I have always swapped out the seat on my Hayabusa(s). Haven't decided what to do with this bike yet. I like to buy seats used. There's someone always selling something. Lots of fancy seats out there, but $500 for a seat is too rich for my blood right now. But this bike is so new, there's not much out there yet on the used market. Through the years, I've done Corbin and Tobin/New Image, and custom-made even. Zero Gravity Latigo (super rare) was oddly my favorite on the Gen2, although a used
one just popped up on this site the other day. I ended up settling for a used Corbin for my Gen2.
My new Gen3 came with a cut seat, meaning the original owner took the stock seat apart and reshaped it and stapled it back together. Adding that curvature cutout makes it surprisingly comfortable. So likely some more miles are needed to figure out what I'm gonna do. And I'll just wait for a used one to pop up someday.
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