Michigan Armed Protesters

Right, call me ignorant. Call me simple. Call me what ever you like... I don't give a rats arse.

Nowhere in a civilised society, does a person need to show up to a peaceful protest armed to the teeth, looking like a reject from a movie set. Wtf are you trying to prove? That ya got a penis and you're a real mans man.. go home

(the idea a person can openly carry, carry concealed, and walk the streets armed just dumbfounded me. Yes the law states you can, but why do you need to? To what ends? And don't give me the "in case something happens" story. Are you really prepared to point it at a human, 100% certain you know better and end that persons life and live with the consequences, the nightmares)

So the government and the medical experts say, "stay home, distance apart, stay safe and lets get through this so we can return to normal" but no, these clowns protesting do nothing, and show nothing but ignorance and blatant disregard for other people's safety and wellbeing. Are they that blind they cannot see what's happening outside their own little piece of the world. Stop being so damn selfish and consider the fact some people may know more about this that you do.. that's why we don't let car salesman do brain surgery, they know more about it so we listen and trust them.

People comment, oh it's the flu or similar, and it kills 1000's. it may very well do, but when was the last time you saw refrigerated trucks filled with deceased people because we have no space left to store them. Mass graves in non war zones being filled up and bulldozed in because of the number of dead in such a short time.

Yes it's tough going at the moment. Yes it's not what we're used to. But man up, take stock of yourself and those around you. Consider what's best for the greater good and not be so ignorantly selfish.

Guns, legal authority and race are so entangled in this country that you can't talk about one without acknowledging the influence of the others.
. Sorry I don’t believe that. Morgan Freeman said he is not an Afro American nor a black man , but an American and a man. I think he is heading in the right direction.
Guns, legal authority and race are so entangled in this country that you can't talk about one without acknowledging the influence of the others.
. Sorry I don’t believe that. Morgan Freeman said he is not an Afro American nor a black man , but an American and a man. I think he is heading in the right direction.
They acknowledge the need for masks but not distance, cut out unessential interaction and stay home. In a way, their protest contradicts itself.
. Sorry I don’t believe that. Morgan Freeman said he is not an Afro American nor a black man , but an American and a man. I think he is heading in the right direction.
With respect, your belief or disbelief doesn't alter reality, and Morgan Freeman knows about as much about the study of race as I know about acting. He's good at that, he should stick to it. His wealth and fame allow him to say things such as that, and they also insulate him from reality enough to let him believe them. That sh!t is as ignorant as a white person saying racism doesn't exist because they themselves aren't racist.
Institutional structural racism is built in to the way America operates.
Ignoring it doesn't make it go away, confronting it does.
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Maybe, people who weren't armed were too intimidated perhaps, or maybe people agreed with their stance...I wonder how it would have played out if they were protesting something less popular and were so armed...??

Guns have no place at any protest by either side in my opinion.

Protests are for reforms, guns are for revolutions. These guys should remember which country they live in.
With respect, your belief or disbelief doesn't alter reality, and Morgan Freeman knows about as much about the study of race as I know about acting. He's good at that, he should stick to it. His wealth and fame allow him to say things such as that, and they also insulate him from reality enough to let him believe them. That sh!t is as ignorant as a white person saying racism doesn't exist because they themselves aren't racist.
Institutional structural racism is built in to the way America operates.
Ignoring it doesn't make it go away, confronting it does.
. We will have to agree to disagree. I think you can separate armed protest on the virus and racism. As to Morgan Freeman , he was not always rich, and being black, I think he will know more about it than you or I, unless you happen to be black.
. We will have to agree to disagree. I think you can separate armed protest on the virus and racism. As to Morgan Freeman , he was not always rich, and being black, I think he will know more about it than you or I, unless you happen to be black.
We can certainly agree to disagree.
You're right, he hasn't always been rich, but he's always been black and always will be irrespective of what he thinks or says.
I do so happen to be, and researching and studying race in the US is literally what I do for a living.
We can certainly agree to disagree.
You're right, he hasn't always been rich, but he's always been black and always will be irrespective of what he thinks or says.
I do so happen to be, and researching and studying race in the US is literally what I do for a living.
. Thank you for your insight, I will bow to your knowledge. His idea made sense to me . I hope your wrong that we can’t work on a problem without race being part of it.
. Thank you for your insight, I will bow to your knowledge. His idea made sense to me . I hope your wrong that we can’t work on a problem without race being part of it.

Maybe just maybe race (should) be part of the discussion so that long overdue (issues) that are still absolutely present in all walks of society are addressed.
Anybody have an' answer to Yellow 09's question?

Armed militias of today are there to do what exactly?

Anybody have an' answer to Yellow 09's question?

Armed militias of today are there to do what exactly?

C'mon Rubb . . you know this already!
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Anybody have an' answer to Yellow 09's question?

Armed militias of today are there to do what exactly?

