More climate change


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Is it responsible, or irresponsible to ignore the article linked below?

All I know is the atmospheric CO2 levels measured today and those extracted from glacier cores dating back a 1,000 years are pretty accurate. And I know what dew point means and how to calculate it from measures of relative humidity. I also know how to calculate vapor pressure and I understand the math behind how an air conditioner works. I also know how to calculate heat transfer rates based on empirical data. Besides using the math to size the AC condenser in your auto or your home, we can calculate air heat transfer rates based on atmospheric composition.

In short, I know how to read a psychrometric chart and how to plot the curves using math.

What scares you the most about this article?

1.) It being a hoax with money making objectives?

2.) Ignorance by the uneducated?

3.) inaction by those in powerful positions who should know better.
I think "doom and gloom" both sells and creates gobs of money for researchers....

A researcher who is getting millions upon millions of dollars to study climate change is not going to say this is a normal event...

The earth has gone through several changes over the years, places 5 thousand years ago which were lush rain forests are now deserts....huge lakes have dried up thousands of years ago...long before the "industrial revolution" which is supposed to have started the latest trend of climate change.

There are documented evidence of millennia of flooding and fires...
I think people who understand a little about climate tend to underestimate the impact of what's coming. On the other hand, this probably won't be a made for the movies apocalypse. Our environment is a precisely balanced system. So, change something and the system has to balance that change. With the things that are both happening normally and that we are doing to the atmosphere, we are nearing the point where the system is going to have to make some serious adjustments.

So, we will be able to produce less food, there will be a dramatic reduction in air quality, it'll be a bit hotter, massive storms and there will be biblical flooding. Essentially, the system will not be able to support the material-focused population explosion we have seen in the post-industrial age.

This gets us to the OP's quiz, and the answer is #3. The weak politicians will not be able to lead us through what is coming and the result will be the devolution of society as a whole.
I think "doom and gloom" both sells and creates gobs of money for researchers....

A researcher who is getting millions upon millions of dollars to study climate change is not going to say this is a normal event...

The earth has gone through several changes over the years, places 5 thousand years ago which were lush rain forests are now deserts....huge lakes have dried up thousands of years ago...long before the "industrial revolution" which is supposed to have started the latest trend of climate change.

There are documented evidence of millennia of flooding and fires...
While most of what you are saying is correct, I have spent time picking up sharks teeth hundreds of miles inland, above sea level. That confirms what you are saying. Those teeth go back to about 3 million years when average temperatures were a few centigrades higher than they are today and the oceans covered a whole lot more of land than they do today. Those teeth were gathered far inland from major cities and economic communities. It does not take a lot of imagination to think of the consequences to humanity, should we continue to head back towards those conditions. Nations, continents and cities will disappear.

The effects of atmospheric CO2 today can be calculated very accurately with regards to radiation, convection and conduction. Those equations were developed long before you and I were born. The only technology we have added today is confirming their precise validity provided by satellites.

In short, for some of us 2+2. = 4 and 3 X 4 = 12.

For others 2+ 2 = whatever and 3 X 4 = the gut feel or mood we posses at the moment.
CO2 in the atmosphere takes hundreds of years to reduce , the bigger impact is Methane and NOX emmissions which is 100x worse than CO2 as a greenouse gas.

stop eating meat in the amounts the world is consuming (USA are the worlds biggest consumers), and Methanw will reduce in just decades.
this wont happen because folks dont want to be inconvenienced, it will be an inconvenience when the Eastern seeboard is underwater

unfortunately the Siberian permafrost is melting and this is releasing CO2 and Methane in Gigaton proportions - so sad to say the world for your children and their children is F*CKED.

Note: whilst the earth dies , Bezos and Branson and Musk support Space tourism :(

People who deny climate change but also believe in Covid vaccines are very interesting people both have been scientifically "proven" and back by the science community but on one had they believe scientists and on the other they don't?

What really gets me with climate change is all these top elitist who push for the peasants to change their ways as they fly in private jets own massive yachts and houses and emit more c02 than probably an entire city block of suburban families. I'm sorry but if you want to get your point across you better lead by example aka John Kerry...

I was hoping with covid though cruise ships would be a thing of the past... what a waste of resources.
People who deny climate change but also believe in Covid vaccines are very interesting people both have been scientifically "proven" and back by the science community but on one had they believe scientists and on the other they don't?

What really gets me with climate change is all these top elitist who push for the peasants to change their ways as they fly in private jets own massive yachts and houses and emit more c02 than probably an entire city block of suburban families. I'm sorry but if you want to get your point across you better lead by example aka John Kerry...

