Loud bikes are killing off motorcycles in the US

i think the HID gets more attention than the pipes. they see me, and they think an escalade with a headlight out is heading their way.
I don't really care one way or another about many issues but limiting freedoms from which America was found on is offensive to me every time some dumb ordinance or law is passed of this nature. Let people do as they please as long as they are not causing physical harm to someone else. What one person does or enjoys is not someone elses business in my opinion. As for neighbors getting bothered, they assumed the risk of being disturbed when they chose to move in anywhere other than a cabin in the mountains surrounded by hundreds of acres of national forests. People complain about issues just to have something to talk about, when it comes down to it, 99% of things people complain about will not benefit their quality of life all that much. Why can't everyone just get along and allow others to do what they enjoy.
I don't really care one way or another about many issues but limiting freedoms from which America was found on is offensive to me every time some dumb ordinance or law is passed of this nature. Let people do as they please as long as they are not causing physical harm to someone else. What one person does or enjoys is not someone elses business in my opinion. As for neighbors getting bothered, they assumed the risk of being disturbed when they chose to move in anywhere other than a cabin in the mountains surrounded by hundreds of acres of national forests. People complain about issues just to have something to talk about, when it comes down to it, 99% of things people complain about will not benefit their quality of life all that much. Why can't everyone just get along and allow others to do what they enjoy.

Really? How 'bout if your neighbor decides to surround your property with a 20 foot concrete wall and an alligator moat? They're not doing you physical harm, so I guess you're fine with that. Besides, you assumed the risk when you decided to "anywhere other than a cabin in the mountains surrounded by hundreds of acres of national forests."

Perhaps you've over-simplified the issue...? :whistle:
If someone moves in next door to a drag strip, they have no room to complain. If someone intent on defening himself and the general population by being obnoxiously loud, then they have no right complaining about legislation targeted at after market systems. I don't want to hear someones baffleless straight pipes when i am in my house. Somethings belong on the track. I am obviously not alone. Take a look at N.Y. If we are not responsible, don't complain about any future legislation, because we have brought it on ourselves.

no, traitors like you and your friends have made the laws so ridiculous that this country isnt even free anymore. if i want to spend my money on exhaust that sounds good, thats my choice. i am responsible. i come and go at all hours of the night and my neighbors (in residential chicago) have never complained. ive got a full yosh system on my bike,and a magnaflow on my truck. my friend rides a yamaha vstar with a vance and hynes system, i make him push it to the street before starting. its irritating to me, and i try to look out for my neighbors.

i dont like the way harleys sound. i dont like the way some of the harley riders ride (same thing goes with the sportbike crowd too, to be fair). i dont like the constant BRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPP every time they slow down to hear the bike in decel winding out every gear. its not doing the engine or trans any favors, the only reason they do it is to hear it.

some noise irritates me. do i complain and try and pass laws against it!?! **** no!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT. LIFE IS NOT HERE FOR YOUR SOLE ENJOYMENT. stop being selfish, stop coining ridiculous terms such as 'noise pollution' and 'quality of life'. were not talking about cancer herer, were talking about you not liking the sound of harleys in a well-to-do neighborhood with nothing better to do than pass retarded bills banning bikes. stop pointing the finger at everyone and telling everyone to 'be responsible'.... a revolution is easier than your new world order. so think of that next time you support some stupid bill that takes away yet another freedom. every bill you pass makes us that much less free. its a slippery slope.

'weve brought it on ourselves.' are you ****ing nuts?!?!! these laws are a PUNISHMENT. that is how you are using them, and it is unacceptable. 'well, they ruined my sunday cup of coffee when that bastard on a motorcycle rode down a main street at 11am...ill fix that'.

next youll be hunting mice for farting in your garage.

i dont need you or any bill passing crooked POS telling me how to live my life. thats MY choice. I decide what is good for ME. not YOU. stop powertripping. this aint russia.

and when everyone in DC is out of a job and on the run from an angry populus, you can think to yourself.....'weve brought this on ourselves.' maybe we should ban ink so you can stop writing absolutely absurd bills.
ok im going to play devils advicate here....you cant find statistics on if loud pipes save lives because if they hear you and are aware of you then they dont pull out in front of you and NO accident is created...how do you gather statistics for that. of COURSE you cant prove it. for my experience HELL YES i can blip my throttle when i notice someone at a intersection getting ready to pull out and looking the other way that they IMMEDIATLY JACK THIER HEAD TO LOOK AT ME. should i grab my notebook and pencil so i may jot down the accident i my not have had due to my "awarness" to make sure the other driver was "aware" of me so that we can end this argument. heck for that matter lets let the country be switched to 50% electric cars and see wich ones get hit most often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was just about to post that same thing.....you dont hear about it, because its NOT HAPPENING. they HEARD you before they HIT you.

