Looks like i'm in a bind

Hey Brother,
This is probably a really stupid suggestion, but have you tried another key? I got two with my bike, and one is so worn it doesn't really work well. The other works fine...
Just some food for thought...
aw c'mon, Vic. Blowtorch sounds SOOOO much more fun than a heatgun.

I'll check my godbrother. He's a locksmith.
Hey Brother,
This is probably a really stupid suggestion, but have you tried another key? I got two with my bike, and one is so worn it doesn't really work well. The other works fine...
Just some food for thought...
another key? My busa only came with one.
The teeth are still good, so I don't think it's that.

I only got one when I got it from that dude in TN.
well, lock goes from 12 to 3, 3 being the open position.

On MY lock, it only goes from 12 to 1:30.
Press the cap down when trying... your latches stuck.
Put a lot of WD40 nside of the locking mechanism and wat for a day.
sigh...more lube and more waiting.
Damn thing...I've been waiting since Friday.

I'll give her one last shot today. I'll soak it in WD40, lube it around the hole in the tank, and wait.

This is getting most irritating.
Good luck Pac!!

And stay away from crowbars, torches, metal hammers, drills, and jackhammers

Sorry I'm no help
It happened to me once...What i did was loosen or take out all the screws holding the lock/cap assembly on....Then try and turn key and if it was like mine....took some jiggling and came off...the lock was all gum'd up so a can of brake cleaner later worked like new
Pac - I'm thinking that might help - does KMart carry any lock break or break free specifically?  Unfortunately, it may not be the key hole that needs to be lubed, it might be the lock itself try to drip lube all around the cap maybe some will get to the lock lugs.  Worst comes to worst..... don't you know any lock smiths?
Lock break? I dunno. I don't think so. I'm sure NAPA or one of the auto stores should have. If worse comes to worse, I can check Ace Hardware.

I know a locksmith, but the problem is gettin the damn thing to turn.

If you look at the bottom of your gas cap, you'll see a hook on one end, and moving lock on the other. If you take out the screws, the moving lock comes out (be careful not to lose the spring) and you'll spy a drum with two teeth on it.

It's that damn drum that turns the moving lock. Either that thing got gunked up or there's some oxidation on the gas tank lip that's holding it.

I'm eyein that drum as the main culprit here. ANd I'm gettin pissed with it.

Time to break out that BMFH and whack a few things loose.
get a gallon of diesel fuel soke in it over night that will do it
It happened to me once...What i did was loosen or take out all the screws holding the lock/cap assembly on....Then try and turn key and if it was like mine....took some jiggling and came off...the lock was all gum'd up so a can of brake cleaner later worked like new
Pac - I'm thinking that might help - does KMart carry any lock break or break free specifically?  Unfortunately, it may not be the key hole that needs to be lubed, it might be the lock itself try to drip lube all around the cap maybe some will get to the lock lugs.  Worst comes to worst..... don't you know any lock smiths?
Lock break? I dunno. I don't think so. I'm sure NAPA or one of the auto stores should have. If worse comes to worse, I can check Ace Hardware.

I know a locksmith, but the problem is gettin the damn thing to turn.

If you look at the bottom of your gas cap, you'll see a hook on one end, and moving lock on the other. If you take out the screws, the moving lock comes out (be careful not to lose the spring) and you'll spy a drum with two teeth on it.

It's that damn drum that turns the moving lock. Either that thing got gunked up or there's some oxidation on the gas tank lip that's holding it.

I'm eyein that drum as the main culprit here. ANd I'm gettin pissed with it.

Time to break out that BMFH and whack a few things loose.
get a gallon of diesel fuel soke in it over night that will do it
Diesel? Soak it in where? Put it in the key hole?

I'll run to gas station before I go home.
remove cap from taqnk lock and all of course and just dump it in .. Deisel is cleaner lube all in one..It has worked for me ..itsa just messy when you take it wipe off and blow out with air gun and a little dw40 that should loosen it if it dont home depot jack hammer and your in
nope...assy is still on the tank. It won't come off....dang latch is stuck.

I'm about 3 seconds away from hammering that damn thing into oblivion.