Is the ZX-12 Showing It\'s Face...finally???


Angelle Seeling ain't bad looking (or slow) either. As far as I'm concerned, fast women rock...catch 'em if you can.

Emattson...isn't it "Hardly Made-it Son"? I like Harleys, but this is the 'Busa list...equal opportunity bashing here.
Mr Bear,
I have not heard that one before (Sweet!!!). Gonna' share it with my brother this weekend. We rib each other on bikes, but I do like his (Fatboy). Half the fun of owning a bike is the BS that goes on between owners of different makes. Look at this post. I think it's great!
When the flag drops, THE BS STOPS!
Gixer, thanks! Actually, the point about my mother was more or less that any Tom, bobo or Harry can go get a license and buy a bike. But that doesn't mean he knows how to ride. It really had nothing to do with top speed runs...hell, I would probably get killed. But I would like to run one once!

Hayabusa, Amen to that!
Gixerbike1.....(in the nicest non-panty-twisted way..), have you actually read my posts? First off, I said that I outdrove the guys that I have beaten on Busa's. That would mean that it was my skills, or the lack of theirs, that played a deciding role on who won those races. I further went on to say that I thought that I would beat my own Zx-9 if I was on a Busa. That would also imply that my bike would be the less superior bike. As far as saying that top end doesn't matter, can you quote me on that one? If I said it, then I didn't mean it or it was a delusion.

Bottom line..... most of the guys out there riding these late model sportbikes don't know how to ride them. (When I say ride, I mean to their limits!) And I do mean about 9 out of 10 of them. Although, I hope every single guy on this site is the 1 out of ten that can! And no offense meant, but at least out here in Cali guys would rather sit on their bikes on the corner and look cool than to actually use the bike for what is was intended. I outrode these guys on Busa's, (although at the strip I haven't had one pull any mph on me either.) Could one beat me? Hell yes! Has it, hell no. Will one someday, probably with the right rider. The fact just remains, a high nine second pass/low ten second pass is good enough on any given day to beat 9 out of 10 guys on these Busa's.

I hope this clarifies a little. Late.
Actually guys those magazine runs are all corrected to sea level standard conditions, this would make a 9 sec run on a totaly showroom stock untied down busa a difficult but possible feat, it would need a light rider and a good day if Iam not mistaken. I agree that most street riders can not get near their bikes potential at the strip, Ive been seeing that for decades. I run 10.70s on my busa but I weigh 330lbs, am I slow? If I could magicly reduce my weight to 170lbs what would I run? I have noticed that some people just think I cant ride as good as they can but I tell them to add enough weight to their bike to equal to my weight and I will race them for money heads up, they always decline.
this is for fastzx9,my first responce is this,I have raced zx9's on the strip and on high speed runs on my GSXR-750 and beat them in both arena's, now admittedly i do have 128.6 on the dyno, and we've been through this, i do have a dyno graph of it.when i beat the zx-9r in the high speed run he was racing a zx-11,I went right between them,blew both of thier minds,they knew for sure i had a turbo so when richmond had an all bike day, on my first and only time run (it rained on us)I ran a lowered and modified zx-11 and beat him,on reaction time, 60ft times and trap speed, and yes i have the time slip as well.So, you figure my 750 with 128.6 and 10% for ram air is about 140,Now take your average busa, lets say at 162hp and add 10% that puts you at about 178-180 hp,thats a whole lot more than my bike,and mine can't even come close to a busa, period.I guess my point is this, where those busa riders bad launchers?, bad riders?Are you talking drag racing when you beat them? top speed?,twisties? what?If my 750 can beat a zx9r and a zx-11 in the top speed runs and at the drag strip,and i don't even have the power or torque of a busa,how do you think you can beat any busa that comes along?Have you modified you bike? Whats the deal?Or are you just poking fun at the busa guy's?Now please for gods sake, don't get your panties in a twist over this i'm just throwing in my 2 cents.
sorry for the numerous and same reply, my web browser was messing up and it wouldn't show me i had posted and kept kicking me out of aol every time i tried to post.sorry for that.
O.K. FASTZX9 i hear ya,i went back and read the posts and i misunderstood what you wrote, ooppss, sorry my bad.I agree that alot of guy's can't ride a sport bike to it's limits, hell i know i can't, but i do pretty good,you'd have to be one hell of a rider to be able to anyway.I'm not as good at the strip as i would like to be, and i don't get into it that much, it's really hard on a bike, but to each his own.It sounds to me like those guy's were lacking in some skill, and your right, you might run across that one busa dude who can beat you, who knows.Now on the top speed stuff, wasn't it you that said even your mother could get a licsence and a bike and bang through the gears?Well if you agree on the high speed runs then i guess i was wrong again, oh well, i'm used to it.So i see we do see eye to eye,I'll read the post a little closer next time.By the way those are pretty good drag strip times.
Well, I must comment here on rider ability. Motorcycling is a complete package. No other vehicle I know of available to the masses can run the quarter in the 9s, run near 200mph and carve up corners with ease.

