Loud bikes are killing off motorcycles in the US


You should be aware that your post is almost entirely irrelevant. There's your break.

Airplanes? Most folks don't live at the airport or at 30,000 feet and airplanes provide a specific benefit for the population at large.

Lawnmowers? Run periodically for a specific benefit of the community and are generally considered acceptable by the population at large. Many communities already have laws in place about what time of day they can be used due to the noise they do make, which is generally lower than a loud exhaust.

Tractor trailers? Fairly loud, sure. They're also excluded from many communities for that reason. They also don't generally wind up in residential streets at full throttle. Again, they are used for purpose and provide a benefit to the population in general.

Waves on the beach? Loud? Maybe, in a technical sense. Annoying? Not to most (If you have evidence to the contrary, please, by ALL means, present it!). Within our control? Absolutely not and therefore irrelevant if we approve of the sound level.

I have ridden down five lane highways on many of my "quiet" bikes. And four lane highways...and three lane highways...and, ahh, you get the idea...don't you? ???

Who uses the toot horn? Well, probably a few folks but if you're serious about using sound for safety you'd buy a real horn for your bike. Assuming you had enough money left over after buying your primary safety device - a loud exhaust. Which brings up an interesting point:

Cost for an aftermarket exhaust: $500 minimum up to $Lot$aDolla$
Cost for an aftermarket horn: Starting around $30 up to $100

Thanks for you "contribution" to the discussion Destin07!

:rofl:......... :clap:
who cares:poke:
aww and theres the rub... I gotta care, why ? I have an aftermarket exhaust..

What happens is enforcement usually starts and finishes at "Factory installed"

Meaning, if it is not factory? it is ticketable.. So my 100db system is looked at the same as the straight pipe that creates 17 times more noise at 117dba

You wont hear mine coming down the street but my money is the same color as the guy waking up all the neighborhood..

the 1% guy causing a problem for the rest of the guys that are not looking for obnoxious but what they think is better than the stock sound..

Then the 1% guys cries the blues when he gets a ticket and the guy with the other aftermarket pipe (that is quiet) does not...

So in the interest of being PC, they must ticket all bikes.. Now that the "look at me" cry baby has his way, we all loose....

Key point to this?

Even race tracks are toning down the noise now days... and that is a place I think would be considered made for noisy pipes... but nope....
+1 on the respect issue...

That's truly what the Loud pipes argument is about. I'm the first one to call out a bunch of squids for unnecessarily revving their engines for the sole purpose of making noise to grab attention.. and there are quite a few that go back and forth on the stretch of highway near my house with their bikes bouncing off the rev limiters. Its loud and obnoxious.. nothing more.

I think the safety argument is complete BS... I've kept stock pipes on most of my street bikes and never had an issue with cars almost hitting me that would have been avoided by having a loud pipe.

The number of riders saved by proper education is exponentially higher. You have to consider that the physical battle of Car vs. Bike will be won by the car every time. Its a simple matter of mass. Which is why riders have to be defensive at all times. Don't get into a cars blind spot and sit there.. don't sit right next to a car on the highways... and for gods sake knock off the stunts on the highways in traffic (again, a display of lacking respect)... more often than not, cases of cars hitting bikes is caused by the bikes travelling at high rates of speed just because they can... but doesnt mean they should.
aww and theres the rub... I gotta care, why ? I have an aftermarket exhaust..

What happens is enforcement usually starts and finishes at "Factory installed"

Meaning, if it is not factory? it is ticketable.. So my 100db system is looked at the same as the straight pipe that creates 17 times more noise at 117dba

You wont hear mine coming down the street but my money is the same color as the guy waking up all the neighborhood..

the 1% guy causing a problem for the rest of the guys that are not looking for obnoxious but what they think is better than the stock sound..

Then the 1% guys cries the blues when he gets a ticket and the guy with the other aftermarket pipe (that is quiet) does not...

So in the interest of being PC, they must ticket all bikes.. Now that the "look at me" cry baby has his way, we all loose....

Key point to this?

Even race tracks are toning down the noise now days... and that is a place I think would be considered made for noisy pipes... but nope....

Great post!

Exactly! ANYone that wants to enjoy the freedom of riding as it is today should care (and does, whether they realize it or not). B/c of the noise issues, that freedom will be a bit less tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. :(
If you can hear any vehicle at 1/4 mile away, that thing is too loud. I'm all for after-market exhaust as it makes the bike sound and perform better. But give me a break...you know it's too loud when it's too loud. Common sense and common courtesy would be nice to see in both bikers and cagers. The dude with the $3000 stereo system thumping up and down the street isn't going to hear loud pipes anymore than someone with loud pipes is going to hear a mom screaming that her kid is running into the street.
Great points, the typical car driver today has all the windows rolled up with the ac on high, the stereo on, and is talking on his cell phone.

Ride like you are invisible and stay out of blind spots.
aww and theres the rub... I gotta care, why ? I have an aftermarket exhaust..

What happens is enforcement usually starts and finishes at "Factory installed"

Meaning, if it is not factory? it is ticketable.. So my 100db system is looked at the same as the straight pipe that creates 17 times more noise at 117dba

You wont hear mine coming down the street but my money is the same color as the guy waking up all the neighborhood..

the 1% guy causing a problem for the rest of the guys that are not looking for obnoxious but what they think is better than the stock sound..

