Mid July Ride/ Meet n Greet?????

+1... can't wait, I hope that everything works out and this can happen.
a lot of great riding / scenic stuff
The opportunity has presented itself to make a ride from Texas to Colorado around July 12th and the following week.  

PBGhost, Possibly Semi, and myself are looking into meeting and riding to Colorado.

Anyone else want to make this ride?  Should be a blast and a great experience.

Post up if you want to go.
what route are you thinking of taking? any destination in mind or are you wanting to go where ever? im wanting to go to colorado also and wouldnt mind linking up with you somewhere.
from pghost post. These are the areas of interest. Hope you can make it.

durango is part of the trip... the san juan skyway is beautiful, about a 6 hour scenic loop, there's also the elk loop that is in gunnison's black canyon that looked amazing (never been to that one... internet pics), then across to estes park area... once again...never been, but net pics looks awesome, down to colorado springs (pikes peak, anybody?)
Have to work it out with pbghost, but I was thinking maybe leave out that Sunday take 1-1/2 days to get to CO. ride around there for a few of days then 1-1/2 days to get back to Texas.

Prolly Sunday till Friday....Saturday at the latest. Or we can leave out on that Saturday, I am open to ideas.

Any thoughts?
I was thinking on leaving the 12th (sat)... but whatever time/day is convienent to most. since I work a compresses shift, a "week" (40 hrs) off actually gets me 12 days off. open to ideas, and we can determine which route / stops suit everyones interests/ budgets the best. once we get a determined route, we can timeline it so stragglers can link up with us. july will be here before we know it (hopefully)
my schedule changed a little because of an inventory date change at work
...i can't leave Alton until late afternoon on Wed. the 16th...i don't have to be back until the morning of the 23rd but that may not work with your schedules...keep me in the loop of what you are going to do and i may be able to meet you later if you take off earlier in the week
ok, i'm back to leaving on Tues. the 15th (i think this is the final schedule!!)

Red05, if you can't go for the entire week, we could leave your house late Tues. night or Wed. morning and be back by Sun. night if needed...just a thought

semi, we could route our trip so we're in the denver area wed evening...according to yahoo maps it's about 12.5 hours from alton to denver and looks to be the closest link up area. blue-if you want to come up on friday night or saturday morning, maybe we can get a DFW MnG going for saturday-meet some other riders-and leave fresh early sunday morning. start the loop clockwise. durango-gunnison-estes park-pikes peak / royal gorge...hopefully some more will chime in. thinking maybe hitting palo duro canyon (amarillo) on the way back on sat 19- maybe a good place to meet james, or anyone in the OKC area that only gets the weekends off.
sounds great to me, i can be in Denver by Wed. evening...looking forward to seeing you guys
sounds great.
can anyone familiar with the area recommend bike friendly /safe places to stay... or bad ones to avoid? sights... must see / do while in the area, etc
roughly 90 days to plan

If you decide to come up through the Albuquerque area, feel free to stop on by. You'll have dibs on the guest room and air mattress and couch if you do!

dates and project schedule would determine this one but I'm interested, I'll track the thread or just include me on anything and I'll letcha know if i can make it
The opportunity has presented itself to make a ride from Texas to Colorado around July 12th and the following week.  

PBGhost, Possibly Semi, and myself are looking into meeting and riding to Colorado.

Anyone else want to make this ride?  Should be a blast and a great experience.

Post up if you want to go.
what route are you thinking of taking? any destination in mind or are you wanting to go where ever? im wanting to go to colorado also and wouldnt mind linking up with you somewhere.

I got your pm. Hope you will joins us. Sounds like it will be a good time.
Any more word on this meet n greet. In 2005 I went to the greet in Coppermountain. Met a lot of board members, Ks Waterbug, Zukracer and Rythm and others (memory is not that great, age factor
) that were there.
Alot of us either stayed at Coppermountain resort or the town of Frisco, which is about 70 miles west of Denver.
If an exact date is set I might be able to make it down from the great white north

Heres a few pics

