Looting photochopping

i still think stealing the beer was the right thing to do...
I've got an idea.

alllll this energy that everyone has put into this now deranged thread, if it was only channelled into some form of HELP.

HELP yourself....
HELP your dog....
HELP your VCR timer...


help the victims of this tragedy.
I did create a way for members of this edgey board to help the victims if you haven't already.

donations will be sent to the Red Cross weekly in the name of Hayabusa.org

Ohh yeah i forgot that lots of people in New Orleans dont have legs.  If you are too lazy to walk to save yourself, then thats your problem!  Even if you had nowhere to go, you stayed through the hurricane, and now where do you have to go??  You have no food, water, place to live, nothing.  If you wouldnt have been so lazy and walked out of town, you would be better off than what you are now.
Wow..... what an unbelievably cold harsh statement to make.. I've tried to stay out of all of the "racial" threads but this comment really hurt my heart...  Maybe you didn't see all the elderly people who drowned in their houses because there was no one to help them leave.. or those in convalescent homes who were bedridden..  Or maybe you just can't comprehend a situation where you don't have a car and no place to go and you're afraid to leave the only home that you've ever known, not really knowing the true consequences of your decision...

I'm so shocked and sickened at what this storm has brought out in people.  On BOTH ends of the spectrum... From the piece of #### looters to the supposed educated "know it alls" pointing fingers at an entire race/class of people.  How can anyone laugh at a picture photochopped or not of a disaster where thousands have died??  That was just in poor taste...  

It is starting to look/sound like LaBusa's around here...  I guess on the internet you get all types and can't expect the mutual attraction to a certain motorcycle to change what's truly in one's heart....


Thank you Lo. That's what I was getting at without becoming too overbearing. The fact is that we only see a very small part of what's really going on out there. At least we ALL can agree that it is a tragedy, and that ALL our prayers and any gestures of compassion is well appreciated.
i think when it comes down to the nitty gritty, we can all realize that we are different ppl and what may be humorous to some others can find insult(individuality) but i would love to think as a tight group we can get over it and learn from eachother.now pass me a heini brah

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I just left you neck of the woods last fri but the next time I'm in Az. I'll diffinetly hit you up.

