MCN ZX12 article 175.5 hp!



Looks like we're going to be treated to some creative excuses for a while! :)

Mr9R - Better said: "The 12 hasn't beat the Busa yet."

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 08 February 2000).]
ianfila, did this horsepower come from the crank or from the back wheel? if it was from the back wheel that could be a difference of 5-10% more at the motor.
What is the link for zx12 chat? Just curious what the buzz is on their site? Paying an extra 2 grand or there about is it worth the extra .5 hp? Hell I think I may have won a couple bets over this one!!
A small point guys.. Our Manufacturers Statement Of Origin states that '00 Busa hp is 172.5... Not 175. Obviously it's more than 0.5 hp difference.

In any case be careful about talking sh!t to a 12er. The bikes are almost EQUAL. A skilled rider on a 12 could wipe our butts for most of us. I'm not sure I want to race Omega for much money...
All bikes dont dyno the same Lyle.Some are more than 172.5 and some are less.It's not written in stone.
At least we're getting some "official" numbers from Kaw now. After getting to know some of the 12 guys I can't help but feel badly for them since their expectations were so high but I'm sure it will still be very strong. We know how hard the Busa pulls.
I smell a rat here. Kawasaki has had an entire extra year to tweak and develop this bike, and the best that they can do is a measly .5HP? I don't believe it! I think that the whole article is bogus. I say this because the article was written by an unnamed "MCN Reporter". Since there is no way to identify this reporter, I will hold judgement until I see this figure quoted elsewhere by a "reliable" source.

Haven't you guys learned...DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!!! :)
NEXT! Yeah what will be the next line of BS!

Is that "Fitch ZX12 Video" still for sale, I remember the offer of $500.

For the last year I have been reading of the impending doom to the Busa from our Kawasaki Buddies. Everything just short of a death threat in how the ZX12 will just wreck havoc on our fat and ugly underpowered Busa's.

Now with one MCN report of an "Official Kawasaki" Japanese press release of the 12's production standards, the stone throwers are running under rocks to hide from the same pile they have been throwing for the last nine months.

We really won't know much till the 2000 Busa and ZX12 have a shoot out in a credible mag such as Road Racing World. (read last years XX vs. Busa shoot out last year, one of the most informative Busa tests of all last year).

Sport Rider will still tell us a 600 is the weapon of choice. As for the rest of the US mags they will be as advertising biased as usual.

We need to believe in some "credible" journalism from's Marty Kane, I would like to think he will have a shoot out in the near future.

The BS will not end till someone REAL runs a shootout, Marty Help us!
I usually look to Motorcycle Consumer News when I want "unbiased" testing info. They accept no advertising and I feel that their results are more believable than the other mags.
Man, I have to show up in these boards again! Did I not preach to some of you under a different topic not to expect much from the 12r??? I told some 12r owners to get their minds out of the hype surrounding the 12r and look at all the facts that were currently available. If any of them did that they would have seen it then that the 12r would not out perform the 1300R by a wide margin if it out performed it at all!! How can you get all excited about Ricky Gadson running a 9.5 on the 12r?? Put him on a lowered 1300 with a pipe and see what happens!! How can any 12R buyer justify his purchase when he paid $2,000 more for a bike with only .5hp more than the 1300R and with less overrall quality. Those of you that saw the 12r in person know that it's overrall quality is horrible. Kawi hasn't exactly showed themselves as marketing geniouses this last few years...Look at Honda...they have the 929rr coming with real "FACTS" you can go on and specs that do look like it may out perform the R1....but hey even if it doesn' is still CHEAPER than the R1 and wont lag behind much. Ok enough...I'm not going to pour anymore salt into the wounds of everyone that had a deposit on a 12r. Hahahaha I'm really laughing hard at all the 12r guys right now this is very entertaining. One moment their on top of the they're looking for the biggest rock to crawl under or their working overtime pumping out excuses.
ZX12 official hp is 175.5 as announced to the world by Kawasaki, a convenient 0.5 hp more than the Busa! Looks like a potential "real' article for a change from MCN.
Sherm made reference to this at 2:09am, thread "Let The Games Begin"

LOL, no matter how you title it, Kawasaki should hang their head in shame for creating so much hype then realizing, THEY CAN'T BEAT HE KING! yeah baby...
Sorry, slam. I can't hear your laughing. I'm first in line for a 12R at my dealer (no deposit required) and couldn't be happier. If you'd read any of my posts here, at the ZX12R site or at labusas, I'm not nor will I make "excuses" for the 12R. I'm not crawling under any rocks or holding my head in shame. Any published, rumored or spoken "facts" of the 12's ablitity or inability to beat the Busa at anything, means nothing to me. Never did and never will.

