You should be aware that your post is almost entirely irrelevant. There's your break.
Airplanes? Most folks don't live at the airport or at 30,000 feet and airplanes provide a specific benefit for the population at large.
Lawnmowers? Run periodically for a specific benefit of the community and are generally considered acceptable by the population at large. Many communities already have laws in place about what time of day they can be used due to the noise they do make, which is generally lower than a loud exhaust.
Tractor trailers? Fairly loud, sure. They're also excluded from many communities for that reason. They also don't generally wind up in residential streets at full throttle. Again, they are used for purpose and provide a benefit to the population in general.
Waves on the beach? Loud? Maybe, in a technical sense. Annoying? Not to most (If you have evidence to the contrary, please, by ALL means, present it!). Within our control? Absolutely not and therefore irrelevant if we approve of the sound level.
I have ridden down five lane highways on many of my "quiet" bikes. And four lane highways...and three lane highways...and, ahh, you get the idea...don't you? ???
Who uses the toot horn? Well, probably a few folks but if you're serious about using sound for safety you'd buy a real horn for your bike. Assuming you had enough money left over after buying your primary safety device - a loud exhaust. Which brings up an interesting point:
Cost for an aftermarket exhaust: $500 minimum up to $Lot$aDolla$
Cost for an aftermarket horn: Starting around $30 up to $100
Thanks for you "contribution" to the discussion Destin07!![]()