I am 41 yrs experienced and I have had my cycle endorsement since 1988 and my class D Chauffeur's license since 1992. Apparently in New Orleans, LA if you can flip someone the finger and drive like you have been on a methaamphetamine trip while watching Mad Max for four days straight you should be able to operate a motor vehicle (Since the storm it has only gotten worse). But as far as obtaining the cycle endorsement it was a written test and some figure 8's in the parking lot. Back then it was my GS750ES so that was easy. I definitely recommend getting the big M. Anytime you get pulled over it is in your favor to have all of your paperwork, including endorsement in order. Ask any LEO on the board and they will problably tell you that even if you are doing something to be pulled over for it goes a long way if you have everything registered, insured, and licensed properly. Get that endorsement and enjoy a little more peice of mind...