Laid off after 24 years

I just read an article yesterday that said print is an obsolete medium, content has moved to web. But we've all been part of that.

Sorry to hear it.

I wish you luck in whatever is to follow for you.
Been there done that, 20 yrs with a Major Plastic Co. ( Tyco ) They took the money we made them opened 2 more plants all top of the line then when they had to close one they closed ours and any of us that did want to go over to the other plants had to take a huge huge cut in pay as well as a demotion. Any time I hear that name bad words come out of my mouth.
24 years! and yet your only 32 !?! You started young huh ? :laugh:

Owen I feel your pain, I picked the worst year to open a retail store and will probly be closing before Christmas. At least many of us can relate. Hey U wanna move to Hawaii? I could allways use a guy like you in Hawaii but you may not like mopping floors ??? :poke:

I know you'll find something you like, just hang in there dude.
Sorry to hear that dude. People are getting layed off left and right here in Jersey. I actually spoke to a couple getting layed off, and they both work for the county municipal office. Good luck bro and God speed.
I had this happen at 45 years old and thought I would never find a comprable job. The way things turned out I was much better off. Have faith in yourself & don't let it get you down. Good luck.
Sux, hope it works for the best for you. This is a good example of that thread about being bored with your job. Not that thats you situation but when things like this happen it make people really appreciate the job they had especially when you start somewhere new working harder for less pay and crappier hours. Hopefully that will not be your situation and I hope everything goes your way!
Sorry to hear, that really blows. The retraining thought was a great idea. That way you might not be doomed to repeat the same situation. Healthcare will be one of the last stable jobs, IMHO. Can't recommend nursing highly enough. Figure in the people republic of Kalifornia, nurses make $50-$75 an hour. Just look in the paper, probably A BUNCH of nursing jobs wanted, I suspect.


You could just wait until after the elections. Then when the CHANGE happens all the wealth will be spread around and you will no longer have any worries, Right? Who needs to work anyway?

happened to my dad about a year before retirement after 25 yrs of service.

sorry man. i hope you land on your feet soon.
I just had to start over after my Company was Bought by a Independant Franchise. 15 Years DOWN THE TUBES !!!!!!!!!! SO FAR I have Been Blessed because I am Making More $$ and they are giving me more Freedom to do my job without the Corp Red Tape :cheerleader:
Owen ????.......:wtf:

Time you come out to Vegas for a little run through the desert.....then I'll introduce you to some friends at the Review Journal.... :super:
Very sorry to her. Check out your large Printing companies in your area and beyond. Your expertise is hard to come by. Think positive.
We start a series of layoffs this week,last time we had layoffs was 23+ years ago..

I feel so bad for the guys who are getting let go cause our company is in the process of building a new office,spending big money but yet letting people go...???

I hate to hear about this man. I know your pain and like its been said before, this will work out for the better.

If there is anything I can do to help, just yell.

Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I took a resume writing class today (on the company dime) and I have a lead already. They still have to send me the "package" in the mail, so I'm still figuring out my options.

Kent! I could be the best floor mopper in Hawaii over the age of 32 (+16):cheerleader: Sorry to hear about YOUR plant closing. I was going to see if you wanted to open a SoCal franchise.

Thanks Ninja but the L.A. Times is THE large printing facility in SoCal. Other newspapers are coming to us to print their papers for them. Maybe I'll just have to do something I Like to do. Hmmm:whistle:
Sorry to hear about your situation. I just got my notice today too. Will only be employed here till Dec 31st. I kept hearing it on the news and now it happens to me. I have only been here for barely 2 years though, so I really feel for you. Hope you get something better.