Hey here's a surprise!!!! The cop on the forum doesn't like the cameras either!!!!
No cops are bad!!!!!! Pffft!!!
This is great, I can't wait for his response!!!!
I bet you think I hate cops, don't ya.
You probably think I'm a habitual criminal of minor traffic infractions.
(wrong buzzer)
I have no record of any kind. Just hate cops b/c of crap posted above!!!!
You know how you know cops are rotten, when I'm not doing anything illegal and I still get that nervous feeling whenever a cop pulls behind me.
I'd be more comfortable if cops spent more time chasing criminals, rather than being revenue generators.
I don't like the idea of the cameras because I believe that they are unconstitutional...for everyone.
Here's my outlook on things. Wanna ride without a helmet? Couldn't care less. Wanna pay a woman for "relations?" Fine with me too. Sitting at a traffic light at 3 am and it won't turn because your bike doesn't trip the sensor. Go for it. Wanna smoke a doobie in the privacy of your own home and not drive until you're "sober?" Have at it. If you're going say, 10 over the limit, or you have integrated turn signals on your bike (or even none at all), you'll never meet me on the street because I won't stop you for that. If you're only endangering yourself then, as far as I'm concerned, that's your business. Most of the guys and gals I work with feel the same way. When you start intentionally endangering other people, well, that's when we'll have an issue. That's what I'm paid to stop.
I'm not better than anyone else. I do a job and am paid well for it. That's all. I don't work in "Mayberry" and thus, have bigger fish to fry. Yes, I've been written a ticket after I was a cop. I had no issues or hard feelings about it. You won't see me whining on that "cops writing cops" website that was posted. Most of the time however, I cruise around on my sportbike with no issues. There is nothing on my bike or me that identifies me for who I am. I don't get harassed while riding and, I've ridden all over the country. I pass cops while going the speed limit all the time, with no issues. Perhaps it's
how I ride that affects me?
Are all cops good? Are all
people good? Are cops people? I think that question answers itself. That's why we have internal affairs divisions. You can't catch them all on the entrance exams. Even the polygraph is fallible. Bad cops reflect poorly on us all and, good cops don't want to be associated with bad seeds. Does that mean that every person with a cop complaint on an internet forum is right, or even telling the truth? Not a chance.
That article about the cop getting paid overtime for writing tickets doesn't make sense to me. You don't get overtime because you write alot of tickets. The guy that is coming on shift takes your place at quitting time to handle your beat. You don't get to arbitrarily stay late for time and a half just because you promise to write some tickets. Doesn't work that way. You get overtime because additional police coverage is needed to make large special events safer, or because you're assigned to a unit that is on call 24/7 to handle emergencies. REAL emergencies. Not people running a particular stop sign on a regular basis. Refer to the last sentence in this post.
You stated that you hate cops. Your words, not mine. You stated that you hate them because of the "crap" posted in here. Ok. If all that hate works for you and, you like to judge a large group of people based upon your interpretations of a few, well, have at it. Change "cop" to "(insert any particular race of people here)" and it's then called racism. Yes, I know, cops aren't a race of people. However, in my opinion, the judgmental part that enables those emotions and the associated behavior is the same. Do you believe everything that you read on the internet, or see/hear anywhere else? I doubt it. Why are you doing it now? On that point, refer again to the last sentence in this post.
We have a thing in the police world called a "positive police contact." This is what we strive to achieve with each encounter with citizens. That means that, when a cop leaves a citizen after an encounter, the citizen feels good about it, even if they have been written a ticket, arrested, given a break, etc, because the actions of the officer were clearly and, whenever possible,
politely explained. The citizen was treated with as much respect as possible (not always possible with some people, like when they're trying to hurt/kill you) and, not unnecessarily screwed with. The common good must be the first consideration. Citing/arresting someone isn't always the answer. Gaining willing compliance is.
Remember, if it sounds like BS, it probably is, regardless of the source.