Lane Splitting / Filtering

Turn Signals are not required In PA or MD. I never new that.
But I bet your Brocks or AH exhaust get you in hot water:

Maximum Sound Level Pennsylvania Administrative Code Title 67, Part I, Subpart A, Article VII, Chapter 157, Subchapter B, Section 157.11, Paragraph a: Max A-weighted sound levels as measured at 50 feet: 84dBA at 35 mph or less; 88dBA above 35mph.
heh, the last time i was in Ohio LEO was all over and i was griping about the speed limits. :eh:

wow that ride from Cincinnati to Columbus was mind numbing... :sleeping:

I drive that almost everyday try taking 75 from cincy to canada the only part of that ride that is interesting is detroit just because it SUCKS! never going to ride my bike through there again. other then that it is the most mind numbing experience every almost fell asleep about ten times.

The cops aren't that bad but they do like to follow you on those runs to make sure your not going to do anything stupid. The good thing is you can spot them a mile away if your paying attention they are usally out at night and the end/first of the month I think they are trying to might qouta.
Yea it sort of limits ones choices for exhaust.. need to see what a stocker comes in at ..

I don't know what the stock pipes put out, but 80dB is the max for bikes in Cali... That is the equivalent of a telephone ring tone per OSHA. That means my exhaust at redline is right at 4 1/2 times above the accepted level !! :laugh: Yours is only 2 times the accepted level.. :thumbsup:
i do it in nyc and the cops dont seem to care. but then again how would they chase you down in all that traffic anyway
The thing with lane splitting is that you should check with someone local before you do it. Technically, it's not illegal in California that's why you are allowed to do it, but in other places, they could interpret it as "since it's not legal, you can't do it."

I always check with someone local on a bike or stop at a dealership and find out if it's allowed or not before I split lanes.
I have to be careful if I ride with a Harley friend cause they don't like to wear a lid and I always wear mine but forget who I'm riding with or don't think where I'm going. We live in CT. with no helmet law but right on the border of Mass. that does have a helmet law and if I forget and don't pay attention we can end up over the border in Mass with my Harley bud lidless and he gets pissed.:laugh:
I have to be careful if I ride with a Harley friend cause they don't like to wear a lid and I always wear mine but forget who I'm riding with or don't think where I'm going. We live in CT. with no helmet law but right on the border of Mass. that does have a helmet law and if I forget and don't pay attention we can end up over the border in Mass with my Harley bud lidless and he gets pissed.:laugh:

Same Problem here, live in OKLA ( No law ) Ride through Ark. ( No law ) Buddies have to turn around at MO. ( Helmet law ) Kinda sucks, Nice roads in MO.
Now, see there, in Nevada sharing a lane (splitting) with another vehicle is illegal, but it doesn't address riding on the shoulder. Interesting. I believe, in Nevada they allow some things but will pinch you on others....