I was hoping with covid though cruise ships would be a thing of the past... what a waste of resources.
I believe the earth is in a state of climate change, maybe humans accelerated it but it was going to happen eventually..there has been climate changes happening most likely for the entire history of the planet. The hypocrites of the world will prosper from this...Even young Greta who was championing the cause had to get to North America somehow and unless she swan, something burning fuel brought her....

Covid 19 is not a natural occurrence and a vaccination is the only way out of many diseases and viruses have in the past...
I believe the earth is in a state of climate change, maybe humans accelerated it but it was going to happen eventually..there has been climate changes happening most likely for the entire history of the planet. The hypocrites of the world will prosper from this...Even young Greta who was championing the cause had to get to North America somehow and unless she swan, something burning fuel brought her....

Covid 19 is not a natural occurrence and a vaccination is the only way out of many diseases and viruses have in the past...
We have evolved to wherever we are today, the human race that is. The past 100 years we have evolved exponentially compared to anything in the past. We have made huge changes to nature, from concrete jungles, to wiped out forests, to pollution of the oceans the lands and even the space outside of the planet. We have done all of that to our own benefit. The problem is that we have pushed Mother Nature to the point where she in return will wipe out the things we have been so proud to evolve. We are in control now, and can remain in control, however I believe greed and selfishness will pay us back with Karma like we have never seen before.
...Even young Greta who was championing the cause had to get to North America somehow and unless she swan, something burning fuel brought her....
err ... she went by racing yacht wind powered

Climate activist Greta Thunberg made a double crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in 2019 to attend climate conferences in New York City and, until it was moved, Santiago, Chile. She sailed from Plymouth, UK, to New York, United States aboard the racing yacht Malizia II, returning from Hampton, Virginia, to Lisbon on the catamaran La Vagabonde. Thunberg refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions of the airline industry[1] and the trip was announced as carbon neutral. As a racing sailboat, the Malizia II has no toilet, fixed shower, cooking facilities or proper beds.[2]

Thunberg planned to stay in the Americas for some months, attending both the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in September in New York and the COP 25 climate change conference which was scheduled to be held in Chile in December. However, at the end of October, while she was in the United States, it was decided to move the second event to Spain because of the 2019 Chilean protests.[3] She arranged to make the return voyage on board the catamaran La Vagabonde, departing on 13 November and arriving at the Port of Lisbon on 3 December 2019.
We have evolved to wherever we are today, the human race that is. The past 100 years we have evolved exponentially compared to anything in the past. We have made huge changes to nature, from concrete jungles, to wiped out forests, to pollution of the oceans the lands and even the space outside of the planet. We have done all of that to our own benefit. The problem is that we have pushed Mother Nature to the point where she in return will wipe out the things we have been so proud to evolve. We are in control now, and can remain in control, however I believe greed and selfishness will pay us back with Karma like we have never seen before.
I agree, like it has in the past to the Mayans, Incas, ancient Egyptians and I'm sure there are more....all huge advanced civilizations which all disappeared...
err ... she went by racing yacht wind powered

Climate activist Greta Thunberg made a double crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in 2019 to attend climate conferences in New York City and, until it was moved, Santiago, Chile. She sailed from Plymouth, UK, to New York, United States aboard the racing yacht Malizia II, returning from Hampton, Virginia, to Lisbon on the catamaran La Vagabonde. Thunberg refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions of the airline industry[1] and the trip was announced as carbon neutral. As a racing sailboat, the Malizia II has no toilet, fixed shower, cooking facilities or proper beds.[2]

Thunberg planned to stay in the Americas for some months, attending both the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in September in New York and the COP 25 climate change conference which was scheduled to be held in Chile in December. However, at the end of October, while she was in the United States, it was decided to move the second event to Spain because of the 2019 Chilean protests.[3] She arranged to make the return voyage on board the catamaran La Vagabonde, departing on 13 November and arriving at the Port of Lisbon on 3 December 2019.
I stand corrected....
I agree, like it has in the past to the Mayans, Incas, ancient Egyptians and I'm sure there are more....all huge advanced civilizations which all disappeared...
LOL, they were by no means advanced compared to anything we have seen the past 100 years. Like 1/2 of your ancestry, they lived of the land, respected it and fought tribal wars to intruders to keep population in check.
LOL, they were by no means advanced compared to anything we have seen the past 100 years. Like 1/2 of your ancestry, they lived of the land, respected it and fought tribal wars to intruders to keep population in check.
For their time they were advanced and then disappeared.

In a few 100 yrs someone will be saying the same thing about us