Loud bikes are killing off motorcycles in the US

I think it's rather humerous being that I'm a conservative republican that just happens to have a minor in Mathematics from George Mason University. Collecting and analysing data seems to not be as conclusive as getting a look while driving down the highway.

Ahhh..., of course...humor. Well, as long as somebody is getting something out of that post.

I must agree that collecting and analysing data seems to be more useful than raw anecdotal evidence.

PS: George Mason, eh? Saw a few concerts at the GMU campus. Guess you had a heck of commute while in school...? :laugh:
1. Stay out of harms way when riding a bike... (READ: hey stupid, stay out of blind spots)
2. Most bikes hit cars when the car turns "left" in front of the bike.. (loud pipes stop this? bet HID works better) Most side swipes are by guys on bikes doing stuff they should not be doing in the first place, guess obnoxious pipes suit that group anyway..
3. If you are dumb enough to ride in a hazardous spot, get a horn.. my Stebel will garner more attention in a short span than your loud pipes (higher frequency travels better) the constant drone is clobbered by the short shrill blast of an air horn and really wakes them up in a hurry...
4. Loud pipes do get more attention, admitted... just not sure I want that "type" of attention.. (LEO's love knowing you are coming) But I sure do not recall ever going "hey there is a bike beside me going down this road that I would have run over if he did not have cards in his spokes"

MelodicMetalGod You will be happy to know that i'm going to put a pipe back on my bike for city riding. I have the mid-pipe that goes to my header and i'm goind to find the pipe that goes with it or make on work with it. The wife said its loud for her when she rides on the bike so i figured i might as well put a pipe back on.:laugh:
MelodicMetalGod You will be happy to know that i'm going to put a pipe back on my bike for city riding. I have the mid-pipe that goes to my header and i'm goind to find the pipe that goes with it or make on work with it. The wife said its loud for her when she rides on the bike so i figured i might as well put a pipe back on.:laugh:

Bravo! Well done! :clap:
MelodicMetalGod You will be happy to know that i'm going to put a pipe back on my bike for city riding. I have the mid-pipe that goes to my header and i'm goind to find the pipe that goes with it or make on work with it. The wife said its loud for her when she rides on the bike so i figured i might as well put a pipe back on.:laugh:
Ryan might like it better too.... :rofl:
I think it's rather humerous being that I'm a conservative republican that just happens to have a minor in Mathematics from George Mason University. Collecting and analysing data seems to not be as conclusive as getting a look while driving down the highway.

:woot: Fairfax, VA! I grew up two streets down from GMU

*now back to your regularly scheduled programming*
Bravo! Well done! :clap:

All bets are off when its time to race though :laugh: HEHE Also the pipe is $325 plus $19.95 for the clamp and $6.40 for 2 springs then shipping on top of that.

I dont think ryan cared that much he is used to loud bike as he drag races as well. OH didnt i make more power than you :poke: MR BOGUS :)
All bets are off when its time to race though :laugh: HEHE Also the pipe is $325 plus $19.95 for the clamp and $6.40 for 2 springs then shipping on top of that.

I dont think ryan cared that much he is used to loud bike as he drag races as well. OH didnt i make more power than you :poke: MR BOGUS :)

You are currently very lucky, at our track, we are already restricted,
"Rule 21" from the track rule below, read'em and weep:

WMRC Rulebook

21. All inline multi cylinder, four stroke motorcycles up to 750cc must utilize an OEM,
DOT, mechanically baffled exhaust muffler. Said muffler can be from any Canadian or
US street legal production four stroke machine. Muffler must be from a bike produced
and sold as street legal in Canada and the US by the original manufacturer. The
catalytic converter may be removed but it must be replaced with some form of a mechanical
baffle. No machine shall exceed a noise level of 88dbA measured at track-side at the
start/finish line during any race or practice session. Any machine in violation of this rule will
be immediately Black Flagged and must be able to demonstrate that the problem has been
rectified before being allowed back on to the track. The Race Officials will monitor the
sound levels during each race or practice session and we will warn the rider of any machine
that exceeds an average of 86dbA.

The remander over 750CC are limited to 88dbA
Found this posted on another forum:

Warning: Adam uses lot's of "colorful" language.

Adam Carolla rant against loud bikes/HD types
- Adam Carolla and certain Harley riders[/url]

And that's exactly what has me worried for motorcycling in general. Here's a guy, Carolla, that's as irreverant as can be in all things, yet even he is obviously 100% anti-loud. He mentions a certain respect for "rice rocket" types but he also makes it clear that he likes them in the canyons and that he wants his streets quiet/without loud bikes.
I am not making an argument that a bike has to be rediculously loud, howeve I was watching a special on electric vehicles. They made an electric dirt bike and it got me thinking, i would hate it if my bike made no noise at all... i don't care what anyone says about it... it is nice to be heard. There have probably been rare occernces that loud pipes have prevented an accident, although we won't know to what extent.

I don't care how loud your bike is or what kind of bike you are on.... Just don't be sitting outside of my house for 20 minutes in the middle of the night reving the engine
I'm putting my straight-piped, shortened stock cans back on mine in place of the cut-mids I've been running the last few weeks if that helps un-bunch any panties. :poke::laugh:
I've owned a harley with pipes so loud you could not hear yourself screaming.
Now I have a 08 bbusa with factory exhaust.

The thought that loud pipes alert people in traffic is totally bogus, and don't let it give you a sence of security...please

Riding I never experience a car pushing me out of the lane, the key is to make sure you are SEEN...make eye to eye contact. if your not sure, drop back or get out ahead. Dont lurke in a blind spot.

Just my 2 cents.
All bets are off when its time to race though :laugh: HEHE Also the pipe is $325 plus $19.95 for the clamp and $6.40 for 2 springs then shipping on top of that.

I dont think ryan cared that much he is used to loud bike as he drag races as well. OH didnt i make more power than you :poke: MR BOGUS :)
alas, there is much more to bikes than dyno sheets... they change from day to day all the same.. you can go up or down 10% and never touch a thing.. the real key is learning to ride the things.. (note mine is still in stock form? and unwrinkled :laugh: ) I ride a couple thousand miles a month and rarely get it wrung out.. quiet does me much more than noisy unused HP..

Sad fact is many of the "big pony" bikes get clobbered drag racing because the guys simply can not ride them.. (see it all the time, 250+hp bikes running mid 10's)

I try to emulate the fastest guys I know that ride... almost without fail, ultra quiet so they can play unmolested....
theres loud and then theres LOUD, no need to shake the windows, If I were in law enforcement I would impound those ridiculous Harleys that sound like your eardrums are going to rupture. its simply not necc.
while i am at the ROAR at the shore here in erie pa (seems the name implys no issue with the concept) ill be takeing surveys of disgruntled individuals on the ride who are con loud pipes...and oh ...ill also ask them for statistical reasons how many accidents they almost had due to having loud pipes... ill post the results:laugh: