Long Island guys

you know, practiced sunday, schweet...snap kicks gettin' good, forms gettin' better every time.

hopefully ridin' sometime this weekend weather permitting and if i get paroled HA!
I'm ready, not sure about Jen though. I haven't run a race in years, but the pace will be relaxed. If Jen gets it in her head she can finish it, she will have no problems. She is good to go physically.

Did you ever run the Cow Harbor 10k Ike? I had my PR on that race with a 10k in 44.xx it was a 12 years ago though.
Happy Turkey Day everybody.
worrrd, happy gobble gobble all

might have a spin this weekend if the weathers good....
May be cold this week end. Anyone who rides in this weather make sure you check that tire pressure. It will usually be lower than it was in the warmer months.
I think I'll slap the gps on the bus and go for another spin up port. later.
yo ike, sunday djac, and anthony might go for a spin with me through the backroads from port jefferson heading west to huntington...

will post if it's on. weather should peak around 47 sunday...

here's mah cell again [631] 821-6201
Hey Rev. I was so busy today and still didn't get done with some house stuff.
I been itchin to ride. I just took a look at the forcast for tomorrow and it looks like rain. That just pist me off. I'll ride in the cold but 99% of the time I won't in the rain. I guess I'll have to wait.
went solo today ike, but that all good, port jeff was poppin', these guys ova here [read djac] think it's "too cold" to ride.

keepin' up tha practice? got mine in today.

YO pdb you make it through that run or should we be playin' taps

The Turkey Trot 5k run was a walk in the park... for me anyway. Jen may have a different opinion with her soccer injury to quad. muscle from game week prior. She made it though.  

I wouldn't be
with djac. We've logged a few 300+ mile day trips on the Busai with upstate runs that you wimped on. It's just that once he starts rolling, he doesn't like to stop.  

(unless his bike gets dirty)  
That's cooL PD.
Is your bike away for the winter?
I'll be planning another LI run soon. I enjoyed my last run
over there. Hopefully I'll get a nice day with no traffic.
Doesn't matter if you ride or not. Maybe we could still meet
up for some lunch with the fellas. Be cool PD. later.
that 300 miles where he took the "fairy" shortcut back? that one? HAA. guess you figured the bike would get dirtier going the long way back  

5k...mannn they'd be carryin' me off in a pine box "i tell you what, shoot".  ["quote"}-from the commercial with the two old ladies, identity theft, motorcycles, vrooom, whaaaa].

ike i was thinkin the same thing. lunch at "salsa salsa" down port with "the godfather" of this thread [pd], or even "spiceys" [chicken wings] in riverhead unless you know a tastier spot charlie. you workin weekends now aint ya. mann this is makin' me hungry. man listen to me "chicken wings"...m u s t    m a i n t a i n    d i e t.