Need yer help opinions needed THANKS


Donating Member
I have a chance to pick up a Busa,I want to get it for my nephew.

Its a 2000
rebuilt status.
was stolen.
has rash(fairing,mirror) frame slider apparantly took the brunt.
18,000 miles.
I've tossed a couple emails back and forth with seller,who informed me tonight that it has just developed the dreaded second gear issue,so it either got pounded by the dic's who stole it or maybe has done some time at the drag strip or perhaps just a bad Suzuki trans. go figure.???

Problem is I have like 48 hours,maybe less to make a decision (I will be in the guys 'hood this weekend,100 clicks or so from my house,ferry ride included).

What should I offer? I'm not afraid of the repairs,I can do it all,'cept for cutting the gears.

Love my nephew and all,I've been his Dad/brother/best friend since his dad (my brother and favourite family member died) some 20 years ago.

Would love to go out and just buy him a NEW Busa,but I ain't made of freakin money.

This might be a great oportunity to get him on the mine and the org's favourite bike for very little cash-ola.

Thing is,this decision is kinda big and I'm running on emotion.

Make an' offer...or run screaming for for hills,wallet intact?

Thoughts,advice anyone?

body work isnt a must have to be ridable. but the whole second gear issue would have me nervous. whats the bill look like to have a new tranny put in one these days. and if i remember right, didnt the 99 and 00 have fuel system problem also
Walk, No, Run away! There are better offers out there that have less issues!
body work isnt a must have to be ridable. but the whole second gear issue would have me nervous. whats the bill look like to have a new tranny put in one these days. and if i remember right, didnt the 99 and 00 have fuel system problem also

You are correct my friend. Thing is,I had a 2000,and we wrote some of those fixes for the org back when I joined like ten years ago. :thumbsup: I figured out my fuel rail prob,etc,etc,etc.

I'm the oposite when it comes to vehicles,I can body and paint,pretty good at it,but I hate it.:banghead: I'd rather fix a tranny. The only thing I'll need is for someone to cut the gears for me. The rest doesn't scare me....I'm that stoopid.


2nd gear toast after 18,000 miles. There's your first clue.

Run far away from this 13 year old abused motorcycle.

Lots of Busa's to choose from well-cared for. Many of us pushing 75K plus with zero 2nd gear issues.
Yer knowledge and experiance is awesome. We joined up here about the same time,10 years ago. While you whent on to become a trusted and valued member,I became the site Bastid. :laugh:

call me stoopid,but I emailed him and offered 2 grand delivered close to me.

Remember folks,I live in Canada,there isn't a Busa for sale on every block like in the States.(example) Dealership close to me has a used rashed up Gen1 for $5900

I whent and looked over this baby....2003,rashed right fairings,rash on mirror,rash on can,tank scratched up...and the motor doesnt sound great.

Have a look and get a sense of what a Busa goes for around here.

Current Inventory/Pre-Owned Inventory from Savage Cycles

Thanks Pashnit.

A new one is 15,999.oo plus dealer prep,paper work,taxes,PDI,freight,and manatory first service(depends on dealership,but can be 500 bucks)."Paper work" can be hundreds. All extra charges.

The only thing you get for free is the EXTRA-LARGE SIZED jar of VASOLINE. :moon:

I have however seen them ON SALE: 13 or 14,999.oo

I got 40k on mine (2.5yrs) and no problems in any gear. The 30k tune and check reveled no abnormalities whatsoever!
This is a solid bike and even if you want a "Project" bike, this one may not be the one for you. It may have more issues than you want to deal with.
Just sayin'
Thought about cross-border shopping. You then get raped at the border for items not made or assembled in the USA.(bring all the harley's over you want). 2-3 day waiting period. Mandatory inspection. Travel expences. Finding the right one might take days. Passport has expired (75.00) Nephew doesn't have one. blah blah blah. :rulez8bn::pullhair:

I got 40k on mine (2.5yrs) and no problems in any gear. The 30k tune and check reveled no abnormalities whatsoever!
This is a solid bike and even if you want a "Project" bike, this one may not be the one for you. It may have more issues than you want to deal with.
Just sayin'

Hear ya Bubba-Bro. Did you read all my drivle thou. ???

First thing I'd check into is the cost of insuring a bike with a rebuild/salvage title. I'm on another forum with older bikes and keep hearing horror stories of how difficult it is to insure a bike over 30 years old in Canada. Actually the whole insurance industry up there sounds like a scam...guys with 500cc cruisers paying $700+ a year and then being dropped when the bike turns 31 years old. If they're that picky over age, a salvage title bike may be next to impossible to insure or ungodly expensive. Even here in the states, many insurance companies won't touch them.
First thing I'd check into is the cost of insuring a bike with a rebuild/salvage title. I'm on another forum with older bikes and keep hearing horror stories of how difficult it is to insure a bike over 30 years old in Canada. Actually the whole insurance industry up there sounds like a scam...guys with 500cc cruisers paying $700+ a year and then being dropped when the bike turns 31 years old. If they're that picky over age, a salvage title bike may be next to impossible to insure or ungodly expensive. Even here in the states, many insurance companies won't touch them.

No problemo here.

There are easy ways and hard ways. Actually older bikes can qualify for collector status at like 100.oo bucks a year for insurance. (umlimited use,to-from work,etc)

A salvage title can be a bit tricky,but if the owner has had it insured previously,no problem.

Our basic insurance goes thru a Gov't plan. IF you want xtra's like collision,fire,theft you can go Gubment or private.(private is cheaper and better,easy to get).

The Gubment policy has perks too. I've been on the road so long with no accidents that were my fault,so I get an instant 43% dicount right outa the gate.

You mentioned a 500 cc. Here they group bikes into catergories based on engine size,which is nuts. 0-400cc,400-750,750-1200,1200 and over. It's nuts because a kid on an RZ 350 2-stroke is gonna cause way more havac than some old dude on his old Hardley with 1500+ cc's.


I have a friend (25+years) who own's a M/C salvage yard.I get help with all the in's/out's. I've bought bikes that have no registration,no papers at all,and the previous owner was untraceable.(could even be dead). Yer not going to get that monkey registered/insured overnight,but I've done it.

You mentioned the older bikes. Well they make the best choppers.If it didn't come with turn signals,you dont have to have them,hi-lo beam,reflectors etc etc etc. Same with other vehicles (my '53 Ford pick-up) it didn't come with seatbelt's,I did not have to install belts to get insurance...funky eh? You could run a single tail lite/brake lite/licence plate combo and pay like 10% of what a guy with a new 2013 truck would dole out.

Where you have huge prob's here is if you have mega points,accidents,previous DL suspensions or impaired charges.
I have a 2000 that has 55K on the clock. The f*cktard I got it from beat the snot out of it. I thought I had the dreaded 2nd gear issue as well and was ready to split the case until I removed the clutch only to find the steels were all blue. Not just a few, but all the steels were blue. Someone didn't know how to ride. I changed the clutch and did a few other maintenance items and it's good to go. Now it does have a later year motor in it. According to Suzuki it's from a 2005. Previous owner said it had around 6K on it. Not sure of that. Point is, if your willing to put the time into it I say low ball the guy and see what sticks. Never know what you might wind up with.
Best of luck, guys are getting bikes like that for $3K - $3.5K. GIXERHP can fix up that tranny or help you get it fixed.
I was going to say offer $1500 but the price you pay for a new one means the salvaged one is worth a tad more so I say 2k is a good offer. It will make a good project bike. Post pics if you get it.