Might have to frame these pics....

I'll be leaving Highlands Ranch about 12:00 noon, but once I leave I'll be in the zone, and won't be stopping except for fuel. But if you see an orange and black Busa with a Givi bag heading up I-25, feel free to follow :whistle:

Lol might be tricky to hang out on a highway onramp out of the way of traffic, then wait for a busa and try to merge and catch it
Great Share...and even Greater Posters...but I thinks you got more pics to show us!:thumbsup:
Follow-up to this thread....

Big mega-props to twotonevert for suggesting shortrunposters.com..... they delivered *exactly* what they said they would! :beerchug:


(That light vertical line in this shot not a photo flaw; it's a reflection of the partition opposite the poster)