I race my Busa at a State level and can embarass most street riders on R1's, ZX-9's and other 'Pure Sportsbikes'.

I also like to run the Busa down the quarter and am always being beaten by superior riders on less powerful bikes who have excellent clutch control off the line.

As for top end, I still remember being passed at 185mph by a GSX11 (1340).

So who is the best rider. Me, The Quarter Mile King or The Top End Demon.

Who cares, as long as we all keep enjoying the thrill and understand there will always be someone faster than you.
I'll be real supprised if it outguns the Bus top speed wise. I doesn't have anywhere near the aerodynamic capabilities that the Busa has.

It's not a numbers game, you can throw hp at a bike but it it has a frontal area of a brick wall sure it'll accelerate fast but the faster it gets the harder it will be to add more speed.

I had heard that first top speed test was a disappointing 190 mph.

One of the cycle mags (I think Motorcyclist) did a good test on rider weight VS. quarter-mile time a few years ago. They used liter-class bikes from the era (FJ1100, GS1150(?), 1000 Hurricane, maybe ZX-9?), and 25 lb. sand bags hung over the passenger seat.

They used several riders of varying weight, all the testers rode all the bikes, and they went with rider only, 25 lbs. added, 50 lbs. added, etc. up to something like 150 lbs. of sand added.

What they found was that each 25 lbs. of weight added 0.2 seconds to the 1/4 mile E.T., very consistently. I don't remember how much the trap speed was slowed on average, but you can make a pretty good guess.

If you are a jockey-size person, or an NFL nose-guard size guy, that is the way it is. But if you want faster E.T.'s and you have a big beer gut, think about working out and going on a diet. Weight is huge, skill is huge, and engine power is huge. It is like they say...if you want a faster bike, first make yourself a faster rider.

But more horsepower is always better......
Do you remember in the late 70's and early 80's that the bike mags had a guy named Pee Wee Reese (I believe this was his name). Anyway, this guy was like 5'5" or so, weight was a "buck and change", and he would run the quarter on the bikes after the mags did. He consistently beat the testers by at least 2 tenths of a second or more. I wonder what times he could pull on an Abuser? Kinda' like Kent K. who writes for Sport Rider (and others I believe). He always has faster times than the other mags do.
It's nice to know that I am in the company of so many damn aerodynamic experts! Geez, maybe Kawi ought to come to this forum to get some aero tips.

Also, maybe those Nascar teams ought to save the millions of dollars they spend yearly in wind tunnels and such, and just come here!

Do you really think you can judge aero's completely on looks? Hell, maybe you can estimate horsepower without ever breaking a motor apart too and knowing its' internals. It seems to me the ZX-9 cuts the air pretty good for only a 130 hp 900 cc bike. Late.
Weight is huge.... it's like lost horsepower. It all comes down to the power to weight ratio, and then what you can do with it. Low, long bikes can do more than short, higher stanced bikes with the same power and weight. Light bikes go quicker if you can get the power to the ground. You'd haul ass Fitch if you could shave 150 pounds, definitely!

As far as the mags, most do correct. Any of us who run at altitude or less than desirable weather conditions can shed a tenth or two on correction alone. And yes, most do emply 120 pound flyweight riders!