Busa riders aren't statistics geniuses... Of course you can test a hypothosis of something
not happening. One suitably large group of riders with loud pipes and one group without loud pipes... If the hypothosis that loud pipes saves lives is true, the group with loud pipes over time should be expiriencing less fatalities/accidents - all other things being equal. I would bet there are insurance companies who already track this data... They probably already have actuary tables with these stats...
If Loud pipes save even one life - the relavant question here is how much general sound annoyance is one life worth?
Apparently, neither are you, since you're making such a generalization based on such a small sampling.

Of course it can be tested but it's unlikely to be done on a scale large enough or in any semblence of a true scientific method. For the test to be valid you would have to have a pretty large sample of loud/non-loud bikes that were otherwise identical and ridden by the same riders in the same way on the same routes amongst the same traffic. As far as I can tell there's just way too many variables to account for to draw any "proven" conclusions.
As for your relevant question, "how much general sound annoyance is one life worth?", well, obviously you'd like to say that even just one life is worth an "annoyance". The problem is that you can save the same life with a horn or by not riding not riding at all and those options don't bother the public at large, many of whom would prefer the latter option to begin with.