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My 66 Barracuda.
1966 Plymouth Barracuda-L.jpg
Pretty bike. I love the look of spokes, the more the merrier but man what a PITA to keep clean. Are those tubeless style too?
Yes tubeless 54 3/8 polished stainless spokes. 21" x 3.5 front 18" x 4.5 rear. Not to bad to clean since they are stainless just wipe off, Of course its just a bar hopper no long rides. Just changed the seat, running a slim solo seat now.
Air Medevac. I have an opportunity to work as a flight paramedic for the Maryland State Troopers. $90k plus a year. I'm moving to florida soon so Maryland is out of the question.
Air Medevac. I have an opportunity to work as a flight paramedic for the Maryland State Troopers. $90k plus a year. I'm moving to florida soon so Maryland is out of the question.
Maryland State Troopers has a huge aviation program. Couldn't get me to move up there for any amount of money, that 90k wouldn't go far there. Good decision. I moved from the Atlanta area to florida in 2009 and miss it. I will be back up there in a few years.
Moving to Ft. Walton Beach next year maybe. The older I get the more I like old folks lol
Used to live there in the late 90s stationed at Hurlburt Field. Liked it up there, not to big, not to small. Not many old people there, come down to the keys if you want to be around old people LOL

My daughter took a ride on one of those in 03 after a nasty car crash. Cost about a thousand bucks a minute.
Sounds about right, we are a county run program so we charge about half that, and if your a Florida Keys resident it's free.