I'm surprised some of you know the history of WHY marijuana is illegal and yet you still wish it to remain that way. Drugs are part of human nature, look back at any and all civilizations and you will see it there, often times, unregulated. These societies functioned just fine.
I would much rather see marijuana widely used than all the narcotic pain medications that I see ABUSED. Narcotics are poorly controlled. According to the patient's bill of rights, one is ensured that they can seek pain relief. Go to your doctor and say you have chronic back pain, knee pain, foot pain, muscle pain, "fibromyalgia," and you will be handed prescriptions to lortab, percocet, oxycontin, it is really not that hard to get. These drugs are far more addictive and damaging than marijuana. I have seen people almost die from tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol, narcotic pain medications, tylenol overdoses, I have never seen anyone almost die from a marijuana overdose. On another note, for some reason, most intoxicated patients that come into the ER are complete a-holes, hard to deal with, yet they are my responsibility. I would much rather deal with someone high on marijuana, much easier to deal with.
Your idea on "sin tax" is understood, but bears false merit. Alcohol and tobacco, and probably marijuana DO need to be taxed higher than other substances. These substances DIRECTLY cause later issues with health problems and as such need to be taxed accordingly. You should pay high taxes on these substances to help offset the cost to taxpayers later when you develop chronic bronchitis, emphysema, copd, cad, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic encephalopathy, cancer, etc.