Name 4 things you would change about the site


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Can you guys tell me 4 features or functions your wish Hayabusa.oRg had or that you could change?
I like it the way it is....there are lots of features already.

Just like @Mathewrussell52 said, there was an issue with the avatar picture upload..there are lots of letters to the right there instead of pictures.
I'm happy with how it is, apart from the avatar issue, I've got a wy better pic for my avatar but just can't change it . . frustrating, but I can live with it I guess.
The politics section should be deleted, but that's attacking freedom of speech, really creates division among certain members and that's a shame.
I try to avoid the politics but do still get caught up in it occasionally.
You guys go try to edit your avatars, I've been modifying code and I think its working ..

I agree with kiwi and am happy with how it is and also agree with him on the politics section, it has caused us to lose a few long time good members such as @Mr Brown but also see what he said about the freedom of speech thing so :confused:. I would like to be able to use the emojis off the keyboard on my phone as it's sometimes hard to show my tone with the few that I have as an option from the pull down menu.
For nearly two decades this site has given us all more than you can probably imagine .

Keeping it going just as you see fit ,would be my thinking .

You've done great so far , so keep doing the same .
I wouldn't change much. If Suzuki isn't going to support the platform, I'm not sure how many times you can post the same mods. Capt won't let us give him money, so I spent about $8K on my build thread to generate posts. That seemed to work, and I got a cool Busa out of it too!

Politics generate a lot of traffic, which is the point. People complain about the media when the media is giving them what they vote for by watching it, lol. Besides, it's good to know people, especially if you plan to ride with them and call them friends.
A member list offering name; location; join-date for:
  • Toaster v2 purposes
  • to Facilitate Regional Meetups
This is data that is already accessible but not collective. It would be nice to know, for instance, how many members are within a day's ride radius of my location.
Make it so when you click on a thread it immediately goes to the most recent post. I can't tell you how many times I have spent a lot of time responding to the OP only to find that the question was 14 years old and the conversation had drifted topic on page 4.

After this happens a few times, I learned to check how old the thread was and what the most recent post is but it would be nice if it did that by its self.
Make it so when you click on a thread it immediately goes to the most recent post. I can't tell you how many times I have spent a lot of time responding to the OP only to find that the question was 14 years old and the conversation had drifted topic on page 4.

After this happens a few times, I learned to check how old the thread was and what the most recent post is but it would be nice if it did that by its self.
Of course you always have a few of us around to remind you how old a thread is...:lol:
Speaking of avatars...why the big blue 'W"

If you look at the avatar you will know the username starts with that letter. The default setting on the forum is a letter by default until its changed. This leads us to the request above to get the ability to change avatars fixed which we did last night...

I would expect to see less letters and more avatars over the coming days...