a new motorcyle and a motorcycle magazine does a test on it. They always find something wrong with the bike. Why didnt the engineers call these writers and ask them what it takes for the perfect bike in whatever catagory before its built. These magazine testers are not engineers but they know what they like and they know how the bikes should perform. Well us mere mortals know the same thing.....what we like and how we feel the bike should perform. After all we are the people that plunk our money down and that's the bottom line.