Then the 1% guys cries the blues when he gets a ticket and the guy with the other aftermarket pipe (that is quiet) does not...

So in the interest of being PC, they must ticket all bikes.. Now that the "look at me" cry baby has his way, we all loose....

Key point to this?

Even race tracks are toning down the noise now days... and that is a place I think would be considered made for noisy pipes... but nope....

Check out the words of wisdom from my man Bogus....:beerchug:

Bogus the "Other" 1%'er
Busa riders aren't statistics geniuses... Of course you can test a hypothosis of something
not happening. One suitably large group of riders with loud pipes and one group without loud pipes... If the hypothosis that loud pipes saves lives is true, the group with loud pipes over time should be expiriencing less fatalities/accidents - all other things being equal. I would bet there are insurance companies who already track this data... They probably already have actuary tables with these stats...

If Loud pipes save even one life - the relavant question here is how much general sound annoyance is one life worth?
Check out the words of wisdom from my man Bogus....:beerchug:

Bogus the "Other" 1%'er
so you never got hammered because of someone elses actions? lucky you... We used to run the lakes in our hot rod boats until I got arrested one day for a noise violation on a day I was at work (documented) was released 10 hours later with an apology and a court date to show time card where I was at work.. Why was I stopped in the first place? I had a 800hp flat bottom boat on the lake with Bassett headers that picked up a stick and went dry...

We did some testing at the lake and were more than familiar with how to get a "Noise abatement" permit to test the drag boat... did not do me any good..

Bottom line? guys with obnoxious pipes had the attention of LEO's and they were just doing their job..
so you never got hammered because of someone elses actions? lucky you... We used to run the lakes in our hot rod boats until I got arrested one day for a noise violation on a day I was at work (documented) was released 10 hours later with an apology and a court date to show time card where I was at work.. Why was I stopped in the first place? I had a 800hp flat bottom boat on the lake with Bassett headers that picked up a stick and went dry...

We did some testing at the lake and were more than familiar with how to get a "Noise abatement" permit to test the drag boat... did not do me any good..

Bottom line? guys with obnoxious pipes had the attention of LEO's and they were just doing their job..

Bro I was serious. I agreed with your words of wisdom.

Just don't got turning this into a LEO bashing thread. :lol:
MelodicMetalGod I think your name is getting to you. I think some squid with loud pipes made you mad and now your on here stiring up trouble. You sound the "The MAN" wanting to regulate Noise db depending on area. Cmon use your head, by doing that YOU will kill motorcycling. I run a Yosh TI header and thats it. Ask MR.Bogus its LOUD, If you get on it. I do no harm driving in town with my exhaust that way, But i also dont rev it and stay on the throttle either, i cant hear my bike if i'm riding next to a harley so it cant be that loud. I just ride like a sain person. Like previously stated this thread isnt about loud pipes, its about lack of respect among each other. Also to say that us 1% with loud pipes is affecting the other 99% is wrong. Remember you put on an aftermarket exhaust wich is louder than stock and it might make someone else mad as well. So unless you have a stock exhaust system, You have no room to complain yourself. Thats all i have to say, so flame away and dissect as you will and do what you want with it.
MelodicMetalGod I think your name is getting to you. I think some squid with loud pipes made you mad and now your on here stiring up trouble. You sound the "The MAN" wanting to regulate Noise db depending on area. Cmon use your head, by doing that YOU will kill motorcycling. I run a Yosh TI header and thats it. Ask MR.Bogus its LOUD, If you get on it. I do no harm driving in town with my exhaust that way, But i also dont rev it and stay on the throttle either, i cant hear my bike if i'm riding next to a harley so it cant be that loud. I just ride like a sain person. Like previously stated this thread isnt about loud pipes, its about lack of respect among each other. Also to say that us 1% with loud pipes is affecting the other 99% is wrong. Remember you put on an aftermarket exhaust wich is louder than stock and it might make someone else mad as well. So unless you have a stock exhaust system, You have no room to complain yourself. Thats all i have to say, so flame away and dissect as you will and do what you want with it.

If that old codger can hear it. It must be loud.
is what I have... best to separate the compressor from the horn however (will punch hole in front fender)... Between this horn and the HID kit and learning to ride correctly? not much trouble with cagers using my lane when I am in it...
Mine didn't until I lowered it.
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but as i recall anything above 80db can be considered noise pollution for vehicles. its neither the public's nor the governments fault that alot of riders put on systems specifically designed to create higher sound levels. And the dealerships and accessory shops are to blame somewhat to I think since they make exhaust systems that are clearly stated as for off road or race use only readily available to any Tom **** or Harry that wants one.
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but as i recall anything above 80db can be considered noise pollution for vehicles. its neither the public's nor the governments fault that alot of riders put on systems specifically designed to create higher sound levels. And the dealerships and accessory shops are to blame somewhat to I think since they make exhaust systems that are clearly stated as for off road or race use only readily available to any Tom **** or Harry that wants one.

It could be that stock pipes are ugly, over weight, and sound like crap.