I've seen the beginning of the end I think... Moral Decay of our society....

What's the difference in your daughter bringing in a drug dealer or your son a porn star? Both are morally wrong.

there is a huge difference, one is commiting an illegal act and the other is a perfectly legal, tax-paying citizen...the question isn't about whether you think her choice of a job is morally correct, it's whether or not a government institution has the right to make moral-based decisions for us and i say no! if you don't allow your children to date porn stars that is 100% within your right until said child becomes an adult and is no longer your responsibility

i have no problem with what any of you don't allow under your own roof or at an event sponsored by you, my problem is with government institutions starting to make decisions on what is ok or not purely based on what they think is moral
Very interesting debate and I was wondering how this would play out if the attending persons job was not known, would that person still be welcome, seems to me that the field of employment makes some sort of difference to how people judge them.
Same question to you, you care if a middle school kid took her to a dance...

In short... NO, as long as they behaved as expected during the event. Why you so willing to segregate her because of her profession?

If anyone has sex for enjoyment(Even with their wife),with no intent for reproduction and then bewiddles another for doing the same... What does that make them? Oh wait cause now there is money involved it is wrong? It's just an act of enjoyment. Nothing more. No sex till we're married right? Wonder how much of the population actually abides by that rule.

With that said. We aren't talking about having sex are we? We are talking about a 19yr old going to a prom with an 18yr old. They were proven guilty before the event even occurred. I wonder how many other attendee's will be having dinner,dance and hotel room or someplace just to get acquainted? Should the school start expelling any students who are found to have had sex after the Prom?

The thought of sex is generally harder for a parent to stomach when it's their little girl involved over a boy. Why is that? At what age does one have to be before the thought of having sex is acceptable? 17ish seems the age where most lose their virginity. Regardless of what they are told. The important thing is to teach the kid that sex is a great responsibility and that by doing so it has the possibility to change their life even end it prematurely.

Anyone ever take there kids to a car/bike show or Race way/track and there was attractive women at displays of cars, motorcycles, booths selling products, etc... Why stay? These people are only marketing off sexual thoughts to draw attention. That's OK though right? Is that not offensive?
I have not read the whole thread, but can still remember the look on my parents faces, when I was 19 and I brought home a 28 year old divorcee who had two kids. Nothing they could do about it and hey I'm still here, survived the fun and got serious about life at the right time.

When it comes to girls or your daughter:

They say if you have one boy, you have one boy to worry about. If you have a girl, you have the whole neighborhood's boys to worry about.:banghead:
i have no problem with what any of you don't allow under your own roof or at an event sponsored by you, my problem is with government institutions starting to make decisions on what is ok or not purely based on what they think is moral

Precisely. Semi has nailed it.

This is little different from any other attempt to legislate "morality" by authority... it doesn't work, it never has, and is a constant source of strife when it is allowed to happen. This is why we a secular nation (despite what the religious majority would like to argue otherwise). It has always baffled me to see how one sect feels the need to impose their values onto others, which is exactly what is happening to that 18-year-old senior.

There are worse professions to be in...............lawyers for example :rofl:

Awesome! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Precisely. Semi has nailed it.
This is why we a secular nation (despite what the religious majority would like to argue otherwise).

That's a bit of a contradictory statement, isn't it? If religion is a majority, then by definition, this is a non-secular nation. :laugh:

The fact is, if you do some research into the founding of this nation, the constitution was written with the understanding that people had a fundamental morality based upon the ten commandments. Now whether you agree with that or not, it is a fact. Many of the founding fathers involved in the crafting of the constitution state that fact in their own writings.

This nation was founded to give it's citizens freedom OF religion. i.e., not forced to practice one particular religion over another. And for those that so choose, it also means freedom FROM religion.

That fact that government or other groups are trying to legislate morality is because we, as a nation, have lost that fundamental morality that this great nation was founded upon and now some believe it is their duty to ensure adherence to that morality. Of course, this will never work because, these days, everyone's definition of "morality" is different.

Besides, this responsibility should fall squarely on the shoulders of parents. Parents are responsible for teaching their children fundamental morality - not the schools or government agencies. If parents fulfill this responsibility, then we would have stronger and healthy families. Strong and healthy families become strong and healthy cities. These strong and healthy cities translate into strong and healthy states which in turn produce a strong and healthy nation.

So should the school or any government agency tell us what is morally acceptable? Probably not. But shame on us if we are not able to discern that on our own! I, for one, choose to use the same measuring stick of morality that our founding fathers did. But that's just me.

No one is perfect and we all fall short at times so we certainly shouldn't be judging others on their morality or anything else. We are responsible for ourselves and our own actions and if we don't agree with what someone else is doing, then we just shouldn't be a part of it.

Stepping down from the soapbox now
I find the porn star prom date a lot more interesting than anything going on now. I hope the kid had a good prom and the girl would use some common sense since he was likely a minor. If this wold have been my son, I'd prefer he date a normal HS girl but if this was plan B for him, I'd say it's the damndest best plan B I ever heard of! I would have supported him 100% (and hoped it ended after prom).
It is better to live in your own bubble and not turn on the television set etc.
There's good advice in that statement.

One of the senior ladies we look after is scared to death right now over covid...every time I go to her home, her TV is set on the news channel...I told her the first step to getting over the fear of covid is to shut that darned news channel off...
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Hi. @ RedBull. Hey I believe in free speech as long as it is approved by the Democrats.