Just Watched the Democratic Convention

Originally Posted by Southside Playa
How many jobs have been lost in the past 8 years, as opposed to the previous 8 years??

Just a question.

What?! No rebuttle? Facts usually shut down opiniated thought.

I am still verifying those numbers for myself.

I, unlike some, actually think and do my own research quite well. Thank you.

While you are :poke: with me.
So you are telling me that Bush wasn't actually responsible for Katrina?

How would any human being be responsible for a hurricane? :dunno:

Oh wait I know, it's because of global warming(hoax) and since Bush is an oil man he makes global warming worse thereby creating a hurricane.
Without even mentioning the dems, how can anyone act like a multi trillion dollar debt, secret government, lying to justify invading Iraq, putting 4300 of our finest into the ground for Sadaam, botching Katrina, on and on.....shouldn't fall directly on the shoulders of GEORGE BUSH. This has been a republican presidency, republican congress and republican attack on our US Constitution. I fought in a war, I dodged bullets as a policeman, I'll be damned if I'll pretend that GEORGE BUSH, Cheney and Rove didn't set our country back into the dark ages with secret energy policies, torture, rendition, citizen eavesdropping, exhaustion of our military, and removal of Habeas Corpus.
You don't have to agree with me on anything, but there are alot more ways to look at the health of our Nation than this strand suggests. Doyle Smith, USMC, US Coast Guard, LA County Shieriff's Dept., Retired
Thanks for the clip, Vic. I'd read about his morphing to whatever opinions he thinks will get him votes, but to see and hear him do it is even more effective. Everybody has a right to change their minds, but the frequency with which McCain does it and the reasons he gives makes me wonder if he's confused or dishonest. Either way, not worthy of the presidency.

And you think Obama is worthy of the Presidency? Given his terrorist + black liberation friends and all that plus he is a socialist.... and you think that's OK.
Stop drinking the coolaid and get serious.

With Obama as president, and the democratic system of morals we'll be a third world country in no time. Anyone with an eye towards Russia and China should be very scared.
And you think Obama is worthy of the Presidency? Given his terrorist + black liberation friends and all that plus he is a socialist.... and you think that's OK.
Stop drinking the coolaid and get serious.

With Obama as president, and the democratic system of morals we'll be a third world country in no time. Anyone with an eye towards Russia and China should be very scared.

"He is a Socialist"??? Why, because Obama wants to bolster health care for all citizens? Like the thousands of mentally ill Veterans that roam the streets of our cities? McCain voted NO on ELEVEN veteran oriented bills in Congress including NOT EVEN SHOWING UP for a vote on the new GI Bill! BTW Obama voted YES on every one of the bills that would take care of our Vets.

"Giver his terrorist and black liberation friends"? What the heck are you talking about? Now it's being said that Obama hangs with terrorists? This is just advanced unresearched BS, he, years ago had a superficial dealing with a former black panther member that had become a S. Chicago community activist because they both wanted to improve the blight in the ghetto...so effing what? That's supposed to mean that he's in bed with terrorists? In answer to your question, yes, I do believe he deserves to be President, a lot more than richboy cokehead George Bush deserved it.
I did all the ground work for ya.. Instead of just blindly saying who voted for what, people can actually go to the websites I linked and look for themselves.



Truthfully I think it is BS for both of these guys NOT to be at DC doing their JOBS that they were elected for to begin with.. Look at all the "NVs" for 2008...:banghead: