Looting photochopping

I wish you all would read my little post about the coastal erosion and what was the primary cause of it. And I did say "primary..." because I know some super-educated guru is gonna come in here and totally admonish my two-cents.
All I can say is all this racist crap is really starting to make me feel uneasy and bummed out about this board.

As a Marine for 10 years and DOD for 8 years so far after that, racism is not tolerated. And before anyone fricken gives me crap about racism being in the military. stfu.

Maybe it is. but every unit, command, base and people that I have served under and with it was NOT tolerated. I was taught to be color blind.

One of the many reasons I like h.org is because it USED to be gender and race neutral

I don’t like it when whites are constantly saying blacks are pulling the race card and I don’t like it when blacks DO pull the race card.

Every member I have personally met on this board black or white or brown has been cool as shid. Sageronin showed me awesome hospitality when I was back east. Guy is cool as shid he aint black, he aint white. Just one cool dude.

Lobusa and her hubby, more cool fricken people, they aren’t black nor white to me, they are just some cool people that I am privileged to know.

Most (if not all) of Shawn and Lo's motorcycle club is black. One of the coolest and nicest group of people I have met

Charlesbusa, Ninjisky, BABUSA, Busahaya, Wag, Nanette (and a bunch of other people I have met through this board)

All cool people, regardless of skin tone..

You know when the issue of color comes into play? When you don’t know someone. And if you don’t know someone you should not be talking about them anyone.

And when you do get to know someone, you either like them or don’t like them, their skin tone in most cases does not dictate how you feel. Unless you are racists in which case you should probably just keep your comments to yourself.

So, with that said and I my rant over I would like to close with. I have been seeing more racists comments coming up recently. How about if we all just try and be a little considerate of each other and maybe check ourselves before we do or say something that might be border line.

Lets stay clear of any jokes / comments etc that are race related. If anyone feels they have a need to do that go to LABUSA's or something. It is getting real old around here.

From both sides of the fence.
probably the best thing I've read all night...
Amen !

I wonder why it seems like everyone is either a little more touchy nowadays or just plain rude. It seems to be a little of both sometimes.

I saw the picture of the guy looting...I don't think it was cool at all. I didn't see a black man...all I saw was a fool who was taking advantage of a situation.

Could all those people have left N.O.? Perhaps so...perhaps not. I don't agree with what is going on down there....I think that while there are some true victims there, I also think there's a fuggin bunch of asshats who are jumping on the "victim" bandwagon trying to get something for nothing. Shooting at relief workers? C'mon....

Delayed gov't response? I don't agree with that shid either.....

Now before any of you even think that I'm being racist myself, FUGG OFF. Plain and simple. You don't know shid about me....where I come from nor the line of my people. But allow me to try and enlighten you...

You wanna talk about racist ####? Alright. I am neither caucasian nor african american. I am Chamoru...**a native of the island of Guam**....a proud Guamanian.

African Americans...American Indians...these are people who still have ties to their "race"...they can trace back their lineage....find their roots.

I cannot do the same.

The chamorai....from ancient times were subject to almost complete annihalation by the Spanish who came here. Then after them, the Americans...then the Japanese. Now back to the Americans.

No one is a pure "Chamoru" here....NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON. That line has since died out. What we are left with a bunch of mixed breed islanders. Irish, Jewish, Amercian, African American, Portugese, German, Spanish, Filipino, Micronesian, Hawaiian....you name it, we probably got it flowing in our blood.

Can you imagine how empty one must feel when they find that out? I have no "pure" lineage...nothing that I can call my own. Only my island...and the evolution of the "Chamoru" as we see it today.

I've traveled to the US.....in fact, I have relatives in several states. Illinois, California, Tennessee, Arizona...I have family in all those places. They have all experienced racism in one form or another.

Racism is alive and well here too...

Idiot islanders who think their #### don't stink...and they treat others as if they are lower in the pecking order. I've been to some of the "high-end" shopping places here...fuggin filipinos treat us like ####, but they treat the Japanese like they're golden. How I'd like to rip their face off....

I've been to several places in the US...and I have been treated like I'm some sorta second-class citizen. I've waited for a seat in an eating establishment...only to have other people called before me. Good luck having something to drink while you're waiting. I've looked at things to buy...and some idiot African American givin me some lousy ass attitude and service. Yet, when another African American female comes up, he is all smiles and coos like a fuggin dove.

Spare me.

Racism this, racism that...oppressed this, oppressed that...what the fugg ever.

You ever been so oppressed that you can't even trace your lineage down a straight line? Have your grandparents been forced to work as comfort women for the invading soldiers? Has your Grandfather ever been shot and killed...just because the fuckin japs thought it would be a kick? Did they ever round your people, put them in a cave and then throw in a couple of hand grenades just for the #### of it? Entire villages wiped out...generations of men lost...generations of women raped and killed....

Those are just PART of the atrocities suffered by my people.

Simply put, my people have suffered...in the hands of the Spanish, Japanese, Germans and Americans.

How ironic. Today, the Japanese are the biggest source of tourists out here. For myself, I have friends of many "colors"...but they are exactly that....my friends. No colors...no hatred.

Racism...heh. How old....and how tired.
i didnt see any kind of a racist joke myself. i saw a photochop of a theif feeding off the missfortune of this disaster.hes not steeling food or water he was steeling beer, i really hope that nobody takes this thread as a insult of any kind. i dont know the member who started it but im sure his intensions were not of insult but of humor(all of us knowing a bit of humor in the face of tragedy isnt a bad thing).

as for me if i have offended anyone with my views, i am truley sorry for that isnt my intension ever.
i didnt see any kind of a racist joke myself. i saw a photochop of a theif feeding off the missfortune of this disaster.hes not steeling food or water he was steeling beer, i really hope that nobody takes this thread as a insult of any kind. i dont know the member who started it but im sure his intensions were not of insult but of humor(all of us knowing a bit of humor in the face of tragedy isnt a bad thing).[/QUOTE]

I dont recall seeing anyone laughing and jokingly posting humorous photochop photos of the Tsunami or 911 incident.
i didnt see any kind of a racist joke myself. i saw a photochop of a theif feeding off the missfortune of this disaster.hes not steeling food or water he was steeling beer, i really hope that nobody takes this thread as a insult of any kind. i dont know the member who started it but im sure his intensions were not of insult but of humor(all of us knowing a bit of humor in the face of tragedy isnt a bad thing).

I dont recall seeing anyone laughing and jokingly posting humorous photochop photos of the Tsunami or 911 incident.[/QUOTE]
I don't recall seeing people looting during either one of those incidents...but I do recall the price gouging and the photochops of it too.  

It was all about the humor.  

If it was a white man I'd have laughed and posted the same thing.  The question is would you feel the same...doubt it.  99.9 % of my post and replies have humor...that's me that's how I've always been sorry if I offended people it was not my intentions.  

I can't believe this was even blown up into this kind of crap myself.

No names mentioned but this is really crazy
Here is a PM I get

Just keep the bullshit going! You're just too fuggn sad and dont even know  

How about being a good little messenger and post some photochopped photos like that of the victims of 911 or of the Tsunami victims.

I'm pretty sure the people here will have somthing better to call you than a racist.

Oh'yeah, you can post this message on the board if you like but I feel enough has been said on this topic and I for one among many here had seen enough bullshit instigating from the few newbies here like yourself.

Jesus people...

Please delete this entire post.

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And to be perfectly honest, it was rather funny. Just a couple of them seemed a little off-color due to the nature of the events that has just happened.
i didnt see any kind of a racist joke myself. i saw a photochop of a theif feeding off the missfortune of this disaster.hes not steeling food or water he was steeling beer, i really hope that nobody takes this thread as a insult of any kind. i dont know the member who started it but im sure his intensions were not of insult but of humor(all of us knowing a bit of humor in the face of tragedy isnt a bad thing).

I dont recall seeing anyone laughing and jokingly posting humorous photochop photos of the Tsunami or 911 incident.
hey man... I don't think you're a "racist" or any of that - I don't know you at all! Stuff like that picture works under different contexts for different people; what's funny for you and others just gets under other peoples skin. After some of the politics this week, stuff like that begins to get unsettling, to me at least.

btw, there was looting on 9/11. For one, a group of NYPD officers were arrested for looting a jewelry store near ground zero. Not to mention the numbers of people who've attempted to defraud the victim's fund.

Just this past week, it was discovered that a number of white-supremacist groups had set up fraud websites to accept "donations" for the Katrina victims. Human nature works both ways, regardless of color, nationality or whatever.

Sorry if I offended anyone in the midst of this; I wasn't calling anyone anything, just reacting to a picture....
Toyz, don't sweat it.  The intention of your post was for humor.  No one can deny that.  Humor does offend people sometimes.  But I'd rather have humor and some offended people then no humor at all.

For the people who were offended by the pics Toyz posted;
Do all blonde jokes offend you or do you laugh?
Do all polish jokes offend you or do you laugh?
Do all gender jokes offend you or do you laugh?

I have not know ANYONE in my whole life that hasn't laughed at one of those jokes(blonde/polish/gender).

Look at yourself before looking at others...

just my thoughts

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whats the matter with stealing beer. Thats what I would have done.

maybe he was stealing it for some poor old rummy alcholics.
Maybe he was trying to save their lives.

Maybe he just needed a beer.

I love how the typed internet ideology often becomes so hostile and ignorant...

I know,photochop pic.

My name is Rubbah...and I'm proud to be a drunkin' Canadian.

Toyz, don't sweat it.  The intention of your post was for humor.  No one can deny that.  Humor does offend people sometimes.  But I'd rather have humor and some offended people then no humor at all.

For the people who were offended by the pics Toyz posted;
Do all blonde jokes offend you or do you laugh?
Do all polish jokes offend you or do you laugh?
Do all gender jokes offend you or do you laugh?

I have not know ANYONE in my whole life that hasn't laughed at one of those jokes(blonde/polish/gender).

Look at yourself before looking at others...

just my thoughts
Exactly! I always enjoy a good joke about blacks, asians, mexicans, gays, blonds, jews, poloks, and the occasional armless man... BUT, i tell you what.. you make or laugh at a joke about me.. oh hell, you betta whatch ya back, cuz i will sick the dogz on ya!

I HATE ALL RACES, GENDERS, AND SEXUAL PREFERENCES! If you are not me, i dont like you.

just messin...
How come eveyrone is making a big deal about the guy stealing beer? If its such a racial thing, and if some of you think Toyz is a rasicst, why was there a couple pictures of our President fishing in the flood waters? If this joke, which is being way blown out of proportion, was ment to have any type of hatrid toward anyone, why were there both black people and white people in it? Not only was it a white guy, but it was our President. Look at the guy stealing the beer, hes got a huge smile on his face. It was a joke, get over it. Some people are thinking too much into it and overseeing what its true meaning was, something actually kind of funny that came from a bad situation.
If it was truelly supposed to be racist, it would have been some other brand of beer I am sure.  For those of you who pm'd Toyz... well @#$& you and I hope I never see you playing any offensive music "redneck, or brother music"...

PS if you dont like the words people use then why blast your music loud enough for everyone to hear the same words from your stereo..... make you squeal like a pig....


If anything this thread was in bad taste NOT RACIAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Its 2005 not 1965

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Ohh yeah i forgot that lots of people in New Orleans dont have legs. If you are too lazy to walk to save yourself, then thats your problem! Even if you had nowhere to go, you stayed through the hurricane, and now where do you have to go?? You have no food, water, place to live, nothing. If you wouldnt have been so lazy and walked out of town, you would be better off than what you are now.
Wow..... what an unbelievably cold harsh statement to make.. I've tried to stay out of all of the "racial" threads but this comment really hurt my heart... Maybe you didn't see all the elderly people who drowned in their houses because there was no one to help them leave.. or those in convalescent homes who were bedridden.. Or maybe you just can't comprehend a situation where you don't have a car and no place to go and you're afraid to leave the only home that you've ever known, not really knowing the true consequences of your decision...

I'm so shocked and sickened at what this storm has brought out in people. On BOTH ends of the spectrum... From the piece of #### looters to the supposed educated "know it alls" pointing fingers at an entire race/class of people. How can anyone laugh at a picture photochopped or not of a disaster where thousands have died?? That was just in poor taste...

It is starting to look/sound like LaBusa's around here... I guess on the internet you get all types and can't expect the mutual attraction to a certain motorcycle to change what's truly in one's heart....


Ohh yeah i forgot that lots of people in New Orleans dont have legs.  If you are too lazy to walk to save yourself, then thats your problem!  

Wow..... what an unbelievably cold harsh statement to make.. I've tried to stay out of all of the "racial" threads but this comment really hurt my heart...  Maybe you didn't see all the elderly people who drowned in their houses because there was no one to help them leave.. or those in convalescent homes who were bedridden..  Or maybe you just can't comprehend a situation where you don't have a car and no place to go and you're afraid to leave the only home that you've ever known, not really knowing the true consequences of your decision...

I'm so shocked and sickened at what this storm has brought out in people.  On BOTH ends of the spectrum... From the piece of #### looters to the supposed educated "know it alls" pointing fingers at an entire race/class of people.  How can anyone laugh at a picture photochopped or not of a disaster where thousands have died??  That was just in poor taste...  

