MLK B-Day & Obama Inauguration

I agree but some were already out :laugh: Come on America, you're better than this. He's saying there's some racist around. There I said it. First amendment protects you. Stop with the code words and say what you mean and mean what you say folks.

Is this directed at me? If so my feelings are nothing historically significant was accomplished.

To celebrate something almost half the country did not want, and alot that did vote for obama were cheapened votes. I think that speaks volumes about how this mentality of, a black man triumphed over a white man, perpetuates segregation and racism amongst americans on a social level.

The only reason he won this election is the gop made strides to lose any vote other than white males.

So what is the historical significance of us having to sit around while washington plays us as fools, 4 more years of one sided politics from both sides. But because the color of his skin were supposed to celebrate his inauguration because it just so happened to fall on a great mans birthday? Call me a racist, weak, defensive, whatever but that is nothing short of a perpetuation of our social issues/differences being played out.

So if obama would've lost, and the gop had a decent platform and won, what would've been the significance of the inagural date?
Is this directed at me? If so my feelings are nothing historically significant was accomplished.

To celebrate something almost half the country did not want, and alot that did vote for obama were cheapened votes. I think that speaks volumes about how this mentality of, a black man triumphed over a white man, perpetuates segregation and racism amongst americans on a social level.

The only reason he won this election is the gop made strides to lose any vote other than white males.

So what is the historical significance of us having to sit around while washington plays us as fools, 4 more years of one sided politics from both sides. But because the color of his skin were supposed to celebrate his inauguration because it just so happened to fall on a great mans birthday? Call me a racist, weak, defensive, whatever but that is nothing short of a perpetuation of our social issues/differences being played out.

So if obama would've lost, and the gop had a decent platform and won, what would've been the significance of the inagural date?
No sir, but I would like to know what was meant by the statement that I quoted.
Of course racism still exists, to deny it would be pretty foolish. However, I think we can admit the following:

1. We have obviously come a long way given that enough white people were colorblind enough to elect a black president - twice, when the demograhics would not have supported it. I'm not saying this as a negative, but a positive - i just don't prefer the this President's politics not his race/color.
2. It does exist both ways, and everybody needs to admit it.
3. At least some of us can actually discuss/debate these issues without it deteriorating into vitrol.
Relax everyone, there is very little difference between Obama and Mitt, both are out for their parties and not the American people or America itself. The end of the day white Americans and Black Americans deserve each other and are a happier people than has ever been seen in any other multi race or multi religious country in the history of the world, historical baggage and all. No matter if our people came here on rat infested ship holds in chains or not we are all better for their hardships. I personally don't like our President but he is still the man, period. I liked Romney just as much as I like Obama or Bush etc etc. You can live in belief that your fellow black Americans or fellow white Americans are different (bad/evil) but my experience tells we are more similar than it appears or would like to admit to ourselves, sadly. If I sound optimistic about our people its because this has been my experience over my life time.

MLK was a man of vision with a true good heart who had a real affection for all our people and our country, I cant say that about any politician in my lifetime.

My Lord - YouTube[/url]