Without even mentioning the dems, how can anyone act like a multi trillion dollar debt, secret government, lying to justify invading Iraq, putting 4300 of our finest into the ground for Sadaam, botching Katrina, on and on.....shouldn't fall directly on the shoulders of GEORGE BUSH. This has been a republican presidency, republican congress and republican attack on our US Constitution. I fought in a war, I dodged bullets as a policeman, I'll be damned if I'll pretend that GEORGE BUSH, Cheney and Rove didn't set our country back into the dark ages with secret energy policies, torture, rendition, citizen eavesdropping, exhaustion of our military, and removal of Habeas Corpus.
You don't have to agree with me on anything, but there are alot more ways to look at the health of our Nation than this strand suggests. Doyle Smith, USMC, US Coast Guard, LA County Shieriff's Dept., Retired