loud pipes help eliminate accidents...but lets not pretend thats why you buy em.:poke::rofl:

pick up a new issue of car and driver. read the section on hybrid and electric cars. read about how there is going to have to be a MINIMUM noise standard. FOR SAFETY. blind people have no idea when an electric/hybrid car is coming. and with the all important text messages pouring in, more people arent paying attention. and the more i see, the more hybrid drivers generally drive like ass. so now they are working on speakers externally mounted that emit 'engine noise' in a narrow field (think flashlight beam) in the direction of travel.

so who is the judge of 'too loud' and 'not loud enough'?????



you should have to use a muffler on the street. thats it as far as im concerned.

and you shouldnt run to mommy (IE lawwriters) when someone tells you to **** off because youre complaining.
no, traitors like you and your friends have made the laws so ridiculous that this country isnt even free anymore. if i want to spend my money on exhaust that sounds good, thats my choice. i am responsible. i come and go at all hours of the night and my neighbors (in residential chicago) have never complained. ive got a full yosh system on my bike,and a magnaflow on my truck. my friend rides a yamaha vstar with a vance and hynes system, i make him push it to the street before starting. its irritating to me, and i try to look out for my neighbors.

i dont like the way harleys sound. i dont like the way some of the harley riders ride (same thing goes with the sportbike crowd too, to be fair). i dont like the constant BRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPP every time they slow down to hear the bike in decel winding out every gear. its not doing the engine or trans any favors, the only reason they do it is to hear it.

some noise irritates me. do i complain and try and pass laws against it!?! **** no!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT. LIFE IS NOT HERE FOR YOUR SOLE ENJOYMENT. stop being selfish, stop coining ridiculous terms such as 'noise pollution' and 'quality of life'. were not talking about cancer herer, were talking about you not liking the sound of harleys in a well-to-do neighborhood with nothing better to do than pass retarded bills banning bikes. stop pointing the finger at everyone and telling everyone to 'be responsible'.... a revolution is easier than your new world order. so think of that next time you support some stupid bill that takes away yet another freedom. every bill you pass makes us that much less free. its a slippery slope.

'weve brought it on ourselves.' are you ****ing nuts?!?!! these laws are a PUNISHMENT. that is how you are using them, and it is unacceptable. 'well, they ruined my sunday cup of coffee when that bastard on a motorcycle rode down a main street at 11am...ill fix that'.

next youll be hunting mice for farting in your garage.

i dont need you or any bill passing crooked POS telling me how to live my life. thats MY choice. I decide what is good for ME. not YOU. stop powertripping. this aint russia.

and when everyone in DC is out of a job and on the run from an angry populus, you can think to yourself.....'weve brought this on ourselves.' maybe we should ban ink so you can stop writing absolutely absurd bills.

i was just about to post that same thing.....you dont hear about it, because its NOT HAPPENING. they HEARD you before they HIT you.

loud pipes help eliminate accidents...but lets not pretend thats why you buy em.:poke::rofl:

pick up a new issue of car and driver. read the section on hybrid and electric cars. read about how there is going to have to be a MINIMUM noise standard. FOR SAFETY. blind people have no idea when an electric/hybrid car is coming. and with the all important text messages pouring in, more people arent paying attention. and the more i see, the more hybrid drivers generally drive like ass. so now they are working on speakers externally mounted that emit 'engine noise' in a narrow field (think flashlight beam) in the direction of travel.

so who is the judge of 'too loud' and 'not loud enough'?????



you should have to use a muffler on the street. thats it as far as im concerned.

and you shouldnt run to mommy (IE lawwriters) when someone tells you to **** off because youre complaining.

Wow. Lot's of cursing and name calling. Not very constructive.

The simple truth of the matters at hand are:

1) The majority of the population prefers quieter over louder, thus the laws.

2) Without laws, the "freedom" that exists lasts only as long as you can hold on to it, which is only as long as it takes for someone else to take it from you. Unless, of course, you're one of those folks that's convinced that there's nobody on the planet that would ever dare challenge you.

3) Not being selfish means considering everyone that you impact with your actions, and that includes excessively loud (yes, subjective, but we all know what we're talking about here, don't we?) noise. If you worked from 10 pm to 6 am and go your sleep during the day only to be awakened EVERY single day at 10 am by a loud vehicle (bike or car), you may think differently about not complaining.
Wow. Lot's of cursing and name calling. Not very constructive.

The simple truth of the matters at hand are:

1) The majority of the population prefers quieter over louder, thus the laws.

2) Without laws, the "freedom" that exists lasts only as long as you can hold on to it, which is only as long as it takes for someone else to take it from you. Unless, of course, you're one of those folks that's convinced that there's nobody on the planet that would ever dare challenge you.

3) Not being selfish means considering everyone that you impact with your actions, and that includes excessively loud (yes, subjective, but we all know what we're talking about here, don't we?) noise. If you worked from 10 pm to 6 am and go your sleep during the day only to be awakened EVERY single day at 10 am by a loud vehicle (bike or car), you may think differently about not complaining.

im sorry, but i take people *****ing and working at gnawing away at my freedoms very seriously.

as i type this my neighbors kid is riding up and down the sidewalk in residential chicago on an atv. im not calling the police. i can hear it, its not a huge deal. i work a weird shift, so half the time im sleeping while everyone else is up. i dont complain, thats just how it is. im just tired of everyone with a gripe thinking they need to change the world 'for the better.' i havent seen a whole lot of changes 'for the better' lately.
next youll be hunting mice for farting in your garage.

this has been getting on my nerves but getting a cat seem easier that hunting them. Those buggers are fast and man they can blow a fart that would choke a goat.
Posted via Mobile Device
im sorry, but i take people *****ing and working at gnawing away at my freedoms very seriously.

as i type this my neighbors kid is riding up and down the sidewalk in residential chicago on an atv. im not calling the police. i can hear it, its not a huge deal. i work a weird shift, so half the time im sleeping while everyone else is up. i dont complain, thats just how it is. im just tired of everyone with a gripe thinking they need to change the world 'for the better.' i havent seen a whole lot of changes 'for the better' lately.

No apology necessary if that's how you feel. And, if the community at large is OK with an ATV on the sidewalk, excessively loud vehicles, etc., that's their collective choice to accept it. The problem with vehicles is that they go everywhere and they wind up impacting the population in general when they are disruptive.

In general, it would seem reasonable to expect that one's transportation not be excessively loud unnecessarily. I used to live down the street from a fire house. Didn't like the regular sirens, but I got used to it. But, we chose to live there AND that noise has a very particular purpose and the sirens WERE NOT ON when the fire vehicles returned to the fire house.

By the same token, it would seem that if one's vehicle is excessively loud without cause (be it exhaust, stereo, etc.) that one should expect to be challenged on the matter by the majority community.

The freedom of which you speak is very precious, but by providing "freedom" to the few who wish to be excessively loud without regard or consideration to all those whom would prefer the quieter standards, your are sacrificing the freedom of the many.

Bear in mind that true freedom does not truly exist when considering it in the context of any group that has differing opinions how to live or behave. As a group we must all consider EVERYONE around us. Those in the minority on any given issue will not get what they want in matters that concern the community at large.

In the case of "loud pipes" on motorcycles, we are certainly in the minority and the majority has a valid desire to relative peace and quiet. Even if you choose not to consider their perspective valid, as the majority you can be sure that they will ultimately decide the laws. Our best bet is to self-moderate to the point that they don't get so PO'd that they decide to impose their regulations on us without our input. And be sure that when the laws come, they almost always impose a more strict limit than if we were to simply moderate our behavior voluntarily in the first place.
this has been getting on my nerves but getting a cat seem easier that hunting them. Those buggers are fast and man they can blow a fart that would choke a goat.
Posted via Mobile Device

With regard to farting mice in the garage, it's never been the gaseous component that's bothered me. :whistle:

And yes, if I could write a law that the mice would heed, I would outlaw their presence in my garage, just as the law already outlaws the presence of any human in my garage unless I've invited them. :beerchug:
With regard to farting mice in the garage, it's never been the gaseous component that's bothered me. :whistle:

And yes, if I could write a law that the mice would heed, I would outlaw their presence in my garage, just as the law already outlaws the presence of any human in my garage unless I've invited them. :beerchug:

we should ask the lion king to do something about it.
Posted via Mobile Device
im sorry, but i take people *****ing and working at gnawing away at my freedoms very seriously.

With freedom comes responsibility. An attitude of I'll do whatever I want without regard to its impact on anyone else is not being responsible. When people are not responsible, freedoms get taken away. Whether someone thinks its right or wrong, its how things work.
One benefit to the louder pipes is it scares the deer away. Everytime I do see one, he's running away .....with my car, they're usually running at me.