It's FUGGING loud with pics...


nice numbers
Did I mention that my XM and Com system are pretty much useless now. I bought an amp for it at Americade, guess I need to install it and maybe upgrade the headset speakers too...
Very Nice!! Wow you have done alot to your Busa!! That is sharp looking in red, with alot of black! That must sound AWESOME!! I would love to do that! Don't think I will, but I would love it!! Have fun!

They are louder than stock for sure. Although, no louder IMO than the D&D's I had on my Superhawk. It's a matter of taste. I WANT people to know I am there all the time. When I'm carving the hills the tone can get a llittle annoying between the hills in the powerband. But you can also control the throttle when strolling neighborhoods or by some of America's finest badge toters.

Now baffles out are a different story. Ever been close to a top fueler rapping the throttle. It's like that. No joke. It is closest sound you'll get to a true drag racer. Pipefighter has a vid on it in the threads but it DOES NOT do justice to the decibal level. Better have ear plugs.


Yupz. Stupid loud.

I was wondering when someone would comment about their comm system. Does anyone have this (or straights or Boz) with the comm system. Is it basically worthless now?
At 55 MPH I could here the music and make out what was playing at 75 not so much at 90 I could not even tell it was still on. I will add the amp first and try it again if that does not do it I will butcher some headphones for a better set of speakers and try that. I hate to think I need to wear the ear buds to hear anything...
(Avitar @ Jul. 27 2007,03:19) Do they come in duals.....want to make sure to have equal hearing loss              


Brock makes a noise reduction plug:

Idle= 97dB down to 87 dB

3Krpm= 108dB to 99dB

7Krpm= 115dB to 113dB

I couldn't find it on the brock site, but it is shown on the Schnitz site.

(Smoke_Dog @ Jul. 27 2007,09:20) What did you do with your old exhaust?
I gave the header to a fellow member, I have the drilled cans and mids if you want them. Shipping will cover it. The Leo Vince stuff was sold off.