It is starting to look/sound like LaBusa's around here...  I guess on the internet you get all types and can't expect the mutual attraction to a certain motorcycle to change what's truly in one's heart....


ok maybe people took my statement the wrong way. I understand that no everyone could get out. But watching the news and all the different coverage on tv, i see lots of people who look to be in perfect health. If you can run through Wal Mart stealing, or cram your pockets and shirt with beer, then why couldnt you walk out of the city when you knew 3-4 days in advance you were gonna get hit. I understand that there are elderly people and sick people who coudlnt leave, and i feel for those peole, but the fact is, the elderly and sick arent the peole running around making the situation worse by robbing, raping, shooting at help and looting. I also feel bad for the kids that had no choice, and i even feel bad for the dogs, cats and other animals. It just seems like to me, and i could be wrong, that the people who are doing the most complaining and the people who had the oppurtunity to leave.

I wonder why it seems like everyone is either a little more touchy nowadays or just plain rude. It seems to be a little of both sometimes.

I saw the picture of the guy looting...I don't think it was cool at all. I didn't see a black man...all I saw was a fool who was taking advantage of a situation.

Could all those people have left N.O.? Perhaps so...perhaps not. I don't agree with what is going on down there....I think that while there are some true victims there, I also think there's a fuggin bunch of asshats who are jumping on the "victim" bandwagon trying to get something for nothing. Shooting at relief workers? C'mon....

Delayed gov't response? I don't agree with that shid either.....

Now before any of you even think that I'm being racist myself, FUGG OFF. Plain and simple. You don't know shid about me....where I come from nor the line of my people. But allow me to try and enlighten you...

You wanna talk about racist ####? Alright. I am neither caucasian nor african american. I am Chamoru...**a native of the island of Guam**....a proud Guamanian.

African Americans...American Indians...these are people who still have ties to their "race"...they can trace back their lineage....find their roots.

I cannot do the same.

The chamorai....from ancient times were subject to almost complete annihalation by the Spanish who came here. Then after them, the Americans...then the Japanese. Now back to the Americans.

No one is a pure "Chamoru" here....NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON. That line has since died out. What we are left with a bunch of mixed breed islanders. Irish, Jewish, Amercian, African American, Portugese, German, Spanish, Filipino, Micronesian, Hawaiian....you name it, we probably got it flowing in our blood.

Can you imagine how empty one must feel when they find that out? I have no "pure" lineage...nothing that I can call my own. Only my island...and the evolution of the "Chamoru" as we see it today.

I've traveled to the US.....in fact, I have relatives in several states. Illinois, California, Tennessee, Arizona...I have family in all those places. They have all experienced racism in one form or another.

Racism is alive and well here too...

Idiot islanders who think their #### don't stink...and they treat others as if they are lower in the pecking order. I've been to some of the "high-end" shopping places here...fuggin filipinos treat us like ####, but they treat the Japanese like they're golden. How I'd like to rip their face off....

I've been to several places in the US...and I have been treated like I'm some sorta second-class citizen. I've waited for a seat in an eating establishment...only to have other people called before me. Good luck having something to drink while you're waiting. I've looked at things to buy...and some idiot African American givin me some lousy ass attitude and service. Yet, when another African American female comes up, he is all smiles and coos like a fuggin dove.

Spare me.

Racism this, racism that...oppressed this, oppressed that...what the fugg ever.

You ever been so oppressed that you can't even trace your lineage down a straight line? Have your grandparents been forced to work as comfort women for the invading soldiers? Has your Grandfather ever been shot and killed...just because the fuckin japs thought it would be a kick? Did they ever round your people, put them in a cave and then throw in a couple of hand grenades just for the #### of it? Entire villages wiped out...generations of men lost...generations of women raped and killed....

Those are just PART of the atrocities suffered by my people.

Simply put, my people have suffered...in the hands of the Spanish, Japanese, Germans and Americans.

How ironic. Today, the Japanese are the biggest source of tourists out here. For myself, I have friends of many "colors"...but they are exactly that....my friends. No colors...no hatred.

Racism...heh. How old....and how tired.
just to set this clear, I am in no way trying to downplay what is going on in N.O. nor am I trying to say that I don't give a crap about racism.

Just trying to say that it's starting to get a little burdensome hearing about race this and race that.

It's happened to me...it's probably happened to you...but you can't let it get you down.

We just gotta keep on chuggin and live life in the right...with the BIg Man upstairs being the judge.

Ya know what I mean?

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