Right, call me ignorant. Call me simple. Call me what ever you like... I don't give a rats arse.
Nowhere in a civilised society, does a person need to show up to a peaceful protest armed to the teeth, looking like a reject from a movie set. Wtf are you trying to prove? That ya got a penis and you're a real mans man.. go home
(the idea a person can openly carry, carry concealed, and walk the streets armed just dumbfounded me. Yes the law states you can, but why do you need to? To what ends? And don't give me the "in case something happens" story. Are you really prepared to point it at a human, 100% certain you know better and end that persons life and live with the consequences, the nightmares)
So the government and the medical experts say, "stay home, distance apart, stay safe and lets get through this so we can return to normal" but no, these clowns protesting do nothing, and show nothing but ignorance and blatant disregard for other people's safety and wellbeing. Are they that blind they cannot see what's happening outside their own little piece of the world. Stop being so damn selfish and consider the fact some people may know more about this that you do.. that's why we don't let car salesman do brain surgery, they know more about it so we listen and trust them.
People comment, oh it's the flu or similar, and it kills 1000's. it may very well do, but when was the last time you saw refrigerated trucks filled with deceased people because we have no space left to store them. Mass graves in non war zones being filled up and bulldozed in because of the number of dead in such a short time.
Yes it's tough going at the moment. Yes it's not what we're used to. But man up, take stock of yourself and those around you. Consider what's best for the greater good and not be so ignorantly selfish.
Nowhere in a civilised society, does a person need to show up to a peaceful protest armed to the teeth, looking like a reject from a movie set. Wtf are you trying to prove? That ya got a penis and you're a real mans man.. go home
(the idea a person can openly carry, carry concealed, and walk the streets armed just dumbfounded me. Yes the law states you can, but why do you need to? To what ends? And don't give me the "in case something happens" story. Are you really prepared to point it at a human, 100% certain you know better and end that persons life and live with the consequences, the nightmares)
So the government and the medical experts say, "stay home, distance apart, stay safe and lets get through this so we can return to normal" but no, these clowns protesting do nothing, and show nothing but ignorance and blatant disregard for other people's safety and wellbeing. Are they that blind they cannot see what's happening outside their own little piece of the world. Stop being so damn selfish and consider the fact some people may know more about this that you do.. that's why we don't let car salesman do brain surgery, they know more about it so we listen and trust them.
People comment, oh it's the flu or similar, and it kills 1000's. it may very well do, but when was the last time you saw refrigerated trucks filled with deceased people because we have no space left to store them. Mass graves in non war zones being filled up and bulldozed in because of the number of dead in such a short time.
Yes it's tough going at the moment. Yes it's not what we're used to. But man up, take stock of yourself and those around you. Consider what's best for the greater good and not be so ignorantly selfish.