Reported 1/4 mile speeds and times and top speeds are numbers attained by professional riders and journalists. Maybe I'm a wuss, but they are numbers I neither have the skill or the balls to attain. It wouldn't matter if I was on a 12R, a Busa or a Bandit. It'd never happen.

My reasons for buying a 12R are rather simple. I like it and I feel I'd be happy with it. It has nothing to do with brand loyalty. Dealer loyalty, maybe, but not brand loyalty. If you've ever read some of my posts, you'd see that I feel that the Hayabusa is, and always will be a benchmark in motorcycle design.

The only reasons it wasn't considered in my plans of buying a new bike is my dealer loyalty and that my local Suzuki dealer is probably the worst in the nation for sales, parts and most importantly, service. This is just my opinion of this dealer. My personal experiences I've had with them, with the Suzukis I've owned and currently own are why.

I could go 30 to 100 miles to another Suzuki dealer, but I'd rather not trailer my bike every time I need services I can't do myself (i.e. recalls). I am also good and close friends with the owners of the local Honda / Yamaha dealership. In 28 years of riding, I've owned a few Hondas and Yamahas, as well.

The 929 and R1 are both bikes I wouldn't mind having and they would work well for where and how I ride. I just enjoy the relationship I have with my current Kawaski dealer and their service more than the others.

Over the past 3 years, I've rode over 67,000 miles of Arkansas' back highways on my '97 7R. I've been pleased with it's performance and durability. All the modifications and almost all the repairs, I've done myself and I was always happy with the results. I hope my 12R will give me the same pleasure my 7R has, but only time will tell.

If I spend $2000 more for something that isn't as fast, good looking or what ever, as the Hayabusa, it will not wipe the smile off my face. I might be an idiot, but I'll be a happy idiot. So when you blow past me on your Busa, I'll wave. You'll know it's me. I'm the happy "idiot" with that s**t eating grin.

[This message has been edited by redelk (edited 09 February 2000).]
I find the article as both good news and bad. Kaw did get the same horse out of 100cc less motor. 11 lbs can be made up by a fat rider like me. I am glad to see the Busa looks to remain #1 but would like to have something to shoot at. Takes some of the fun out of it when competition is slim. I also have to wonder if this is the article to be taken with a grain of salt? I'm not going to take this to the bank till I see more info from more sources. Every model has a few dogs and a few quarter horses. I've seen stock Busas listed here from high 140's to low 160's. Whats the spread on the ZX-12 going to be?
This isnt about blowing the doors off busas, this is nothing more than a small step up the evolutionary ladder. Its so easy to spot the purists that love cutting edge bikes as opposed to idiots like slam. The 12 and the busa are not exactly stablemates, the 12 is focused a bit differently in that its shorter, taller, and way narrower, its 11lbs lighter and will handle much more like an all out superbike than a mega horsepower sportourer. The 12 will edge the busa in the numbers game, they've had all last year to test alongside the busa to ensure that it will. Is a few ticks in the quarter and a few mph up top gonna make it a better bike? Fuk no. Will the average rider be able to exploit the slight advantage it will have? Fuk no. My rational is simple, the ideal bike for my riding style is the R1. The only problem is at 257lbs I need more bike under me. The 12 is as close to a superbike as I'm gonna get while still having a signifigantly larger bike than the liter class crop. THIS is why the 12 is the right bike for me. Within a month of delivery I will have the dry weight down to 430 and the rwhp up to 170. If you dont think those numbers will get the job done then you dont know shite from shinola. Dissapointed? Fuk no!
This type of thread could go on forever and ever... why don't we wait and see till the bike comes out and they go "mano a mano" on the track, then we'll see who the king is.

All this paper figures mean nothing... after the shoot-out, we'll find out if we're still kings, or if we've been de-troned... meanwhile... chiiiiiiiiiiiiill.......
EXACTLY, and even if it does nudge the busa in the quarter and top end, it will still come down to the rider on the street.
Stock Kwackers tend to have more consistent (read high) power outputs than any of the other Jap bikes, certain Suzuki's, Honda's and Yamaha's often produce figures with 15BHP discrepancy, Kawasaki's are normally fit and within a couple of BHP of each other.
Redelk... Good luck with the new bike. I hope you're as happy with the 12 as we are with the Bus. I hope you'll let us know how you like it, problems, dyno numbers, just like we have.