low side

Revlis- I was actually supposed to be in Tampa this Thur. with my bike and my friends ZX12. I have a friend that lives in Tampa that has a Busa and we were all going to ride some of your roads through the weekend!!! Oh well...another day maybe.
Man, I hate to see threads like this! Sorry about your bike but at the same time I'm glad you're alright. I really wish I had better riding gear. I will have by next year's riding season. Hope I can sneak through without goin' down until I get it.
As I was lying on the ground I just couldn't believe this just happened.  
sorry to hear the news '
hope u get well soon and fix ur bike even quicker

dont be hard on yourself about the crash
SH!T happens

i wrecked a brand new ducati monster 900swith 50 miles the day i bought it

it sucked when i was laying on the ground with cars swerving around me.

all i could think is holy Fu%kin sh!t what just happened!

dont worry youll be laguhing about it this time next year

take it easy
i high sided in a major intersection trying to make a right and beat the yellow light.
it didnt work out :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Atleast you came out of this pretty much intact. Sore is definately better than hospitalized or dead! The bike may take some time to get back to where you want it but now you have a reason to finish up any mods that you have been wanting to do
Man I hate to see this kind of thing happen. It's happened to me before and I always worry about it happening again. Most important thing is you're alright. I spent some time in the Hospital and they totalled mine out. Took 4 years of convincing my wife and buying her a new house before she LET me own another one. Crashing sucks indeed and can be alot more expensive than just buying a new bike.:) Take it easy, I hope it all works out for you.
All my plastic, tank and exhaust is toast.  But the frame, swingarm, wheels and forks seem fine.  I have full coverage with USAA and I am not sure if I should try and have the bike totaled or repaired?  How much will they give me for a 02,7000mile busa with $3000 extras?

p.s.- Thanks for the support, I appreciate it!

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Nothing sucks like laying down an awesome bike. At least you are ok and you have insurance. Just to add my 2 cents here, I think this is proof that you had better choose your tire wisely and to match your style of riding and not just to save money.

What I mean is, if you ride aggressively (it sounds like you do) then you had better have top quality grippy tires to match. If you are pretty laid back and rarely push it hard in the turns, then you can get by with higher mileage tires. It seems that BT012's were just not up to the job. I personally would never use them for aggressive riding and this proves why.

Again, sorry to hear about this. Your bike was a real gem, but "we can rebuild her" (can you hear the bionic man sounds in the background?).
Strange thing is I had my wife take a quick picture of my gear before I left for my ride.  Little did I know that I would be sliding down the road 2 hrs. later. This is what saved me from a lot of pain and suffering.  The Joerocket Highside held up great from about a 50 foot slide on the road and another 50 off road.  Put some scuffs on the backside and a small hole on the right elbow.  My H.Gericke boots and Suzuki gloves held up great also.  I have some Draggon jeans that I use, but since I was going to ride hard I put on my suit...thank god!

The right gear is not cheap, but is well worth it when you need it!  If you get a bike the first things you should add is gear for your body not gear for the bike!

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Hey blaze,

Let us know if your insurance covers your aftermarket exhaust and other goodies... I am curious.

Glad to see you had on full gear... Good for you!

If ya have all your reciepts you should be able to get reimbursed for your add ons.
As for what you'll get if they total it, you can figure on approx 80% of Blue book.
That doesn't count any accesories or gear. You can prolly get a new helmet and suit too.
damn BLAS!!! I know you had a great relationship with your bus/tundra......

Let us know what we can do to help. k?