Just Watched the Democratic Convention

I didn't even bother turning it on...I can't stand Hillary and most Dems scare me :rofl:
Actually, most politicians scare me...here, for the politicians :moon:
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Thanks for the clip, Vic. I'd read about his morphing to whatever opinions he thinks will get him votes, but to see and hear him do it is even more effective. Everybody has a right to change their minds, but the frequency with which McCain does it and the reasons he gives makes me wonder if he's confused or dishonest. Either way, not worthy of the presidency.
want some more?
Even FIXed news can't deny the reality that McCain is too old and out of touch.
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would hate for the videos to get a little off balance

Ok got it, took me a couple edits to get the link correct so it will play. We can only imagine how the media would have responded had this been anyone they didn't support
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I guess you did not listen to Nancy P. ..

"Natural gas is a cleaner safer alternative to fossil fuels" (said it like 4 times) OMG, and this woman is 1. invested in the natural gas industry, 2. making decisions on drilling for oil (hurts value of natural gas).. WTF is going on here... an ignorant, biased uninformed and with serious conflict of interest issues...

I am in utter disbelief over this stuff myself...

Hey, she's from whacked out San Fran. What would you expect? Maybe we could use our natural gas cars to drive all of the illegals up to San Fran where they can enjoy all of our tax money without worrying about having to live by our laws. And if one of them kills 3 members of a family ... after having been in courts for 3 other felony's that's ok. The mayor, Gavin Newsome will defend them.
I need to go now, I'm getting steemed.:puke:
Some nice Biden quotes for your reading pleasure...

Aug. 2007 on Obama's experience: "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

Aug. 2007 on Obama's pledge to meet with leaders of rogue nations: "Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was president? Absolutely, positively no."

Sept. 2007 on Obama's Iraq plan: "My impression is he thinks that if we leave, somehow the Iraqis are going to have an epiphany. I've seen zero evidence of that."

On Meet the Press, November 27, 2005: “I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that.â€￾

September 26, 2007: Biden for President Campaign Manager Luis Navarro said, “Sen. Obama said he would do everything possible to end the war in Iraq and emphasized the need for a political solution yet he failed to show up to vote for Sen. Biden’s critical amendment to provide a political solution in Iraq.

You KNOW picking a running mate like that is feeding the fire for the Republicans...
One of several reason I won't vote for this guy. Fallen Police Officers Memorial Used As Porta-Potty Pit Stop At Obama Rally in Oregon.

Being a LEO this really strikes a nerve with me. Regardless what group it is, a memorial for those who have gave their lives for the sake of helping others should be sacred ground, NO EXCUSES!

Link: http://www.kptv.com/news/16412289/detail.html
One of several reason I won't vote for this guy. Fallen Police Officers Memorial Used As Porta-Potty Pit Stop At Obama Rally in Oregon.

Being a LEO this really strikes a nerve with me. Regardless what group it is, a memorial for those who have gave their lives for the sake of helping others should be sacred ground, NO EXCUSES!

Link: http://www.kptv.com/news/16412289/detail.html

You must be kidding... what Obama has to do with Porta-Potties? :banghead:

I guess he is also responsible for hurricane Gustav. :rofl:
You must be kidding... what Obama has to do with Porta-Potties? :banghead:

I guess he is also responsible for hurricane Gustav. :rofl:

So you are telling me that Bush wasn't actually responsible for Katrina?

I didn't write the story about the porta potties and it isn't a hoax or fabricated, it happened. Sure Obama was not directly in charge of where they were placed, however someone from his campaign was and yet the incident still occured. I live in IL, you know the state he is from. I've seen his antics and know how bad of shape the IL economy is. The state is virtually bankrupt. If he is the answer to fixing the country, why is his home state in such shambles??
Yeah ... we certainly wouldn't want to ruin the eight years of prosperity and world diplomacy that the Bush administration has graced upon us :rofl:
Thank God for HBO & Starz!! You can choose to ignore the utter crap on your local and/or news channels....

A good comedy is always better than the circus! :)
Oh yea and Pelosi said the "Catholic Church" did not really know when "life begins" Oh man.... ever since grade school... "Life begins at conception" is all I remember... this friggen lady is whacked out...

I don't care when it begins, a little vacuum action will put it to a timely end.
So, where was the vacuum when she made her entry?
thats what i think to Robert, hes not only going down i think in the end it will be the biggest loss % wise than we have ever seen

I HOPE AND PRAY:bowdown:
Originally Posted by Southside Playa
How many jobs have been lost in the past 8 years, as opposed to the previous 8 years??

Just a question.

You may be surprised. I'll help you. Unemployment rates year by year:
Where can I find the unemployment rate for previous years?

5.0375 avg from 2000-2007
5.6375 avg from 1992-1999

DOH!!! Facts hurt when they come back to bite you in the @ss.

And this includes the 9-11 catastrophe that crashed out economy.

What?! No rebuttle? Facts usually shut down opiniated thought.