Well if I tried to answer this I would go like:
I feel they have no reasonable purpose in a modern society.
They were originally put together to combat what they felt was any sort of corruption or tyranny or oppression in some form or another.
O.K. I think I have that part pretty well aced. So,that would be the goal of these types of freedom fighters/militia/armed groups[use yer own term there] to overthrow any type of governing body they feel is somehow not in tune with what they consider to be the right way to serve their personal needs or wants.
So let's go a little bit stupid here with the hypothetical.
A militia residing in the U.S.A decides they are not getting a fair shake from the current administration. So according to some,it is their duty and/or right to stand up to and even attempt to overthrow said government.
So I would guess they would have to,having somewhat limited resources start their uprising at a fairly local level or attack by means of small hit and run type operations. What would their goals be? To kill the people responsible for their perceived mistreatment? What would that look like? Would they start at the top,kill the president and his whole political party?
Let's say they achieved that. Who then would decide who the new administration would be? Would the militia just step in and inject a group of people of their choosing? Or would they hold an' election? We have to remember here that all of the previous uprisings were done to create a modern democratic society,one by THE PEOPLE,FOR THE PEOPLE. Not to create a an' envioroment lead by one or many fanatics,communists or dictators. That would be turning the clock back about 200 years.
So this rebel group would start out small,and hopefully with the backing of a huge number of free willed, with patriotic support for the rebels and their goals. So to get at and kill or capture the sitting government they would have to attack thousands of positions at as close to the same time as possible.
They start out in small town U.S.A. They overthrow the local police,military,government and anybody else that "has to go" in order for their goals to be achieved.
Just spit-ballin' here, but I think that when the present government gets wind of the rebels and their actions they will have no choice but to fight fire with fire. Now I'm no military strategist or anything but wouldn't this small faction of "Freedom Fighters" be up against some fairly stiff opposition? They kill the local mayor and his staff. Does it not escalate from there? Would the folks in the White House just call in SWAT then if needed,the FBI,CIA,ATF,Navy Seals,National Guard,Army,Air Force,Marines..... How will these Rebels Without A Clue fair in this endeavor they have righteously taken up.
Now,far fetched synopsis perhaps...but this it what they will have or want us to believe. I know,rights,freedoms but to what end?
Is this the real reason they need all those guns? To overthrow a government their very own ancestors helped install as a better,if not the best way to best serve its people. The other choices would be some form of dictatorship or communism[not in a true form] or worse.
Aren't guns used to kill people? How in a modern state such as we have now are the use of weapons needed?
They [these rebellious folks] could go about it like say..."normal people". Form a political party of their own and rise to power by means of the established way that is the current standard which militia's helped many years ago to create.
Is tearing down what their ancestors established the logical thing to do?

Hey...what the fug do I know...I'm Canadian.

This has been the insight/opinion of a man who would, if possible, just have everybody get along,perhaps enjoy one another,maybe even have some fun.

OR,we could do it their way.The militia way, and have us some killin' on the streets of America.
Rebels VS
Those that would have NO choice but to oppose them.

C'mon Rubb . . you know this already!
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Oh I understand all of that perfectly. The question was why a nation of modern high level thinking would NEED a group of ARMED people on the streets of one of the supposed greatest nations on earth.
Why are they NEEDED in these modern highly civilized times?
Oh I understand all of that perfectly. The question was why a nation of modern high level thinking would NEED a group of ARMED people on the streets of one of the supposed greatest nations on earth.
4 students shot to death at Kent State protest, May 4, 1970
Remember this?
A group of about 1000 unarmed students protesting the Vietnam war?
Maybe these guys in the Michigan protest were thinking about this . . .

and ' Why are they NEEDED in these modern highly civilized times? '
you think we are in highly civilized times???
You gotta be kidding me.
If we were in highly civilized times there would be no poverty, no prisons, no war, no racism, no disease, no slavery, no sex crimes, etc etc etc . . .
oh and no bombs being dropped on any countries . . . the fact is that man is never going to be "civilized" in this age . . the heart of man is corrupt and from the heart spews forth all the hatred and division we see every day on the news and in front of our eyes everywhere we go. That will never change.
Civilized . . . yeah right.
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Are these militia/rebel type groups not their own worst enemy.
Here's a scenario: Any and all "groups" are welcome to speak at a rally.
First up, a man,well-dressed,perhaps a nice suit [in our society it is an' attempt to show that you might have some respect for those people you are attempting to garner some respect from] He appears to be just an' average guy,could be your neighbor, a nice middle class family man.He shares the views that he has and of his group.
Next up...a person who is wearing half plaid,half camo. He has an' automatic assault rifle held tightly to his puffed out chest. He has a holstered 9MM. He has a "Crocodile Dundee" sized knife hanging from his WW II surplus web gear. He looks like he needs a shave, a bath, and a hair-cut.
OK,we are supposed to be a non-discriminatory society.
But there is that pesky little thing called REALITY.
Who gets the win? Who gets the crowds vote? Who in the audience now professes their undying devotion for these new world thinkers and their common sense and intellectual approach to modern day issues ?
Well I guess if your scared or intimidated...you stuff their ballot box.
Shouldn't the man standing at the podium be wearing a suit or some nice casual clothes and a flag pin of his nation proudly displayed on his lapel?

Or perhaps I'm just too old to want to hear the status of a thing like the Covid epidemic from Rambo and his jungle survival attire.He drove to the protest in his wife's mini-van...why is it necessary to be kitted out for a zombie apocalypse.....

Well,I guess everyone has the right to be entertaining...
Clowns can still make a few bucks at a child's birthday party.
I haven't played the war game Sgt.Audie Murphy since I was 12. I at least attempted to grow up.
Attempt...FAIL. :laugh: