Modding the new Pashnit Busa

Your selling the Tiller? Price?

Yes sir I am.
I think 3200 is a fair price. '02 with 33K on it. I got it with 15K on it and runs & starts perfect. Comes with the Ventura Rack & top case which can be easily removed. Need to put it up on CL this weekend & sell before the summer ends. Bike is located near Sacramento. Needs nothing, could leave on a 1000 mile weekend ride tomorrow if I needed to. It's plated with current reg. Plus comes with brand new tires with 0 miles. I just put them on.
I bought the last 4 bikes out of state. I bought this one in IA and shipped it to me sight-unseen. Fun bike but the Hayabusa is more suited for the type of riding I do.






I designed a new tour for the 2019 ride season that focused on riding Mosquito Ridge, a famous ride in local riding circles in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.

Yes, you gotta check out this article I wrote:


The new Busa on Mosquito Ridge


Man's gotta eat


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Clearwater Lights

Huge fan of Clearwater Lights & I've sold many kits over the years. My '00 Busa was the test bike for the original Gen-I kit.

Working with the owner of Clearwater Lights, Glenn Statsky.


Clearwater Lights are not cheap, but same kit can go on multiple bikes, just get a new bracket kit and install. Any issues with the kit, send it back to Sacramento and CWL will service it. China lights are much cheaper, but any issue and you throw them away. CWL Kits are made out of solid billet aluminum and you'll still have them ten years later.


The Colorblind guy is doing electrical wiring again.

But I've got a wire diagram and a volt meter so we're good, right?


Electric Wiring Tool Kit + Posi-Tap connectors



Using Posi-Tap connectors: These things are ridiculously expensive - $1 apiece, but you can use them over and over.

Posi-Tap connector simply screw together and done. Never had one come apart, and I can also shrink wrap them if I really need them sealed up well. Sell bike, simply remove all your goodies, disconnect your Posi-tap connectors and save them for the next bike.



Can also easily tap into a hot wire

They make wiring super simple. Remember in the olden days we used those alligator snap connectors and the squeeze connectors. I hated those things.


Electrical mods I've pulled off previous bikes. Saving all this for a rainy day.


Pulling power off the headlight plug on the left side dash

Have you seen these? Pretty amazing you just stick the wire ends in each side and use a heater to shrink the tubing. Clean, very reliable and you don't have the bulk you get with posi-taps. It is more or less permanent though. Electriduct Heat Shrink Solder Sleeve Crimpless Butt Connectors: Sports & Outdoors{creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583932699771903&psc=1
Have you seen these? Pretty amazing you just stick the wire ends in each side and use a heater to shrink the tubing. Clean, very reliable and you don't have the bulk you get with posi-taps. It is more or less permanent though. Electriduct Heat Shrink Solder Sleeve Crimpless Butt Connectors: Sports & Outdoors{creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583932699771903&psc=1
I just watched a video on those the other day, definitely cool :thumbsup:

Now that I need to power the Clearwater Lights, I need to add an accessory fuseblock.

The cool thing about adding a Fuzeblock is it gives me two wiring options: 1) a hot wire that's always on and a 2) hot wire that's powered through the ignition & turns off with the bike.

I'll power the Fuzeblock with the license light hot wire since I haven't ran a license light in years. Then provide aways-on-power direct off the battery. Lastly I'll install a Healtech Multi-meter (voltmeter) to keep an eye on power draw.

I didn't do that (install a volt meter- or isolate the power draw) with my first Hayabusa and fried the stator with all my electrical goodies.

Couple years ago, I was in leading a motorcycle tour in Death Valley and killed the battery with my electrical mods- No battery for three days. Had to have the guys help me bump start the Hayabusa for the rest of the Death Valley tour.


