It's NOT Wealthy People's Fault we are in the Situation that we are in Now !!!!!!
It Lies in the hands of the Individuals who Bought Houses that they KNEW they Could NOT AFFORD !!!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't entirely true. Our current financial crisis actually started back in the 90s. Remember the .com craze? Investors threw traditional valuation indicators out the window in place of counting page hits. The assumption was the sites with the most hits now would be the companies that were worth the most money in the future. So stock prices were artificially inflated and as companies lost millions of dollars, the stock prices continued to climb based on the artificial value of a hit. After a few years of this, the .com collapse hit the market because there was nothing real supporting the price of the shares.
The folks who saw it happening (or got lucky) and sold right before the collapse walked away with huge profits and needed some place to go with them. Concerned about the risk of new technologies, they turned to a more traditional and "stable" industry to invest, real estate. The .com profits flooded into the mortgage lending industry. The new found abundance of available cash for lending allowed the industry to make high risk loans. Add some Clinton administration legislation requiring lenders to make some % of high risk loans, and the stage was set.
Did individuals buy more house than they could afford? The answer is yes. Was the final decision to purchase the house and sign for the loan the individuals? Once again, the answer is yes.
Did the individual understand what they were getting into? In most cases, the answer is no.
So why didn't they know they were headed down the road to disaster? In a word, inexperience. Most are first time home buyers, who put their trust in lending agents. Right before the collapse, I had a lending agent try to talk me into an interest only ARM, explaining how much it would save me $20,000over the first 5 years until it adjusted vs a fixed rate mortgage. And since there were no prepayment penalties I could refinance it at any time. Since real estate always increases in value, refinancing at the end of 5 years using the equity in the house is guaranteed.
Sounds like a great deal. Get into a house and save money. Why not jump on that? Most people did. Fast forward to today. Real estate didn't keep going up. Why?
New buyers flooded the market for short term as individuals who didn't qualify in the past suddenly qualify causing a temporary shortage of available housing, artificially inflating the price. As more housing was built and there were less and less new buyers not in a home already, the supply caught up with the demand and prices started returning to normal values. The result is that the guaranteed equity in the home needed for the refinance wasn't there.
Without the equity they told would be there, they were unable to refinance and the ARM adjusted the interest up and the principle payments kicked in. The jump in payments was more than most folks could afford, so the forclosures began. Y'all know the rest of the story.
With all that said, I don't believe its the Government's place to play Robin Hood to "fix" the problem.